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昨天灰度发布了一份研报,其中就是对当前市场的分析。灰度分析当前市场抛售压力主要来自5个方面,分别是门头沟赔付、德国政府抛售、美国政府抛售、比特币现货ETF持续流出以及比特币矿商减持。 灰度认为当前市场牛市基本面没变,一旦这几方面的抛压消失,市场很快就会恢复牛市走势。 市场无需等到抛售结束,只要抛售开始市场自然就会消化这部分卖盘。 价格调整会非常快的,结合9月开始的美联储降息,预期市场在第四季度就会进入大牛市的进程。 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #以太坊ETF批准预期




#非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #以太坊ETF批准预期
今天很多小伙伴问,怎么一觉醒来又跌了,是不是又有什么利空信息了。其实这种情况几乎隔三差五就会问一下,“今天为什么涨,今天为什么跌”,实际上真的要认清,现在就是在流动性紧缺性下,由信息面影响情绪面的行情,流动性的紧缺刺激了宽幅震荡,情绪则带动了风险市场的多空博弈。 说人话就是,目前稍微有风吹草动就会引发短期投资者的止盈或者止损,但因为市场上的流动性太低了,所以少量的筹码就可以砸盘,少量的资金也能起到拉盘的作用,尤其是当进入周末和亚洲主力交易时间这种流动性最低点的时候,这种情况会越来越频繁。 再说人话就是经常说的,涨了看涨,跌了看跌,是未必对的,看空的信息总是在纠结是不是德国政府,美国政府,门头沟带来大量的抛售,但是从现在的数据来看,转入交易所的抛压不但没有提升,反而还在降低。 看多的信息也经常会用鲍威尔,美联储,宏观数据的结果来下单,但实际上现在对于降息的预期仍然是在博弈当中,今天感觉上利好的信息很快就会被其它的信息所冲淡,而且购买力的提升非常的有限。 终极人话,目前就是一个宽幅震荡的行情,已经震荡了快四个月了,你信也好,不信也好,在没有更加确定的信息前,这种宽幅震荡大概率要延续下去。




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Just now, PEPE sold 10 billion PEPE tokens The price of PEPE fell sharply. After being silent on PEPE for more than 10 months, dimethyltryptamine.eth sold 10 billion PEPE (US$112,000) at a price of 32.73 ETH 5 hours ago. It is worth noting that dimethyltryptamine.eth was an early PEPE buyer, turning US$45,000 into US$26.7 million (+58.6K%). Currently, whales hold 1.99 trillion PEPE (US$21.9 million). Behind this epic "whale" transfer, the future of PEPE tokens is full of endless suspense and possibilities. Will it continue to lie dormant and consolidate, waiting for its moment? Or will it soar into the sky and break through new highs?
Just now, PEPE sold 10 billion PEPE tokens
The price of PEPE fell sharply.

After being silent on PEPE for more than 10 months, dimethyltryptamine.eth sold 10 billion PEPE (US$112,000) at a price of 32.73 ETH 5 hours ago. It is worth noting that dimethyltryptamine.eth was an early PEPE buyer, turning US$45,000 into US$26.7 million (+58.6K%).
Currently, whales hold 1.99 trillion PEPE (US$21.9 million).

Behind this epic "whale" transfer, the future of PEPE tokens is full of endless suspense and possibilities. Will it continue to lie dormant and consolidate, waiting for its moment? Or will it soar into the sky and break through new highs?
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What is the current situation? Where is the next 100x coin? I think the current stage is a bit like the situation in 2021. Pepe is the shib of that year. Bonk is the babydoge of that year. Sol is like bsc. Eth also has the same positive expectations. Bitcoin is also half dead. It is estimated that this month (now July 2, 2024), the market should gradually rise. It is estimated that after another wave of institutions are killed or a dog village is used to sacrifice to the sky, a comprehensive mainstream currency bull market will begin.
What is the current situation? Where is the next 100x coin?

I think the current stage is a bit like the situation in 2021.

Pepe is the shib of that year.

Bonk is the babydoge of that year.

Sol is like bsc.

Eth also has the same positive expectations.

Bitcoin is also half dead.

