How scary are the contracts in the cryptocurrency circle?

Some friends enter the cryptocurrency circle to pursue getting rich quickly, and they are crazy about contracts under the instigation of some people with ulterior motives.

A few years ago, a friend borrowed millions of dollars to enter the market. In order to get rich quickly, he has now lost all his money and is still in debt. When I asked him to communicate at that time, he said that he had borrowed millions of dollars. I advised him not to borrow money for investment as the risk was too high.

But he didn't listen. Later, I couldn't persuade him, so I asked him to invest heavily in Bitcoin and Ethereum. At that time, Bitcoin was around 40,000 and Ethereum was around 2,100. He meant that he wanted to make a lot of money and hoped to do contracts. I remember that I persuaded him for a long time on the voice call and gave him a detailed investment method.

With millions of funds and heavy positions in Bitcoin and Ethereum, even at the current price, the profit should be at least 50%.

Later, I showed me the orders several times, all of which were contracts for millions of dollars, and I experienced the sweet life on the tip of the knife crazily.

I remember that after he just entered the market, the market had a wave of 8 consecutive increases. His contract assets almost doubled, and then he was mysteriously confident, thinking that I was talking nonsense and couldn't listen at all. I guess he was already thinking about buying a Bentley or a Rolls-Royce Phantom.

As a result, the market began to pull back, and until now, it is said that it has completely exploded.

There are many such investors in every bull market. Every time the God of Wealth watched them fall into the investment trap, whenever I met them, I would try to pull them up, but they who have experienced sudden wealth will not listen at all before they suffer losses. Now he is in debt, and this debt will not only make him miss the bull market, but also put his real life in trouble, especially after he has a family.

But all of this needs to be borne by himself.

I hope that the friends who see this article will take it as a warning. The currency circle is an investment, not gambling. For yourself, for your wife and children, and for your parents, please invest steadily and invest at low risk.

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