A major positive news is coming. Today, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the SEC denied that

binance's sale of BNB in ​​the secondary market was a security, and the case can also be applied to Ripple.

In layman's terms, the sale of BNB in ​​the secondary market is no longer defined as a security, and Judge Torres's view in the Ripple case that the sale of XRP on the exchange was not a security was also recognized again.

PS: Ripple still did not win the lawsuit against the SEC, but only dismissed part of the lawsuit. Secondly, the SEC's lawsuit against BUSD as a security and the claim for compensation were also dismissed, and the claim for simple money was also dismissed. The good news of this ruling is that the sale of tokens in the secondary market, including exchanges, is likely to no longer be regarded as a security, but may be regarded as an investment contract.

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