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How do you place orders in such a market? (Pure practical information sharing)Do a single oral decision When entering the currency circle, prepare first; it is better to enter less than to advance rashly. If it trades sideways at a low level, it will reach a new low; it is a good time to buy heavily. Sell ​​high and dive in; try not to trade sideways. Always trading sideways means to use sideways to replace the decline. You must hold your currency firmly, as it may rise at any time. When prices are rising rapidly, you must always be prepared to sell, as prices may plummet at any time. When it slowly declines, it’s time to cover your position bit by bit. Consolidate high and low, wait a moment. When the price is trading sideways at a high level, it surges higher again. Seize the opportunity and sell quickly; when it is trading sideways at a low level and reaches a new low, it is a good time to buy the whole position.

How do you place orders in such a market? (Pure practical information sharing)

Do a single oral decision

When entering the currency circle, prepare first; it is better to enter less than to advance rashly.

If it trades sideways at a low level, it will reach a new low; it is a good time to buy heavily.

Sell ​​high and dive in; try not to trade sideways.

Always trading sideways means to use sideways to replace the decline. You must hold your currency firmly, as it may rise at any time.

When prices are rising rapidly, you must always be prepared to sell, as prices may plummet at any time.

When it slowly declines, it’s time to cover your position bit by bit.

Consolidate high and low, wait a moment.

When the price is trading sideways at a high level, it surges higher again. Seize the opportunity and sell quickly; when it is trading sideways at a low level and reaches a new low, it is a good time to buy the whole position.
根据成交榜观察,主流品种的走势普遍较为疲弱。 在涨幅榜上,并没有出现明显表现突出的品种。 最近新币的连续上市,从not、io到zk,显示出强度递减的趋势,因此对于lista和zro等新币也不宜过度期待。 整体市场情绪低迷,尽管公众的热情掩盖了市场的沉闷,但建议继续保持空仓观望态度。 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像,每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐 #币安HODLer空投 #币安上线ZK #LayerZero #MegadropLista




#币安HODLer空投 #币安上线ZK #LayerZero #MegadropLista
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#ETH The Japanese Ethereum continues to wash at 3620-3480. The daily line will enter a triangular range of shocks and convergence. The high pressure will slowly move down at 3680. The short-term pressure at the Japanese level focuses on 3550. There is no obvious point worth referring to for trading in the four-hour chart. It is worth noting that if the current support of 3510 falls, the subsequent price may have a certain downward space. The price of the coin in the one-hour chart is running in the boll downward channel. The overall downward space focuses on the 100-point range of 3540-3440. The short position on the attached indicator macd can gradually shrink. Based on the above suggestions, Ethereum is stable and will be sold high and bought low in the future. 3620-3650 short, defend 50 points, target 50-80 points or more {future}(ETHUSDT) Long position near 3500!
The Japanese Ethereum continues to wash at 3620-3480. The daily line will enter a triangular range of shocks and convergence. The high pressure will slowly move down at 3680. The short-term pressure at the Japanese level focuses on 3550.

There is no obvious point worth referring to for trading in the four-hour chart. It is worth noting that if the current support of 3510 falls, the subsequent price may have a certain downward space.

The price of the coin in the one-hour chart is running in the boll downward channel. The overall downward space focuses on the 100-point range of 3540-3440. The short position on the attached indicator macd can gradually shrink. Based on the above suggestions, Ethereum is stable and will be sold high and bought low in the future.

3620-3650 short, defend 50 points, target 50-80 points or more

Long position near 3500!
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Good morning! Today is Friday. Have you eaten meat this week? My dears. Bingtang's ideas this week have been perfectly verified. We are on a winning streak. Today's morning report is also out. Please check it out. 01. The Super Artificial Intelligence Alliance ASI held a token merger conference at DigiExpo in Antalya on June 29. 02. ENS has announced the roadmap for ENSV2 (ENS to Layer 2). 03. SOL-3iQ applied to launch the first Solana ETF in Canada and North America. 04. Reef plans to launch its first product this year on June 27. #币安合约锦标赛 #LayerZero
Good morning! Today is Friday. Have you eaten meat this week? My dears. Bingtang's ideas this week have been perfectly verified. We are on a winning streak.

Today's morning report is also out. Please check it out.

