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In 20204, there are only these 6 types of real 100x coinsIn every cycle of Bitcoin production reduction, some ten-fold, hundred-fold, thousand-fold or even ten-thousand-fold coins will be born in the market. If you can catch one or two coins, your overall income in this bull market will be A big improvement. In 2023, we already know that many 100x coin projects have been born, but very few can be grasped. There is never a lack of opportunities in the encryption market. If you miss it, you will miss it. In this bull market, there will inevitably be projects with hundreds of times coins or even thousands times coins. In order to better capture these hundreds of times coins, we might as well start with the hundreds of times coins projects that appeared in the last bull market to understand these hundreds of times coins. What are the characteristics of coins? Maybe it can provide us with some clues.

In 20204, there are only these 6 types of real 100x coins

In every cycle of Bitcoin production reduction, some ten-fold, hundred-fold, thousand-fold or even ten-thousand-fold coins will be born in the market. If you can catch one or two coins, your overall income in this bull market will be A big improvement.

In 2023, we already know that many 100x coin projects have been born, but very few can be grasped. There is never a lack of opportunities in the encryption market. If you miss it, you will miss it. In this bull market, there will inevitably be projects with hundreds of times coins or even thousands times coins. In order to better capture these hundreds of times coins, we might as well start with the hundreds of times coins projects that appeared in the last bull market to understand these hundreds of times coins. What are the characteristics of coins? Maybe it can provide us with some clues.
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Overnight, Bitcoin broke through 66,000 points and stood firm. Last night's market was also expected. We can make a systematic analysis from several angles. From the proportion of long and short orders yesterday, long orders have dropped a lot, accounting for only 44%, and short orders account for more than 56%. From last night's CPI data. Bullish Two emotions are superimposed. Bitcoin exploded 5,000 points, which is also a normal fluctuation, but for most short orders, it is inevitable to blow up or stop loss, which is also a normal trading method of the dealer. For fans, Bitcoin halving means the start of the bull market, but the bull market will not rise suddenly. So we have always emphasized in the fan group that we should be bearish but not short, because you don't know when the market will suddenly reverse and stop loss or blow up your short orders. For more market trend judgments, share in the 10,000-person fan group
Overnight, Bitcoin broke through 66,000 points and stood firm.

Last night's market was also expected.

We can make a systematic analysis from several angles.

From the proportion of long and short orders yesterday, long orders have dropped a lot, accounting for only 44%, and short orders account for more than 56%.

From last night's CPI data. Bullish

Two emotions are superimposed. Bitcoin exploded 5,000 points, which is also a normal fluctuation, but for most short orders, it is inevitable to blow up or stop loss, which is also a normal trading method of the dealer.

For fans, Bitcoin halving means the start of the bull market, but the bull market will not rise suddenly.

So we have always emphasized in the fan group that we should be bearish but not short, because you don't know when the market will suddenly reverse and stop loss or blow up your short orders.

