#GALA $GALA GALA market trend analysis is here!

The current short-selling forces have the upper hand at the 1/2/4 hour level. Where is the market vane pointing?

Focus: The key price at the 4-hour level is 0.02847. Once the price breaks down, the support points of 0.02739, 0.02685, and 0.02609 will become the worries of investors! Search for copycat points that need to be analyzed 👉cfst115

However, the turning point is also at this moment! If the market picks up, the upper target prices of 0.02923, 0.02990, and 0.03075 are your profit paradise!

In the short-term battlefield, the opportunity is fleeting and the market dynamics are changing rapidly. Only by paying attention at all times can you strike decisively at the critical moment and seize the opportunity to win!

If you need to pay attention to the signal points below, please click to follow. Live broadcast with real orders every day, pay attention to the changes in signal points in real time, and even novices can master the code of wealth. #gala价格预测 #GalaGame #GALA.智能策略库🥇🥇 #GALA.每日智能策略