01. The Super Artificial Intelligence Alliance ASI held a token merger conference at DigiExpo in Antalya on June 29.

02. ENS has announced the roadmap for ENSV2 (ENS to Layer 2).

03. SOL-3iQ applied to launch the first Solana ETF in Canada and North America.

04. Reef plans to launch its first product this year on June 27.

#币安合约锦标赛 #LayerZero
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Good morning! Today is Friday. Have you eaten meat this week? My dears. Bingtang's ideas for this week have been perfectly verified. We are on a winning streak! #币安合约锦标赛 #LayerZero
Good morning! Today is Friday. Have you eaten meat this week? My dears. Bingtang's ideas for this week have been perfectly verified. We are on a winning streak!
#币安合约锦标赛 #LayerZero
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$ETH Isn't this market exactly the same as our idea yesterday? It perfectly matches the idea given by Bingtang! It is a direct rebound short! It is easy to grasp! {future}(ETHUSDT)
$ETH Isn't this market exactly the same as our idea yesterday? It perfectly matches the idea given by Bingtang! It is a direct rebound short! It is easy to grasp!
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This round of altcoin crash has taught these retail investors a lesson! 1. Projects led by VCs with less than 10% of the circulating tokens should be carefully participated in, such as the four kings of the second layer, OP is slightly better. 2. Once the tokens of the FOMO community led by retail investors in the market fall in volume and have no support points, don't believe in them easily. The collapse of faith will be wiped out in a step-by-step manner, such as rats and btcs crying for their parents. 3. The core of making money is speculation, not blind belief. You can trade in waves, but you can't hold on firmly and not run away when it rises or falls.
This round of altcoin crash has taught these retail investors a lesson!

1. Projects led by VCs with less than 10% of the circulating tokens should be carefully participated in, such as the four kings of the second layer, OP is slightly better.

2. Once the tokens of the FOMO community led by retail investors in the market fall in volume and have no support points, don't believe in them easily. The collapse of faith will be wiped out in a step-by-step manner, such as rats and btcs crying for their parents.

3. The core of making money is speculation, not blind belief. You can trade in waves, but you can't hold on firmly and not run away when it rises or falls.
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Spot code: ankr. Enter the spot near the current price of 0.031, leave a position for replenishment, and the expected increase is the next chip gathering range, which is 35%. The four-hour MACD has already crossed the gold necklace three times below the zero axis, and the iron friends are ready. Layout spot There is no need to over-display your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it after taking it out for a walk. There are more passwords worth arranging next! There are still many spots in the VIP family, and the contract password layout makes a lot of money. #ANKR
Spot code: ankr. Enter the spot near the current price of 0.031, leave a position for replenishment, and the expected increase is the next chip gathering range, which is 35%.

The four-hour MACD has already crossed the gold necklace three times below the zero axis, and the iron friends are ready.

Layout spot

There is no need to over-display your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it after taking it out for a walk.
There are more passwords worth arranging next! There are still many spots in the VIP family, and the contract password layout makes a lot of money.
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#ETH Ethereum's daily chart is quite interesting. The short positions arranged yesterday were in vain, and there was not much profit space. At present, the price of Ethereum stood firmly above ma7. It seems that the bulls are strong, but the positive line collected on the daily K did not form a bullish engulfment, and the suppression of the 3600 line is still effective. The long and short watershed wind at the high of 3700 showed signs of moving down. In the short-term four-hour chart, the price maintained a boll oscillation market biased towards the bulls. At present, the price rushed up to the 3580 line again as expected and was under pressure to go down. In the one-hour chart, the Bollinger began to close, and the overall range narrowed to 3580-3500. The overall K-line formed a deformed top divergence. The overall one-hour chart continued to fall sideways for too long. It is recommended that Ethereum wait and see in the future. Based on the above suggestions, Ethereum will rebound steadily and short in the future. Those who still hold yesterday's short positions can continue to hold them! {future}(ETHUSDT)
Ethereum's daily chart is quite interesting. The short positions arranged yesterday were in vain, and there was not much profit space. At present, the price of Ethereum stood firmly above ma7. It seems that the bulls are strong, but the positive line collected on the daily K did not form a bullish engulfment, and the suppression of the 3600 line is still effective. The long and short watershed wind at the high of 3700 showed signs of moving down.