It is estimated that this month (now July 2, 2024), the market should gradually rise.

It is estimated that after another wave of institutions are killed or a dog village is used to sacrifice to the sky, a comprehensive mainstream currency bull market will begin.
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Choose the right coin, choose the right coin, sell it in time! Strong does not mean always strong, weak does not mean always weak Choose coins carefully, otherwise you will be doomed. Take two examples: In the past month, $ethfi was close to being cut in half, which means that it basically needs to double to return to 5.4. In the past period of time, this coin was stronger than many coins, making you feel that it has unlimited potential and that it will definitely break new highs. Looking back now, it has fallen for more than a month. The previous strength was to attract you to get on the bus, making you feel that it is strong, and the dog dealer sold the coin to you. In the past half month, $w has fallen by nearly 60%, which means that it needs to rise by 1.5 times to reach around 0.76. At that time, around 0.76, w was particularly strong, giving people the feeling that it would definitely break through, and the volume also kept up. Look now? Pure scam, the dog dealer easily sold the chips to you, and then bought them back at a low price after falling by dozens of points. Who is the big victim? Choosing the right coin is too important
Choose the right coin, choose the right coin, sell it in time!

Strong does not mean always strong, weak does not mean always weak

Choose coins carefully, otherwise you will be doomed.

Take two examples:

In the past month, $ethfi was close to being cut in half, which means that it basically needs to double to return to 5.4. In the past period of time, this coin was stronger than many coins, making you feel that it has unlimited potential and that it will definitely break new highs.

Looking back now, it has fallen for more than a month. The previous strength was to attract you to get on the bus, making you feel that it is strong, and the dog dealer sold the coin to you.

In the past half month, $w has fallen by nearly 60%, which means that it needs to rise by 1.5 times to reach around 0.76.
At that time, around 0.76, w was particularly strong, giving people the feeling that it would definitely break through, and the volume also kept up.

Look now? Pure scam, the dog dealer easily sold the chips to you, and then bought them back at a low price after falling by dozens of points. Who is the big victim?

Choosing the right coin is too important
See original
May is poor, June is desperate, and July is a turnaround! BTC got off to a good start on the first day of July! It rose by 5% in one day and is now $63,407. So is this a turnaround in the market or a trap before the decline? The biggest event this month was the repayment of MT.Gox, which was as high as $9 billion. However, the number of BTC flowing into the exchange has decreased, indicating that the market will not sell a large amount of BTC in the short term, so this is a bullish signal. Miners are now also stopping selling BTC as prices rise, and the holdings of miners have increased significantly recently. The CMF value of Bitcoin is positive (0.15), indicating that buying pressure exceeds selling pressure in a given time period. The overall trend in July is bullish. #美联储何时降息? #BTC走勢分析
May is poor, June is desperate, and July is a turnaround!

BTC got off to a good start on the first day of July!
It rose by 5% in one day and is now $63,407.
So is this a turnaround in the market or a trap before the decline?
The biggest event this month was the repayment of MT.Gox, which was as high as $9 billion.
However, the number of BTC flowing into the exchange has decreased, indicating that the market will not sell a large amount of BTC in the short term, so this is a bullish signal.
Miners are now also stopping selling BTC as prices rise, and the holdings of miners have increased significantly recently.
The CMF value of Bitcoin is positive (0.15), indicating that buying pressure exceeds selling pressure in a given time period.
The overall trend in July is bullish.
#美联储何时降息? #BTC走勢分析
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Gate Exchange is in big trouble, and the account is directly blocked for withdrawing money! Recently, some netizens have reported that it is difficult to withdraw money from Gate Exchange, and it is difficult to withdraw large orders. According to the customer service requirements, it takes a week to pass the risk control period. The market changes so fast, and the market may have fallen after a week, resulting in many complaints. As one of the top five exchanges in the world, Gate has frequently appeared in negative news. Can it still reassure users? From the Lianhe institution harvesting retail investors in 2019, to the exchange crash in 2020 freezing a large area of ​​user funds, to the current withdrawal of money requires review, and the time war is dragged. There is no pattern of a large exchange at all, and the handling fees are ridiculously high. #Gate
Gate Exchange is in big trouble, and the account is directly blocked for withdrawing money!