For more market trend judgments, share in the 10,000-person fan group
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MEME coin has attracted the attention of cryptocurrency enthusiasts around the world with its active community and humorous origins. Although these tokens are considered high-risk investments due to their volatility, they also offer significant return potential. 1. What is MEME coin? MEME Coin is a cryptocurrency that derives its value and popularity primarily from internet memes, social media trends, and online communities. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are based on advanced blockchain technology and serve various practical purposes, MEME coins are usually created as a joke or satire. These tokens often feature humorous or playful elements, such as popular internet meme images or references to cultural phenomena. MEME coins are relatively simple to create, may serve as a fork or copy of an existing blockchain, and may lack a strong technical foundation or real-world application. However, their value is primarily driven by speculation, community engagement, and viral marketing campaigns. 2. Characteristics of high-quality MEME coins A successful MEME coin is not just a simple cultural phenomenon, but also an important force promoting the growth and development of the currency circle. So, what kind of MEME coins are considered high-quality and have the potential to skyrocket? Typically, they have three key factors: MEME genes and concepts with interesting, wide audience and spontaneous communication potential not only pursue financial returns, but also focus on pure entertainment value. We have a stable and ongoing publicity team who create interesting content to attract more people to join the community and help the project expand its influence. There is a certain amount of capital support behind it, which not only promotes the development of the project, but also actively participates in the distribution of tokens, further increasing the project's visibility and market value. 3. Market situation review Recently, SLERF has become the focus of the market. As another MEME coin on the Sonala chain, its founder mistakenly revoked the minting rights and destroyed the airdrop tokens, which triggered market fluctuations. In a short period of time, the market value soared to over 100 million, and it was hailed as "the greatest operation." plate". Previously, BOME has shown strong explosive power, with an increase of 20 times within three hours of being online, and a single-day increase of up to 50 times, and was finally successfully listed on Binance. SLERF even broke BOME's record, was quickly listed on major exchanges, and its market value continued to soar. 4. Reasons why MEME is so popular MEME assets emphasize the concept itself rather than the power of technology or financial systems, which makes the threshold for issuing MEME assets relatively low. However, this has also resulted in a flood of projects on the market, but few that truly stand out. The popularity of MEME assets is mainly due to the following factors: first, its unique humor and entertainment nature, which attracts widespread attention and participation; second, the support and promotion of the community, achieved through viral spread and collective action The rapid growth of value; finally, the market’s speculation and hype atmosphere provides the soil for MEME assets to skyrocket. 5. Although MEME assets have significant income potential, there are very few projects that can actually succeed. Most projects are hot spots in the short term and then cool down quickly. Therefore, when investing in MEME assets, you need to carefully evaluate the quality of the project, team strength and market prospects, as well as your own risk tolerance and investment goals. At the same time, understanding the connotation and characteristics of MEME culture is of great significance for in-depth research on the encryption industry. More operational strategies will be deployed in the fan group with tens of thousands of people
MEME coin has attracted the attention of cryptocurrency enthusiasts around the world with its active community and humorous origins. Although these tokens are considered high-risk investments due to their volatility, they also offer significant return potential.

1. What is MEME coin?
MEME Coin is a cryptocurrency that derives its value and popularity primarily from internet memes, social media trends, and online communities. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are based on advanced blockchain technology and serve various practical purposes, MEME coins are usually created as a joke or satire. These tokens often feature humorous or playful elements, such as popular internet meme images or references to cultural phenomena. MEME coins are relatively simple to create, may serve as a fork or copy of an existing blockchain, and may lack a strong technical foundation or real-world application. However, their value is primarily driven by speculation, community engagement, and viral marketing campaigns.

2. Characteristics of high-quality MEME coins
A successful MEME coin is not just a simple cultural phenomenon, but also an important force promoting the growth and development of the currency circle. So, what kind of MEME coins are considered high-quality and have the potential to skyrocket? Typically, they have three key factors:
MEME genes and concepts with interesting, wide audience and spontaneous communication potential not only pursue financial returns, but also focus on pure entertainment value. We have a stable and ongoing publicity team who create interesting content to attract more people to join the community and help the project expand its influence. There is a certain amount of capital support behind it, which not only promotes the development of the project, but also actively participates in the distribution of tokens, further increasing the project's visibility and market value.

3. Market situation review
Recently, SLERF has become the focus of the market. As another MEME coin on the Sonala chain, its founder mistakenly revoked the minting rights and destroyed the airdrop tokens, which triggered market fluctuations. In a short period of time, the market value soared to over 100 million, and it was hailed as "the greatest operation." plate". Previously, BOME has shown strong explosive power, with an increase of 20 times within three hours of being online, and a single-day increase of up to 50 times, and was finally successfully listed on Binance. SLERF even broke BOME's record, was quickly listed on major exchanges, and its market value continued to soar.

4. Reasons why MEME is so popular
MEME assets emphasize the concept itself rather than the power of technology or financial systems, which makes the threshold for issuing MEME assets relatively low. However, this has also resulted in a flood of projects on the market, but few that truly stand out. The popularity of MEME assets is mainly due to the following factors: first, its unique humor and entertainment nature, which attracts widespread attention and participation; second, the support and promotion of the community, achieved through viral spread and collective action The rapid growth of value; finally, the market’s speculation and hype atmosphere provides the soil for MEME assets to skyrocket.

5. Although MEME assets have significant income potential, there are very few projects that can actually succeed. Most projects are hot spots in the short term and then cool down quickly. Therefore, when investing in MEME assets, you need to carefully evaluate the quality of the project, team strength and market prospects, as well as your own risk tolerance and investment goals. At the same time, understanding the connotation and characteristics of MEME culture is of great significance for in-depth research on the encryption industry.

