The reason why bosses don't earn wages is because they have long seen through that wages are a means of enslaving people. From the moment you accept the concept of "wage", your soul has been branded, and you will slowly lose the ability to think.

The purpose of the boss paying you wages is not to make you rich, but to make you full and not starve to death.

Most people will stop thinking as long as they are full, and they have been "instrumentalized".

Your tool attribute is getting stronger and stronger, and your human attribute will become weaker and weaker, so you will be easier to manipulate.

The boss always maintains a sense of hunger and crisis, always staring at a bigger cake, making money by himself, and there is no way out. You must fight, otherwise you will starve to death.

Now it is an information and financial society, and agricultural civilization needs to be abandoned as soon as possible. Whoever adheres to the concept of settling down and reading in agricultural civilization will inevitably be poor.

Ocean civilization, imagine yourself as a pirate. The world is your home, robbing houses, going when it is profitable, and running away when it is not profitable, so as to accumulate wealth.

If there is an opportunity in Shanghai, go to Shanghai. If you can save a lot of money in Shenzhen, go to Shenzhen. If there are business opportunities in your hometown, go back to your hometown. Everything is opportunity-oriented and profit-oriented.

After you have a lot of money, if you miss farming, consider buying a few luxurious houses for investment. Just like a pirate who lives in the world, his home is the ship. He will not be stupid enough to grow crops with a ship on his back.

Those who have no name, earn very little, and empty their six wallets as soon as they come up, and have to settle in Shanghai and Beijing, are just changing the spatial migration mode, and the essence is not changed at all. The essence is still to "farm" in the city.

It's nothing more than replacing rural houses with urban houses, farmland with fixed jobs, and agricultural workers with industrial workers and 996 code farmers.

Then copy the farming model, have a few more children, and then the children go to school, get married, and then have children~~

This set of farming models is still difficult to maintain in the current rural areas. Can it be maintained in the city where everything is several times more expensive?

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