Five core dimensions for evaluating potential coins

Track selection:

Determining the area of ​​blockchain or cryptocurrency you want to invest in is a critical first step. Look for tracks with potential and vitality, while considering a multi-track deployment strategy or selecting those single tracks with significant development prospects.

Project potential:

Among the selected tracks, select projects with long-term operational capabilities. The project needs to show its competitiveness in this track. Ideally, it should have an ecological closed loop and profitability. Innovation is also an important consideration.

Ecological construction:

Pay attention to the project’s token ecological application. A good ecological closed loop and a complete internal circulation system are ideal choices. Secondly, if the project has functions such as payment, GAS fees or staking, it will also be a plus. If it only has governance functions, it needs to be carefully considered.

Liquidity assessment:

Liquidity is an important indicator for evaluating the value of a token. Priority is given to projects with a liquidity of more than 80%, and projects with a liquidity of 50% to 80% are also worth considering. For projects with a liquidity of less than 50%, an in-depth analysis of token economics and future release plans is required to determine whether they are suitable for long-term holding.

Market value considerations:

When choosing potential coins, low market capitalization projects usually mean greater room for growth. Therefore, projects with lower market value but potential for development are given priority. For high market value projects, unless the potential for later development is extremely considerable, you should choose carefully.

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