In the short-term four-hour chart, the price maintained a boll oscillation market biased towards the bulls. At present, the price rushed up to the 3580 line again as expected and was under pressure to go down.

In the one-hour chart, the Bollinger began to close, and the overall range narrowed to 3580-3500. The overall K-line formed a deformed top divergence. The overall one-hour chart continued to fall sideways for too long. It is recommended that Ethereum wait and see in the future. Based on the above suggestions, Ethereum will rebound steadily and short in the future.
Those who still hold yesterday's short positions can continue to hold them!
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#BTC The basic market of Bitcoin on the daily line has not changed. The overall price is still in an overall bearish trend. The upper pressure continues to focus on the vicinity of 65800. After the MACD continues to run in large volume on the attached chart, the fast and slow lines have all run below the zero axis. Focus on whether the lower support of 64000 can be effectively supported. In the four-hour chart, the current price continues to run in the downward channel, and the upper selling pressure is still relatively serious. Today, focus on the breakout near 64000, and then observe whether the overall market will stop falling. The integer mark of 65000 in one hour is the short-term upward resistance. Based on the above, Bitcoin will rebound steadily and short in the following days. Bingtang is ready to rebound and short near 65600! {future}(BTCUSDT)

The basic market of Bitcoin on the daily line has not changed. The overall price is still in an overall bearish trend. The upper pressure continues to focus on the vicinity of 65800.
After the MACD continues to run in large volume on the attached chart, the fast and slow lines have all run below the zero axis.
Focus on whether the lower support of 64000 can be effectively supported.

In the four-hour chart, the current price continues to run in the downward channel, and the upper selling pressure is still relatively serious. Today, focus on the breakout near 64000, and then observe whether the overall market will stop falling. The integer mark of 65000 in one hour is the short-term upward resistance. Based on the above, Bitcoin will rebound steadily and short in the following days.
Bingtang is ready to rebound and short near 65600!
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L0 $ZRO will be available for collection at 7pm tonight, with a total of 1 billion. #zro #LayerZero
L0 $ZRO will be available for collection at 7pm tonight, with a total of 1 billion.
#zro #LayerZero
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Good morning, my dears. Yesterday's #eth short position is still being held! Bingtang also said above that you must hold firmly. Such a market requires patience! Bitcoin looks like this, the market still needs friction... Today's morning report is also sorted out, please check it out! 01.JTO-Jito hints at the upcoming release of sotestnet, the first stablecoin supported by LSD 02.ETHFI-EtherFi DAO proposes to use up to 50% of the protocol revenue for ETHFI repurchase 03.BNB Binance announced the launch of "HODLer Airdrop", a reward program for BNB token holders 04. Former OpenAI chief scientist llyaSutskever is launching SSl, focusing on artificial intelligence security issues
Good morning, my dears. Yesterday's #eth short position is still being held!
Bingtang also said above that you must hold firmly. Such a market requires patience!
Bitcoin looks like this, the market still needs friction...

Today's morning report is also sorted out, please check it out!
01.JTO-Jito hints at the upcoming release of sotestnet, the first stablecoin supported by LSD

02.ETHFI-EtherFi DAO proposes to use up to 50% of the protocol revenue for ETHFI repurchase

03.BNB Binance announced the launch of "HODLer Airdrop", a reward program for BNB token holders

04. Former OpenAI chief scientist llyaSutskever is launching SSl, focusing on artificial intelligence security issues
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The eth short position has been taken! Currently, it has taken a floating profit of about $50 The stop loss has been moved to the boarding price! Avoid risks in advance! This time, it will be a big wave! #ETH There is no need to over-display your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. You will know whether it is a mule or a horse by taking it out for a walk. There are more passwords worth laying out waiting for operation! The VIP family still has a lot of spot goods, and the contract password layout makes a lot of money
The eth short position has been taken! Currently, it has taken a floating profit of about $50

The stop loss has been moved to the boarding price! Avoid risks in advance!
This time, it will be a big wave! #ETH

There is no need to over-display your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. You will know whether it is a mule or a horse by taking it out for a walk.
There are more passwords worth laying out waiting for operation! The VIP family still has a lot of spot goods, and the contract password layout makes a lot of money
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#eth My dears, the short position of ETH mentioned above has been taken up, and you will continue to hold it! The rest will be left to time! There is no need to over-demonstrate your strength, the key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. You will know whether it is a mule or a horse by taking it out for a walk. There are more passwords worth laying out waiting to be operated! The VIP family still has many spot goods, and the contract password layout makes a lot of money
#eth My dears, the short position of ETH mentioned above has been taken up, and you will continue to hold it!
The rest will be left to time!

