Most people look at the market and see how much the increase list has bought, how much capital has flowed in and out, how much the cake has increased, how much the individual coin has increased, which one has increased better, and other superficial phenomena. It is basically impossible to make money in the market for a long time by speculating in coins based on these superficial phenomena.

It is precisely because most people speculate in coins based on these superficial phenomena that they are driven by emotions, chasing and chasing every day and every week, speculating and making profits and losses, and finally losing. It is necessary to establish a correct understanding, establish a system, and summarize.

There are three results in the market, 1 making money, 2 losing money, and 3 neither making money nor losing money. Most people participate in this game in the two states of 1 making money and 2 losing money, and rarely in the state of 3 neither making money nor losing money.

The probability of losing money is different when 123 participates in this game together and 12 participates in this game together. This is a mathematical theoretical probability, and all practical operations are developed on these probabilities. When investors participate in this game with 123 instead of 12, they will find that they rarely lose money. Most people who have been speculating in cryptocurrencies for many years still lose money, while those who don't speculate in cryptocurrencies don't lose money. Most people not only fail to outperform those who don't speculate in cryptocurrencies, but also underperform those who don't speculate in cryptocurrencies.

So you should draw a conclusion from this, that is, if you want to be a person who doesn't speculate in cryptocurrencies for a period of time, then you will naturally not lose money. When the market has a high probability of making money, withdraw money quickly, run away after withdrawing, and don't fight, then you will become a person who doesn't speculate in cryptocurrencies for a period of time again. In this way, you will outperform most people who have been fighting for a long time (most people lose money), and also outperform those who never speculate in cryptocurrencies and neither lose money nor make money. This premise is before the crazy bull market comes. If the big cake breaks the previous high again, all the cottages will usher in a crazy rise. At this time, I will teach you how to lock in profits and control retracements!

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