The chairman of the US SEC expects that the spot Ethereum ETF will be listed as early as September. But before that, the listing time of the Ethereum ETF has always been a mystery.

1: There was news that the Ethereum ETF would be approved in the summer, but the time was delayed again and again, which made people feel like a smokescreen. However, the good news is that the approval of the Ethereum ETF is a sure thing.

2: Although it may take some time from approval to listing, as the old saying goes, "good food is not afraid of late." Thinking back to the Bitcoin ETF, it was listed a week after it was approved. The listing of the Ethereum ETF is also worth our expectation, waiting for good news from the market.

3: Ethereum has not landed yet. Now the market has begun to hype sol again, causing sol and related ecological currencies to explode. Whether it can be passed or not, the heat is there!

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#MegadropLista #以太坊ETF批准预期