More operational strategies will be deployed in the fan group with tens of thousands of people
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The bull market has started, and the meme sector and the solana ecosystem will be the sectors with the most 100x coins
The bull market has started, and the meme sector and the solana ecosystem will be the sectors with the most 100x coins
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Meme culture: from Internet memes to cultural phenomena In today's rapidly developing digital age, the Internet is not only a platform for information exchange, but also a cradle for cultural breeding and dissemination. Among them, Meme, as a special Internet cultural phenomenon, has become a beautiful landscape in the Internet world with its unique form and rapid dissemination speed. 1. The origin and definition of Meme The word Meme originated from the concept of "Meme" proposed by British biologist Richard Dawkins in his book "The Selfish Gene" in 1976. The original meaning refers to the basic unit of culture, which is transmitted through non-genetic means, especially imitation. In the context of the Internet, Meme usually refers to a cultural unit that is widely spread and imitated on the Internet. It can be any form of content such as pictures, videos, and text. 2. Characteristics of Meme Easy to spread: Memes are usually concise and easy to understand, which allows them to spread rapidly in a short period of time. Strong imitativeness: Memes are often highly imitative. Once a Meme becomes popular, it will trigger a large number of imitations and re-creations. Timeliness: The popularity of Meme is often time-sensitive. As time goes by, some Meme will gradually fade out of people's sight and be replaced by new Meme. 3. Classification of Meme This type of Meme usually uses pictures as carriers and conveys information by adding text or emoticons. For example, various funny emoticons, popular network memes, etc. Video Meme: Video Meme is a Meme presented in the form of video, usually including some funny, imitative or challenging video content. Text Meme: Text Meme is a Meme with text as the main expression method, such as some network buzzwords, jokes, etc. 4. The influence of Meme As a cultural phenomenon, Meme not only has a wide influence in the online world, but also has a profound impact on real life. First of all, Meme provides netizens with a new way of expression and communication, making online culture more colorful. Secondly, the spread of Meme is often accompanied by a lot of imitation and re-creation, which helps to stimulate people's creativity and imagination. Finally, Meme can also reflect social hot spots and the focus of people's attention to a certain extent, and become an important window for observing social dynamics. V. Future Outlook of Meme With the continuous development of the Internet, Meme, as a special network cultural phenomenon, will continue to play an important role in the network world. In the future, the forms and dissemination methods of Meme will be more diversified, and will also penetrate more deeply into people's daily lives. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the negative impact that Meme may bring in the process of dissemination, such as information flooding, cyber violence and other problems, and take corresponding measures to deal with them. In short, as a unique network cultural phenomenon, Meme not only enriches the content of the network world, but also provides people with a new way of expression and communication. In future development, we need to pay more attention to the positive role of Meme, and strive to eliminate its possible negative impact, so that Meme can become an important force to promote the healthy development of network culture. With the advent of the bull market, the sector with the most 100x coins will appear in the meme sector and the solana ecosystem More operation strategies will be deployed in the fan group of 10,000 people
Meme culture: from Internet memes to cultural phenomena
In today's rapidly developing digital age, the Internet is not only a platform for information exchange, but also a cradle for cultural breeding and dissemination. Among them, Meme, as a special Internet cultural phenomenon, has become a beautiful landscape in the Internet world with its unique form and rapid dissemination speed.
1. The origin and definition of Meme
The word Meme originated from the concept of "Meme" proposed by British biologist Richard Dawkins in his book "The Selfish Gene" in 1976. The original meaning refers to the basic unit of culture, which is transmitted through non-genetic means, especially imitation. In the context of the Internet, Meme usually refers to a cultural unit that is widely spread and imitated on the Internet. It can be any form of content such as pictures, videos, and text.
2. Characteristics of Meme
Easy to spread: Memes are usually concise and easy to understand, which allows them to spread rapidly in a short period of time. Strong imitativeness: Memes are often highly imitative. Once a Meme becomes popular, it will trigger a large number of imitations and re-creations. Timeliness: The popularity of Meme is often time-sensitive. As time goes by, some Meme will gradually fade out of people's sight and be replaced by new Meme.
3. Classification of Meme
This type of Meme usually uses pictures as carriers and conveys information by adding text or emoticons. For example, various funny emoticons, popular network memes, etc. Video Meme: Video Meme is a Meme presented in the form of video, usually including some funny, imitative or challenging video content. Text Meme: Text Meme is a Meme with text as the main expression method, such as some network buzzwords, jokes, etc.
4. The influence of Meme
As a cultural phenomenon, Meme not only has a wide influence in the online world, but also has a profound impact on real life. First of all, Meme provides netizens with a new way of expression and communication, making online culture more colorful. Secondly, the spread of Meme is often accompanied by a lot of imitation and re-creation, which helps to stimulate people's creativity and imagination. Finally, Meme can also reflect social hot spots and the focus of people's attention to a certain extent, and become an important window for observing social dynamics.
V. Future Outlook of Meme
With the continuous development of the Internet, Meme, as a special network cultural phenomenon, will continue to play an important role in the network world. In the future, the forms and dissemination methods of Meme will be more diversified, and will also penetrate more deeply into people's daily lives. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the negative impact that Meme may bring in the process of dissemination, such as information flooding, cyber violence and other problems, and take corresponding measures to deal with them.
In short, as a unique network cultural phenomenon, Meme not only enriches the content of the network world, but also provides people with a new way of expression and communication. In future development, we need to pay more attention to the positive role of Meme, and strive to eliminate its possible negative impact, so that Meme can become an important force to promote the healthy development of network culture.

