's new zkEvm testnet project introduction and operation process

1. Project Introduction launches the revolutionary zkEvm testnet, combining crypto payments with Ethereum-secured zero-knowledge Layer 2 technology to bring unprecedented changes to your life! Cronos zkEVM not only improves the scalability of transactions, but also paves the way for mainstream market acceptance.

  • Market value: The current market value of CRO tokens has reached 2.5 billion US dollars, and its historical highest market value has reached 24.36 billion US dollars.

  • Technological leadership: Cronos zkEVM, as a zero-knowledge Layer 2 blockchain network protected by Ethereum, ensures the security and efficiency of transactions.

2. Operation process

  1. Adding a test network

    • Visit

    • Connect your wallet and add and approve the Cronos test network.

  2. Get Sepolia test coins

    • Visit

    • Enter your wallet address and complete the verification code to get the test tokens.

  3. Get zkTCRO test coins

    • Visit

    • Connect your wallet, enter the required amount of zkTCRO (if it is less than Sepolia ETH, please enter a smaller number), and click "Record".

  4. Bridge to Cronos

    • Visit

    • Connect your wallet, enter the bridge amount, and confirm the transaction.

  5. Get zkTCRO test coins again

    • Visit

    • Enter your wallet address to get zkTCRO test coins again.

  6. Register and start trading

    • Visit

    • Register an account and start your zkTCRO trading journey.

  7. Creating Tokens

    • Visit

    • Customize token symbols, minting quantities, and easily create new tokens.

Conclusion's zkEvm testnet not only provides a brand new trading experience for crypto enthusiasts, but also brings revolutionary changes to the entire crypto industry. Now, let us join this wave of change and explore the infinite possibilities of zkEvm together!

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