Recently, some netizens have reported that it is difficult to withdraw money from Gate Exchange, and it is difficult to withdraw large orders. According to the customer service requirements, it takes a week to pass the risk control period. The market changes so fast, and the market may have fallen after a week, resulting in many complaints. As one of the top five exchanges in the world, Gate has frequently appeared in negative news. Can it still reassure users?
From the Lianhe institution harvesting retail investors in 2019, to the exchange crash in 2020 freezing a large area of ​​user funds, to the current withdrawal of money requires review, and the time war is dragged. There is no pattern of a large exchange at all, and the handling fees are ridiculously high.

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Can we still buy the bottom in the market now? The last opportunity to buy the bottom must be 618, why do you say that? 618 is a halving level, 80% of the coins fell on this day. It happened that domestic e-commerce 618 discounts, so many people have an impression, can we buy the bottom now? From the long-term perspective, the current market is the same as the 618 copycat market, and the bottom is almost the same! So now we can buy the bottom in batches appropriately, waiting for the arrival of July, the market will definitely rise. How to choose the right currency to buy the bottom? To buy the bottom, you must look at the leaders of each sector, or the market-recognized and popular currencies, and one more thing is the newly issued currency! Finally, if you are a newcomer in the currency circle, and you are excited to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. #Meme板块普涨 #美联储何时降息? #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低
Can we still buy the bottom in the market now?

The last opportunity to buy the bottom must be 618, why do you say that?

618 is a halving level, 80% of the coins fell on this day.

It happened that domestic e-commerce 618 discounts, so many people have an impression, can we buy the bottom now?
From the long-term perspective, the current market is the same as the 618 copycat market, and the bottom is almost the same!
So now we can buy the bottom in batches appropriately, waiting for the arrival of July, the market will definitely rise.

How to choose the right currency to buy the bottom?
To buy the bottom, you must look at the leaders of each sector, or the market-recognized and popular currencies, and one more thing is the newly issued currency!

Finally, if you are a newcomer in the currency circle, and you are excited to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills.
#Meme板块普涨 #美联储何时降息? #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低
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Isn’t the impact smaller? Why is it still falling?
Isn’t the impact smaller? Why is it still falling?
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The market is selling off a large amount of BTC, and now the market is too busy to buy The proportion of weekly active addresses on the Bitcoin network has dropped to a low of 1.22%, lower than the record set in November 2010. In addition, the total number of active wallets has also reached a multi-year low, with 614,770 weekly active addresses recorded on May 27, the lowest record since December 2018. Since the halving, the number of BTC withdrawn from miner-related wallets has dropped from more than 50,000 per day to less than 10,000, a drop of 85%. Selling continues: A wallet that has been idle for 6 years deposited 1,000 BTC to Coinbase Prime 4 hours ago. The US government currently holds a total of 213,039.59 BTC, with a current dollar value of approximately $13.15 billion. A miner wallet deposited 50 BTC to Binance 7 hours ago after 14 years of silence. In the past 7 days, the German government has transferred a net of 3,500 BTC ($225 million), most of which went to CEX, with an average price of $64,364. Grayscale transferred 242 BTC to the Coinbase Prime address. #BTC走勢分析 #美国PCE数据将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
The market is selling off a large amount of BTC, and now the market is too busy to buy

The proportion of weekly active addresses on the Bitcoin network has dropped to a low of 1.22%, lower than the record set in November 2010.
In addition, the total number of active wallets has also reached a multi-year low, with 614,770 weekly active addresses recorded on May 27, the lowest record since December 2018.
Since the halving, the number of BTC withdrawn from miner-related wallets has dropped from more than 50,000 per day to less than 10,000, a drop of 85%.

Selling continues:
A wallet that has been idle for 6 years deposited 1,000 BTC to Coinbase Prime 4 hours ago.

The US government currently holds a total of 213,039.59 BTC, with a current dollar value of approximately $13.15 billion.

A miner wallet deposited 50 BTC to Binance 7 hours ago after 14 years of silence.

