Yesterday, the market seemed to have encountered a "bad news storm", and all kinds of unfavorable news came one after another, triggering an unprecedented panic. Many investors were deterred by this, and some even chose to sell their assets and leave the market out of fear.

This collective tense atmosphere makes people wonder whether it indicates that a grand reversal is brewing behind the market? Perhaps, it is precisely to lure those "leeks" who are eager to chase the rise that a "big positive line" marked by a sharp rise is ready to go.

This intuition coincides with the similarity of certain key moments in the past. For example, recalling the time in early April, many people were also pessimistic about an important event (such as the passage of ETFs), but our community was keenly aware of the potential opportunities and decisively adopted a full-position strategy. As a result, just when everyone was asleep, the market announced our correct judgment with a dazzling "big positive line".

In the face of the current complex situation, we should remain calm and sharp. Perhaps, it is at such moments that the real turning point and opportunity are born.

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