With the advent of the bull market, the sector with the most 100x coins will appear in the meme sector and the solana ecosystem

More operation strategies will be deployed in the fan group of 10,000 people
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The Rise of Bonk: Fair Opportunity and the Resonance of the Solana Community Bonk, the Solana on-chain token that is being enthusiastically sought after by the public, is not just an ordinary meme coin, it also symbolizes fairness and the power of the community. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that Bonk directly airdrops 50% of the total supply to the Solana community, ensuring that every community member has the opportunity to participate. This decision stems from the aversion of Bonk contributors to the "Alameda" token economics at the time. They hope to create a meme coin project that is not only interesting but also truly fair, so that everyone can benefit from it. Bonk's success is not accidental, and behind it is a firm belief in fairness, transparency and community autonomy. With the rapid rise of Bonk in the market, the ecosystem behind it has gradually grown. More and more investors and community members are attracted by the fairness and innovation of Bonk, and they actively participate in it and jointly promote the development of Bonk. At the same time, the rise of Bonk has also led to the prosperity of the entire Solana ecosystem. As a decentralized blockchain platform, Solana has always been committed to providing users with a fast, efficient and secure trading experience. Bonk's success further proves the vitality and potential of the Solana ecosystem, attracting more developers and investors to join this ecosystem. However, investors should remain rational and cautious when participating in any project. Although Bonk has won market recognition and support for its fairness and innovation, the crypto market is still full of uncertainty. Investors should make decisions based on their risk tolerance and investment goals, and do not blindly follow the trend or listen to irresponsible investment advice. The rise of Bonk is a microcosm of the prosperity of the Solana ecosystem. It has won market recognition and support for its fairness, innovation and community autonomy. As the crypto market continues to grow and develop, we look forward to seeing more excellent projects like Bonk emerge. More 100x coin projects will be shared in more detail in the 10,000-person fan group
The Rise of Bonk: Fair Opportunity and the Resonance of the Solana Community

Bonk, the Solana on-chain token that is being enthusiastically sought after by the public, is not just an ordinary meme coin, it also symbolizes fairness and the power of the community. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that Bonk directly airdrops 50% of the total supply to the Solana community, ensuring that every community member has the opportunity to participate.

This decision stems from the aversion of Bonk contributors to the "Alameda" token economics at the time. They hope to create a meme coin project that is not only interesting but also truly fair, so that everyone can benefit from it. Bonk's success is not accidental, and behind it is a firm belief in fairness, transparency and community autonomy.

With the rapid rise of Bonk in the market, the ecosystem behind it has gradually grown. More and more investors and community members are attracted by the fairness and innovation of Bonk, and they actively participate in it and jointly promote the development of Bonk.

At the same time, the rise of Bonk has also led to the prosperity of the entire Solana ecosystem. As a decentralized blockchain platform, Solana has always been committed to providing users with a fast, efficient and secure trading experience. Bonk's success further proves the vitality and potential of the Solana ecosystem, attracting more developers and investors to join this ecosystem.