In the past 7 days, the German government has transferred a net of 3,500 BTC ($225 million), most of which went to CEX, with an average price of $64,364.

Grayscale transferred 242 BTC to the Coinbase Prime address.

#BTC走勢分析 #美国PCE数据将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
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Dogecoin is about to break through, $2 is expected to break throughYesterday, Dogecoin price experienced a minor correction despite overall market growth, with the meme coin gaining an average of 0.4%. Nonetheless, one expert predicts that Dogecoin could rise to $2. Over the past 24 hours, Dogecoin price has declined slightly by 0.55% to $0.124198. This breaks Dogecoin’s 0.27% weekly gain, which, while positive, is disappointing compared to the significant gains seen by other major meme coins. Although Dogecoin is down 23.68% this month, it has posted an annual return of 98.42% so far this year, which is low compared to the performance of many other top cryptocurrencies. Despite this "boring" price action, some experts believe it's brewing for a major rebound.

Dogecoin is about to break through, $2 is expected to break through

Yesterday, Dogecoin price experienced a minor correction despite overall market growth, with the meme coin gaining an average of 0.4%. Nonetheless, one expert predicts that Dogecoin could rise to $2. Over the past 24 hours, Dogecoin price has declined slightly by 0.55% to $0.124198. This breaks Dogecoin’s 0.27% weekly gain, which, while positive, is disappointing compared to the significant gains seen by other major meme coins. Although Dogecoin is down 23.68% this month, it has posted an annual return of 98.42% so far this year, which is low compared to the performance of many other top cryptocurrencies. Despite this "boring" price action, some experts believe it's brewing for a major rebound.
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Today's presidential debate ends, so far. Trump has the upper hand
Today's presidential debate ends, so far. Trump has the upper hand
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This is one of the most important events today Look at the analysis given by the market: On June 27, analysts said they expect core PCE inflation in May to record the slowest increase so far this year, which is good news for policymakers. Falling gasoline prices and generally declining commodity inflation will limit economic growth. But this may only bring temporary respite to the Fed, as spending categories with sticky inflation continue to put upward pressure on inflation indicators, and unfavorable base effects are expected in the second half of this year. Analysts said their estimate is that the core PCE monthly rate will slow to 0.10% in May, the lowest level so far this year. The core PCE annual rate should fall to 2.6%, the lowest level since March 2021. In addition, the overall PCE monthly rate will barely approach 0.1%, and the year-on-year growth rate will reach 2.6%. #美国PCE数据将公布
This is one of the most important events today

Look at the analysis given by the market:

On June 27, analysts said they expect core PCE inflation in May to record the slowest increase so far this year, which is good news for policymakers.

Falling gasoline prices and generally declining commodity inflation will limit economic growth. But this may only bring temporary respite to the Fed, as spending categories with sticky inflation continue to put upward pressure on inflation indicators, and unfavorable base effects are expected in the second half of this year.

Analysts said their estimate is that the core PCE monthly rate will slow to 0.10% in May, the lowest level so far this year. The core PCE annual rate should fall to 2.6%, the lowest level since March 2021. In addition, the overall PCE monthly rate will barely approach 0.1%, and the year-on-year growth rate will reach 2.6%.

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#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 Why is it said that the Mentougou incident has little to do with ETH! This compensation is mainly due to the negative impact of Bitcoin, while ETH is mainly a weather vane for altcoins. Since ETH has good news recently, the rise of altcoins is inevitable. Many people go to see warehouses when they hear about Mentougou, but now it seems that they have lost the big picture. According to yesterday's on-chain data, BTC worth $479 million flowed into the exchange, which is likely to be used for compensation, so the compensation in July is normal. BTC is expected to have another wave of negative impact, but the size of the negative impact depends on market sentiment! #美国PCE数据将公布
Why is it said that the Mentougou incident has little to do with ETH!
This compensation is mainly due to the negative impact of Bitcoin, while ETH is mainly a weather vane for altcoins.
Since ETH has good news recently, the rise of altcoins is inevitable.
Many people go to see warehouses when they hear about Mentougou, but now it seems that they have lost the big picture.
According to yesterday's on-chain data, BTC worth $479 million flowed into the exchange, which is likely to be used for compensation, so the compensation in July is normal. BTC is expected to have another wave of negative impact, but the size of the negative impact depends on market sentiment!
See original
$LISTA Token In-depth Analysis:Why does $LISTA have great potential and is expected to become the next 100x coin? 🚀 The superiority of coin holder rights and incentives As the core governance token of Lista DAO, $LISTA not only brings rich rights and interests to the holders, but also enhances the stickiness of users through multiple incentive mechanisms. The holders have the right to vote in the governance of the protocol and can directly influence the future development of the protocol. At the same time, by converting $LISTA to veLISTA, users can enhance their voting rights and share the benefits of the protocol to maximize their economic returns. The Listapie incentive mechanism provides users with the opportunity to pledge to obtain multi-level rewards such as Lista stardust and Listapie airdrops, as well as the right to participate in the investment of early high-quality projects.

