
Current situation of selling coins in the market: huge risks, be careful! ?

Now the selling of coins in the market is rampant! If you sell coins on the platform, even if you check the flow and real name, once someone reports to the police, you are a suspect involved in the case.

If the victim pays you money, you have to return it. He takes the profit and you bear the risk. This is the current situation!

First, don't be greedy for high prices. High prices are basically black money. Look at the number of times the funds are filtered, like sifting sand. The finer the sifting, the less likely it is to be fooled.

I have received problematic funds and it is purely luck that my card has not been frozen.

Second, for large amounts of USDT, find large merchants, trade tens of thousands of orders, and have a success rate of more than 90%. The price is low but the freezing rate is relatively low.

Don't think that large merchants will not freeze cards. They will still freeze them if they should. Last year, SHIELD caught 12 big accounts.

Third, except Binance, other platforms are more risky. Yibifu and EB are particularly dangerous. The bosses engage in online gambling and money laundering.

If you search for "ban zhuan", a lot of people will recommend Yibifu. There are many trolls, and novices are easily fooled.

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