Dear friends! Do you still remember the thrilling election in November 2016?

Trump defeated Hillary and ascended the throne of the United States. At the same time, BTC also soared like a wild horse, creating a big bull market for the whole year of 2017!

That was a price peak that people dared not even think about!

Today, the currency circle has been affected by Trump again, showing a small trend.

However, this is like a ripple after the wind blows on the water, which has little impact on the subsequent trend.

The real key is the explosion of the market's own energy, that is when the real big market comes!

Look at the currencies that have the greatest impact on the market, such as TREMP, MAGA, etc., which are all currencies that people avoid.

Their impact on the entire market is negligible, and it can even be said that they are short-lived currencies that have today but no tomorrow, and are not worth looking at at all.

Although there may be repeated speculation around these currencies in the next few months, without the intervention of big dealers, they are all short-lived "premature ejaculation coins".

However, people is different. Although it has experienced a huge wave of wash-outs with the market in the short term, the price is still above the upper baffle range.

The past trend is just the result of the previous cause, and the trend direction at a larger level has not changed.

For today, it is just the release of energy. As the saying goes, things will turn around when they reach their extremes!

Let's take a look at SOL, a currency with super strong potential. The basic trend direction remains unchanged.

The cause of the previous main rise led to the result of the subsequent shock. Only by removing the previous potential energy can we move out of the subsequent market.

There has been no decline of 110 in its entire trend, which is the basic condition for judging whether the market will change in the future. As long as this condition is not met, we just need to keep bullish!

near This form of it is simply a standard bottoming form!

The previous decline and the subsequent rapid rise can easily break through the existing high point.

By then, the market will be terrible and will enter a violent market rhythm!

So, my friends, keep an eye on these currencies and seize the opportunity. If you always chase the rise and fall, are frequently trapped, lack the latest news, and can't find the direction, then why not follow me, Zhuye, learn the knowledge of the currency circle and improve your basic skills.Only by laying a solid foundation can we go further. $BTC $ETH $SOL