$LISTA Token In-depth Analysis:

Why does $LISTA have great potential and is expected to become the next 100x coin?
🚀 The superiority of coin holder rights and incentives
As the core governance token of Lista DAO, $LISTA not only brings rich rights and interests to the holders, but also enhances the stickiness of users through multiple incentive mechanisms. The holders have the right to vote in the governance of the protocol and can directly influence the future development of the protocol. At the same time, by converting $LISTA to veLISTA, users can enhance their voting rights and share the benefits of the protocol to maximize their economic returns. The Listapie incentive mechanism provides users with the opportunity to pledge to obtain multi-level rewards such as Lista stardust and Listapie airdrops, as well as the right to participate in the investment of early high-quality projects.
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If Bitcoin continues to fall, where is the bottom? From the perspective of miners' costs: the cost price of miners' old equipment has dropped to $61,300 after halving. Below this price, miners can only sell part of BTC to maintain electricity and equipment maintenance costs. It fell to $58,350 last night, which once caused panic among market miners. After identifying the authenticity of the Mentougou incident, the price slowly rebounded to near the miners' cost price. Miners will not sell for the time being. From the perspective of the black swan events in the market: From the historical experience of 312 and 519, the 319 incident broke out, and the price of Bitcoin fell back to 40%, close to halving, and the lowest price of BTC fell back to $43,129. This is a prediction based on the current strong period of Bitcoin! Unless it enters a bear market, Bitcoin may be halved, which is unpredictable. The price in a bear market depends entirely on how much survival there is in the market! I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. #BTC走勢分析 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息?
If Bitcoin continues to fall, where is the bottom?

From the perspective of miners' costs: the cost price of miners' old equipment has dropped to $61,300 after halving. Below this price, miners can only sell part of BTC to maintain electricity and equipment maintenance costs.
It fell to $58,350 last night, which once caused panic among market miners. After identifying the authenticity of the Mentougou incident, the price slowly rebounded to near the miners' cost price. Miners will not sell for the time being.

From the perspective of the black swan events in the market: From the historical experience of 312 and 519, the 319 incident broke out, and the price of Bitcoin fell back to 40%, close to halving, and the lowest price of BTC fell back to $43,129. This is a prediction based on the current strong period of Bitcoin!

Unless it enters a bear market, Bitcoin may be halved, which is unpredictable. The price in a bear market depends entirely on how much survival there is in the market!

I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills.
#BTC走勢分析 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息?
See original
Let me tell you something more realistic and let you recharge your faith. This month, the market suddenly started to fall. Everyone started to get scared and panicked. They couldn't help but sell at a loss. At this time, only the old investors understood that the current situation is exactly the same as the previous bull market. Just hold on. Those who make money in the end are those who have confidence in themselves. BTC Many people heard that Bitcoin could reach 100 million, so they chased high prices. In fact, there is no need to worry. You have already bought it. Just hold the spot. No one knows what will happen next. ETH ETF benefits are coming soon. What are you afraid of? Besides, the decline is not much. Shanzhai The Shanzhai has already fallen to the bottom and it should rebound. If it falls again, it will be the same. Don't be afraid. If you want to make money, adjust your mentality. If you want to get rich quickly, go to the primary market to gamble. Why bother to look at the trend of Bitcoin. If you want to manage your finances, just buy BNB to pledge. If you want to trade full-time, short-term operations are fine, and there is no need to look at the market. If you want to make money steadily, just hold the spot and wait for the market to take off. For those who play contracts, you don't say anything when you make money, but now you are complaining when your position is liquidated. It's really unnecessary. Now the market is back, don't panic! Pay attention to me when you have nothing to do, come to learn from me! #美国PCE数据将公布 #美联储何时降息? #MicroStrategy增持BTC
Let me tell you something more realistic and let you recharge your faith.

