Today's market is much more operable than yesterday's! After a night of accumulation, most tokens have shown a rebound trend! The ones with obvious increases are ens

ldo. And crv, etc., all have relatively good increases!

Here, Bingtang will talk about our big family v, ip

Yesterday, I accurately captured the launch signal and decisively laid out #ens

Currently, it has successfully gained about 25% of the increase!

Whether the strength is stable or not depends on Bingtang's strategy!

There is no need to over-display the strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it by pulling it out for a walk.

In addition, Bingtang will start to lay out the next password soon! If you want to lay out together, hurry up

Leave a message and get on the bus! The current market analysis has great opportunities in the near future. By the time you react, the daylily will be cold.