Big news! The US government transferred about 4,000 bitcoins to Coinbase, and this move was carried out after the judge approved the sale. This is undoubtedly explosive news in the cryptocurrency circle!

Speaking of the origin of these 4,000 bitcoins, they actually came from the confiscated assets of the "Silk Road" criminals. Now, the US government is weighing whether to sell them. This move undoubtedly dropped a bombshell on the Bitcoin market, because such a large-scale sell-off is likely to have a far-reaching impact on the market.

Some people are worried that if the US government sells these bitcoins on a large scale, it will bring huge pressure to the market and cause a price collapse. However, some people believe that this transfer to Coinbase may be just for storage rather than immediate sale.

In any case, this move has undoubtedly injected stimulants into the market. After all, the US government's attitude and operation towards cryptocurrencies have always been the focus of market attention. This also reflects from the side that the legal and regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies is gradually maturing, but it also brings more uncertainty.

Now, the key lies in the next move of the US government and how the market will respond to this potential increase in supply. For investors, this is a topic that must be closely watched. After all, the Bitcoin market is always unpredictable. If you want to make a profit without losing money, you must always be vigilant.

It can be said that this incident is not only a storm in the market, but also a profound reflection on the relationship between the government and cryptocurrency. In the wave of digital economy, we are all groping forward, trying to find the balance point so that innovation and security can coexist.

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