We are just a little bit away from getting rich.

For example, if you don't pay attention, you will miss the ORDI contract.

SATS will wait and wait until the opportunity is gone.

What can we do about this? There seems to be no other way except to comfort ourselves.

The market is still there, the opportunity is still there. If you don't seize it, you can only blame yourself for not knowing enough.

In trading, you must act when you see it clearly. If you don't know and do it in unity, it won't work.

It doesn't matter how much others make. As long as you focus on what you do, you can make money in any direction.

In investment, technology is a small part, and mentality is the key.

I envy that kind of people. For example, I have a friend who bought the big cake spot at an average price of 17,000 or 18,000, invested 50 million, and sold it at 40,000. No matter how it rises and falls in the middle, he is not moved and doesn't even look at those copycat inscriptions.

Even if it drops from 30,000 to 20,000, people are not tempted.

Just like that, I made 50 million in a year, with assets of hundreds of millions, and I can withdraw at any time.

I also planned to do this, but the execution was not in place.

I am not interested in those fancy things, and I don’t envy them, so I have fewer mentality problems.

In the bull market of 20 and 21, opportunities are numerous. I only do big things, and my assets have increased tenfold, right?

I didn’t make a lot of money this time, not because I can’t make money, but because of my own problems.

Don’t envy others, you have to seize your own opportunities.

The market is unfair. The more you make, the easier it is to make money, and the more you lose, the easier it is to lose money.

If you have a good mentality and don’t care about money, it’s easy to make money. If you have a bad mentality and always want to get your money back, you will lose more. If you figure it out, maybe you can look at it more calmly.

As I said, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and follow me. For more information on the homepage, enter the setting area. I need fans and you need references. It’s better to follow me than to guess.