This month, the market suddenly started to fall. Everyone started to get scared and panicked. They couldn't help but sell at a loss.
At this time, only the old investors understood that the current situation is exactly the same as the previous bull market. Just hold on. Those who make money in the end are those who have confidence in themselves.

Many people heard that Bitcoin could reach 100 million, so they chased high prices. In fact, there is no need to worry. You have already bought it. Just hold the spot. No one knows what will happen next.

ETF benefits are coming soon. What are you afraid of? Besides, the decline is not much.

The Shanzhai has already fallen to the bottom and it should rebound. If it falls again, it will be the same. Don't be afraid.
If you want to make money, adjust your mentality.
If you want to get rich quickly, go to the primary market to gamble. Why bother to look at the trend of Bitcoin.
If you want to manage your finances, just buy BNB to pledge.
If you want to trade full-time, short-term operations are fine, and there is no need to look at the market.
If you want to make money steadily, just hold the spot and wait for the market to take off.
For those who play contracts, you don't say anything when you make money, but now you are complaining when your position is liquidated. It's really unnecessary.
Now the market is back, don't panic!
Pay attention to me when you have nothing to do, come to learn from me!
#美国PCE数据将公布 #美联储何时降息? #MicroStrategy增持BTC
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The big one is coming, and the market will directly lose 200 billion US dollars! Technical analysts have warned that the cryptocurrency market could be heading for a deeper pullback. As of today, the spot market has suffered a direct loss of US$200 billion! The total crypto market value fell below $2.35 trillion, with a 24-hour drop of 4.6%. Among them, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) once approached $60,000, which was the lowest level since early June. Compared to recent highs, BTC prices are down more than 10%. Ethereum and other major cryptocurrencies: Ethereum (ETH) price fell to $3,217. Solana (SOL) price crashed by more than 7%. Ripple (XRP) also faced significant losses. Overall market capitalization: Over the past week, more than $200 billion has been lost from the total cryptocurrency market capitalization. Thursday’s PCE data may usher in a reversal! The main reason is that traders are betting that the Federal Reserve will turn dovish as inflation, as measured by consumer price index (CPI) data, eases, while a political upheaval in Washington could mean that U.S. regulators become more friendly to cryptocurrencies. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布
The big one is coming, and the market will directly lose 200 billion US dollars!

Technical analysts have warned that the cryptocurrency market could be heading for a deeper pullback.

As of today, the spot market has suffered a direct loss of US$200 billion!
The total crypto market value fell below $2.35 trillion, with a 24-hour drop of 4.6%.

Among them, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) once approached $60,000, which was the lowest level since early June. Compared to recent highs, BTC prices are down more than 10%. Ethereum and other major cryptocurrencies: Ethereum (ETH) price fell to $3,217. Solana (SOL) price crashed by more than 7%. Ripple (XRP) also faced significant losses. Overall market capitalization: Over the past week, more than $200 billion has been lost from the total cryptocurrency market capitalization.

Thursday’s PCE data may usher in a reversal!

The main reason is that traders are betting that the Federal Reserve will turn dovish as inflation, as measured by consumer price index (CPI) data, eases, while a political upheaval in Washington could mean that U.S. regulators become more friendly to cryptocurrencies.

