Does the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency market really scare people to death?

During the bull market in 2017, a popular platform launched a new coin. It was issued at 50 cents, and soon it rose to 10,000. I clicked in to buy and saw that the price was 5,000 per second and 10,000 per second. I understood it instantly and retreated.

Finally, within a few hours, the price returned to 50 cents.

From 10,000 to 50 cents, it only took a few hours.

Later, it was on the news that someone borrowed more than 1 million to buy this coin at a high point.

You can calculate how much is left.

In the end, he jumped off the building.

What's more outrageous is that because the price was cut too hard, a bunch of people went downstairs to hold banners.

In the end, the platform couldn't bear the pressure and refunded the money. . .

That brother died in vain. . .

I still have some impression that the name of this coin starts with W. The project party injected ten times the issuance into the market, which led to this result. Except for the price being a little wrong, everything else was correct. That guy took out a loan and jumped off the building. A certain fire department did pay for it.