According to Odaily, XProtocol, a modular entertainment blockchain, has announced the completion of a $5.2 million strategic financing round. Notable participants in the funding round included CoinFund, Dragonfly, and Razer. XProtocol is built on top of Base using Superchain technology. It is reported that XProtocol has also launched Xardian Nodes, which will contribute to the decentralization of the XProtocol network. This development marks a significant step in the growth and expansion of XProtocol, as it continues to innovate within the blockchain technology space. The funding will likely be used to further develop and enhance the platform's capabilities, as well as to expand its reach within the blockchain industry. The introduction of Xardian Nodes is expected to strengthen the network's decentralization, a key aspect of blockchain technology that ensures security and transparency. The participation of CoinFund, Dragonfly, and Razer in the financing round underscores the growing interest and investment in blockchain technology and its applications in various sectors, including entertainment. This news comes as blockchain technology continues to gain traction and evolve, with companies like XProtocol at the forefront of this innovation.