#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布
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The market has fallen recently. As a retail investor, you should do the following: 1. For spot positions: check whether the currency is a highly liquid currency, whether the market is hot, and whether the background investment force includes exchanges and large institutions. This type of currency can wait for a callback. For meme coins, only the community and popularity are considered, and everything else is secondary. 2. Users who have purchased ETH and BTC: As mainstream currencies in cryptocurrencies, these two currencies determine the fate of most cottages. Just hold them in spot, and you can make up for the position appropriately during the decline to pull the average price. 3. Contract players; the market is generally bearish now. Contract players can short cottages after BTC and ETH fall, wait for BTC to rebound and then short BTC, and stop loss by code. 4. Novice players who don’t know the market: It is recommended to go to Binance Academy to learn first, watch more simulation operations, wait for BTC to rebound and then layout spot. It is not recommended for novices to play contracts. Finally, if you are a newcomer in the cryptocurrency circle and you are excited to enter the cryptocurrency circle after seeing BTC hit a record high, then I suggest you follow me first, learn the knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle with me, and improve your basic skills. #BTC走勢分析 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
The market has fallen recently. As a retail investor, you should do the following:
1. For spot positions: check whether the currency is a highly liquid currency, whether the market is hot, and whether the background investment force includes exchanges and large institutions. This type of currency can wait for a callback. For meme coins, only the community and popularity are considered, and everything else is secondary.
2. Users who have purchased ETH and BTC: As mainstream currencies in cryptocurrencies, these two currencies determine the fate of most cottages. Just hold them in spot, and you can make up for the position appropriately during the decline to pull the average price.
3. Contract players; the market is generally bearish now. Contract players can short cottages after BTC and ETH fall, wait for BTC to rebound and then short BTC, and stop loss by code.
4. Novice players who don’t know the market: It is recommended to go to Binance Academy to learn first, watch more simulation operations, wait for BTC to rebound and then layout spot. It is not recommended for novices to play contracts.

Finally, if you are a newcomer in the cryptocurrency circle and you are excited to enter the cryptocurrency circle after seeing BTC hit a record high, then I suggest you follow me first, learn the knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle with me, and improve your basic skills.

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Ultiverse's announcement on ULTI stakers' snapshot airdrop of BAC tokens   I. Announcement Overview   On June 22, 2024, AI and game distribution platform Ultiverse announced a new reward program, namely a lightning snapshot for ULTI token stakers. The core of this program is to randomly select addresses that hold and stake ULTI tokens within 24 hours, and provide airdrop rewards of BAC tokens to the winners.   II. Snapshot details   1. Time range: Ultiverse will take random snapshots within the next 24 hours. 2. Snapshot objects: addresses that hold and stake ULTI tokens during this period. 3. Reward mechanism: Randomly selected winners will receive airdrop rewards of BAC tokens.   III. Important information The announcement shows that Ultiverse is not only committed to the development and promotion of games and AI, but also values ​​its community members, especially those ULTI token stakers who support its projects. The airdrop reward of BAC tokens is a kind of feedback to these stakers and a recognition of their continued support. IV. Conclusion   This new plan of Ultiverse will undoubtedly increase the activity of its community members and may also attract more users to participate in its ecosystem. For investors and community members who are concerned about Ultiverse and BAC tokens, this is news worth paying attention to.
Ultiverse's announcement on ULTI stakers' snapshot airdrop of BAC tokens
I. Announcement Overview
On June 22, 2024, AI and game distribution platform Ultiverse announced a new reward program, namely a lightning snapshot for ULTI token stakers. The core of this program is to randomly select addresses that hold and stake ULTI tokens within 24 hours, and provide airdrop rewards of BAC tokens to the winners.
II. Snapshot details
1. Time range: Ultiverse will take random snapshots within the next 24 hours.
2. Snapshot objects: addresses that hold and stake ULTI tokens during this period.
3. Reward mechanism: Randomly selected winners will receive airdrop rewards of BAC tokens.
III. Important information
The announcement shows that Ultiverse is not only committed to the development and promotion of games and AI, but also values ​​its community members, especially those ULTI token stakers who support its projects.
The airdrop reward of BAC tokens is a kind of feedback to these stakers and a recognition of their continued support.

IV. Conclusion
This new plan of Ultiverse will undoubtedly increase the activity of its community members and may also attract more users to participate in its ecosystem. For investors and community members who are concerned about Ultiverse and BAC tokens, this is news worth paying attention to.
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