A couple born in the 1990s in Sichuan was defrauded of 200,000 yuan by speculating in cryptocurrencies. They followed suit and defrauded 17 million yuan, and their home was filled with cash.

After showing off his savings for many years, Hu, a young man from Meishan, Sichuan, finally "caught" the girl Yang Qian, whom he had secretly loved for a long time, from someone else. However, now that he has love, how can he continue to maintain a "luxurious" life?

Hu, who came from a farming family, started investing in virtual currency online with his girlfriend, hoping to get rich quickly, but was defrauded of 200,000 yuan. After that, the two of them came up with the idea of ​​"following the same method" to defraud others, and formed a team to carry out virtual currency fraud. In less than a year, this gang of more than 20 people defrauded nearly 100 people of more than 17 million yuan.

The two also "became rich overnight" and made more than 7 million yuan in illegal profits. Hu bought his girlfriend a Porsche Panamera worth more than one million yuan, and also showed off in front of his girlfriend's family and gave out a red envelope of 10,000 yuan. Later, fearing that the truth would be revealed, Hu destroyed the relevant evidence and closed the platform, and he and his girlfriend changed their names, but they eventually failed to escape the law and were both arrested by the police.

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