There is no need to over-demonstrate your strength, the key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. You will know whether it is a mule or a horse by taking it out for a walk.
There are more passwords worth laying out waiting to be operated! The VIP family still has many spot goods, and the contract password layout makes a lot of money
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The daily wash market is still serious, and the key is to follow the trend. Although the Ethereum daily line has bottomed out, the overall bearish trend has not stopped falling, and the daily line 3620 is still a high pressure. In the four-hour chart, the overall price remains in the boll bearish channel. The upward resistance is around 3550. The support below is recommended to focus on the 3300 integer mark, not around 3350. In the one-hour chart, the boll opens, The short-term support is 3433, and the bulls on the attached indicator macd continue to run in large volume. After the fast and slow lines have a golden cross at the bottom, they begin to weaken. Therefore, it is aggressive to short near 3540, and short near 3580-3560 when it rebounds steadily. Based on the above, it is recommended to short Ethereum in the subsequent rebound. #eth {future}(ETHUSDT)
The daily wash market is still serious, and the key is to follow the trend.

Although the Ethereum daily line has bottomed out, the overall bearish trend has not stopped falling, and the daily line 3620 is still a high pressure.

In the four-hour chart, the overall price remains in the boll bearish channel. The upward resistance is around 3550. The support below is recommended to focus on the 3300 integer mark, not around 3350. In the one-hour chart, the boll opens,
The short-term support is 3433, and the bulls on the attached indicator macd continue to run in large volume. After the fast and slow lines have a golden cross at the bottom, they begin to weaken. Therefore, it is aggressive to short near 3540, and short near 3580-3560 when it rebounds steadily. Based on the above, it is recommended to short Ethereum in the subsequent rebound.
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Today's morning report is finished! Please check it out! 01. Ethereum spot ETF issuers must complete the modification of S-1 form and submit it before this Friday 02. Bloomberg analyst: Ethereum spot ETF is expected to be launched before July 4 03. AR-Arweave hints that it will release an announcement on June 20 to disclose details about "AIon AO" 04. OpBNB mainnet will perform Haber hard fork upgrade at 16:00 Beijing time on June 20
Today's morning report is finished! Please check it out!
01. Ethereum spot ETF issuers must complete the modification of S-1 form and submit it before this Friday
02. Bloomberg analyst: Ethereum spot ETF is expected to be launched before July 4
03. AR-Arweave hints that it will release an announcement on June 20 to disclose details about "AIon AO"
04. OpBNB mainnet will perform Haber hard fork upgrade at 16:00 Beijing time on June 20
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Others are panicking, but we are greedy. The VIP family started to buy the bottom in batches yesterday, marking zk and ens. Today, both codes are on the list of gains, and ens directly grasped the increase of more than 25%, which is worthy of being the coin that V God has been supporting. #zkSync #ENS There is no need to over-show your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it after taking it out for a walk. There are more passwords worth laying out waiting to be operated next! The VIP family still has a lot of spot goods, and the contract password layout makes a lot of money
Others are panicking, but we are greedy. The VIP family started to buy the bottom in batches yesterday, marking zk and ens. Today, both codes are on the list of gains, and ens directly grasped the increase of more than 25%, which is worthy of being the coin that V God has been supporting.

There is no need to over-show your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it after taking it out for a walk.
There are more passwords worth laying out waiting to be operated next! The VIP family still has a lot of spot goods, and the contract password layout makes a lot of money
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Today's market is much more operable than yesterday's! After a night of accumulation, most tokens have shown a rebound trend! The ones with obvious increases are ens ldo. And crv, etc., all have relatively good increases! Here, Bingtang will talk about our big family v, ip Yesterday, I accurately captured the launch signal and decisively laid out #ens Currently, it has successfully gained about 25% of the increase! Whether the strength is stable or not depends on Bingtang's strategy! There is no need to over-display the strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it by pulling it out for a walk. In addition, Bingtang will start to lay out the next password soon! If you want to lay out together, hurry up Leave a message and get on the bus! The current market analysis has great opportunities in the near future. By the time you react, the daylily will be cold. #CRV {future}(ENSUSDT)
Today's market is much more operable than yesterday's! After a night of accumulation, most tokens have shown a rebound trend! The ones with obvious increases are ens
ldo. And crv, etc., all have relatively good increases!

