Can we still buy the bottom in the market now?

The last opportunity to buy the bottom must be 618, why do you say that?

618 is a halving level, 80% of the coins fell on this day.

It happened that domestic e-commerce 618 discounts, so many people have an impression, can we buy the bottom now?

From the long-term perspective, the current market is the same as the 618 copycat market, and the bottom is almost the same!

So now we can buy the bottom in batches appropriately, waiting for the arrival of July, the market will definitely rise.

How to choose the right currency to buy the bottom?

To buy the bottom, you must look at the leaders of each sector, or the market-recognized and popular currencies, and one more thing is the newly issued currency!

Finally, if you are a newcomer in the currency circle, and you are excited to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills.

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