1. A collection of essential tools for the TON chain

DEX trading platform: easy trading, visit dedust.io or ston.fi.

TON market monitoring: real-time line, use geckoterminal.com/ton/pools.

Permission query: TON pool permissions are clear at a glance, join the TonChainScanne Telegram group.

Blockchain browser: explore the TON ecosystem, visit tonscan.org.

Market value ranking: investment reference, ton.app/jettons to view the latest ranking.

Chart analysis: trends are under control, dexscreener.com/ton to help you make decisions.

New coin tracking: don't miss any opportunities, follow the liquid_dust Telegram channel.

2.Bitlayer x OKX welfare feast

10U easy to earn: Macaron for USDT, Vannilla recharge and withdrawal, Anome cast NFT

3.Kroma Pro Gamer Season 2 is hotly launched

Three major tasks: cross-chain mining, community interaction waiting for you to fight, participate in the entrance kcu.kroma.network.

4. Binance strongly recommends ZestProtocol airdrop feast

Points event: 1U = 1 point, easy to earn, app.zestprotocol.com/ref/.

Galaxy event: more surprises, all at app.galxe.com/quest/.

Act now and seize the latest opportunities in blockchain!

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