Here, Bingtang will talk about our big family v, ip
Yesterday, I accurately captured the launch signal and decisively laid out #ens
Currently, it has successfully gained about 25% of the increase!

Whether the strength is stable or not depends on Bingtang's strategy!

There is no need to over-display the strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it by pulling it out for a walk.

In addition, Bingtang will start to lay out the next password soon! If you want to lay out together, hurry up
Leave a message and get on the bus! The current market analysis has great opportunities in the near future. By the time you react, the daylily will be cold.
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Bingtang talks about the current situation of the Shanzhai market: 1) Wall Street News directly said that Shanzhai coins are garbage dumps, and this bull market is led by Wall Street institutions. 2) Shanzhai has fallen so much, but the total market value of Shanzhai is still at a historical high, which means that the car is too heavy. 3) In the last round of bull market, the market value of new coins listed was generally tens of millions, while in this round of bull market, the market value of new coins listed was generally hundreds of millions, and there was a continuous unlocking. 4) So far, there has been no new ecological hotspot in Ethereum. The last round was NFT, what is this round? 5) In the past, retail investors speculated on coins randomly, but in this round, institutions will not speculate on coins blindly. What are the coins in the AI ​​sector? Are there any practical applications? In the past, retail investors did not consider or turned a blind eye to the problems, but institutions will consider them. 6) In the long run, the Shanzhai bear market is actually a good thing for Shanzhai, which can allow projects that really do things to break out. If they are all copying memes and taking advantage of hot spots in the future, Shanzhai will really become a real garbage dump. 7) There will be no general rise in the copycat market. After this round of sharp drop, institutions will only pull in coins with real potential and look for treasures in the garbage dump. The market has changed. Don't use the previous concepts to operate this bull market. Change your trading system and thinking, otherwise only extinction will await you.
Bingtang talks about the current situation of the Shanzhai market:

1) Wall Street News directly said that Shanzhai coins are garbage dumps, and this bull market is led by Wall Street institutions.

2) Shanzhai has fallen so much, but the total market value of Shanzhai is still at a historical high, which means that the car is too heavy.

3) In the last round of bull market, the market value of new coins listed was generally tens of millions, while in this round of bull market, the market value of new coins listed was generally hundreds of millions, and there was a continuous unlocking.

4) So far, there has been no new ecological hotspot in Ethereum. The last round was NFT, what is this round?

5) In the past, retail investors speculated on coins randomly, but in this round, institutions will not speculate on coins blindly. What are the coins in the AI ​​sector? Are there any practical applications? In the past, retail investors did not consider or turned a blind eye to the problems, but institutions will consider them.

6) In the long run, the Shanzhai bear market is actually a good thing for Shanzhai, which can allow projects that really do things to break out. If they are all copying memes and taking advantage of hot spots in the future, Shanzhai will really become a real garbage dump.

7) There will be no general rise in the copycat market. After this round of sharp drop, institutions will only pull in coins with real potential and look for treasures in the garbage dump.

The market has changed. Don't use the previous concepts to operate this bull market. Change your trading system and thinking, otherwise only extinction will await you.
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After Bitcoin fell below 66,000, it has been confirmed that it will usher in a long adjustment. This adjustment cycle may be around 1 month. The market is currently in the adjustment stage. There is no obvious support signal. We can only leave it to time. When the big cake is verified downward, some high-quality cottages are also opportunities. Of course, here I prefer everyone to build positions on the right side. After the market is obviously stable, it will be a good opportunity to look for high-quality cottages. ​​​ ​​​​ #crv #sol #ethfi #btc #eth
After Bitcoin fell below 66,000, it has been confirmed that it will usher in a long adjustment. This adjustment cycle may be around 1 month. The market is currently in the adjustment stage. There is no obvious support signal. We can only leave it to time.

When the big cake is verified downward, some high-quality cottages are also opportunities. Of course, here I prefer everyone to build positions on the right side. After the market is obviously stable, it will be a good opportunity to look for high-quality cottages. ​​​ ​​​​
#crv #sol #ethfi #btc #eth
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