What will happen if the United States does not cut interest rates in 2024 and continues to raise interest rates to 6% or even 10%?

The United States has made a gamble from the perspective of strength.

This gamble has been going on until now.

It has made it impossible for the United States to give up its hegemony and retreat to North America. It can only continue to survive. If it cannot swallow the East, the end will be explosion.

April 26th-the first bank in the United States went bankrupt.

May 7th-the Saudi crown prince's convoy was attacked and failed.

May 15th-the assassination of Slovak Prime Minister Fico failed.

May 15th-its president encountered a coup and assassination failed.

May 16th-the Hungarian Prime Minister was threatened with assassination.

May 16th-the Serbian President was threatened with assassination.

May 19th-the Iranian President's plane crashed successfully.

May 19th-the Ghanaian President's convoy failed in a car accident.

May 20th-the Congo coup and assassination attempt failed, and three Americans were arrested.

May 26th - 3A-rated financial assets in the United States suddenly lost 26%. (3A is the highest rating in the United States, equivalent to the safest investment institution)

Then - more than 40 states in the United States passed legislation, clearly stating that they would not commit to federal government debt.

The countries that suffered assassinations and coups were all participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.

It is clear who is behind it.

You can not believe in Dongda, but please believe the facts.