However, investors should remain rational and cautious when participating in any project. Although Bonk has won market recognition and support for its fairness and innovation, the crypto market is still full of uncertainty. Investors should make decisions based on their risk tolerance and investment goals, and do not blindly follow the trend or listen to irresponsible investment advice.

The rise of Bonk is a microcosm of the prosperity of the Solana ecosystem. It has won market recognition and support for its fairness, innovation and community autonomy. As the crypto market continues to grow and develop, we look forward to seeing more excellent projects like Bonk emerge.

More 100x coin projects will be shared in more detail in the 10,000-person fan group
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Why is PEPE likely to become the third tens-billion Meme? In the last bull market, Doge and Shib emerged respectively, becoming the first and second Meme with a market value exceeding tens of billions of dollars. Their peak market values ​​reached an astonishing US$100 billion and US$50 billion respectively. Regarding the current bull market, we also look forward to Meme's ability to achieve a market value of tens of billions. PEPE is gradually emerging, and here is my brief analysis of its possibilities: Bull market calls for super Meme: This bull market has benefited from multiple positive factors such as ETFs, halvings, interest rate cuts, etc. Bitcoin is expected to create a new historical high. The scale of funds in the currency circle has increased significantly compared to the previous round, which provides fertile ground for the rise of super Meme. Conservative estimates suggest that the market value of the currency circle will reach US$6 trillion, of which Meme’s market value will account for at least 2%, which means that the Meme market is expected to reach a scale of US$120 billion. In such a market environment, PEPE, as the new Meme leader, is expected to have a market value of tens of billions of dollars. PEPE’s cultural heritage: The core of Meme lies in consensus, and PEPE, as a cultural symbol originated in 2005, has a profound Meme cultural heritage and a strong consensus foundation. Whether in the West or the East, PEPE has a wide audience and fans. This cross-cultural consensus basis provides a solid foundation for the rise of PEPE. PEPE’s reshuffle and rebirth: PEPE’s development process has been full of tests, and has experienced differences in the original team and the baptism of the market. However, it was these experiences that allowed the PEPE consensus to be reshaped and consolidated, and the true believers remained. This thorough washout and rebirth process provides fundamental support for the outbreak of PEPE. Favored by capital and hot money: PEPE, as a Meme target with low valuation and high potential, has attracted the attention of many capital and hot money. Its wide audience, good market depth and natural Meme genes make PEPE the focus of capital pursuit. In a bull market, capital and hot money will vote with money, driving the price of PEPE to continue to rise. Potentially favorable promotions: PEPE’s rise not only relies on its own strength, but also benefits from a series of potentially favorable promotions. For example, the support of top funds and market makers, potential cooperation with exchanges, etc. will provide strong support for the rise of PEPE.These back-up plans will further enhance PEPE's market competitiveness and appeal. With its profound cultural heritage, broad consensus foundation, good fundamentals and potential favorable promotion, PEPE is likely to become the third 10 billion-level Meme. More 100x coin projects will be announced in the 10,000-person fan group
Why is PEPE likely to become the third tens-billion Meme?

In the last bull market, Doge and Shib emerged respectively, becoming the first and second Meme with a market value exceeding tens of billions of dollars. Their peak market values ​​reached an astonishing US$100 billion and US$50 billion respectively. Regarding the current bull market, we also look forward to Meme's ability to achieve a market value of tens of billions. PEPE is gradually emerging, and here is my brief analysis of its possibilities:

Bull market calls for super Meme: This bull market has benefited from multiple positive factors such as ETFs, halvings, interest rate cuts, etc. Bitcoin is expected to create a new historical high. The scale of funds in the currency circle has increased significantly compared to the previous round, which provides fertile ground for the rise of super Meme. Conservative estimates suggest that the market value of the currency circle will reach US$6 trillion, of which Meme’s market value will account for at least 2%, which means that the Meme market is expected to reach a scale of US$120 billion. In such a market environment, PEPE, as the new Meme leader, is expected to have a market value of tens of billions of dollars.

PEPE’s cultural heritage: The core of Meme lies in consensus, and PEPE, as a cultural symbol originated in 2005, has a profound Meme cultural heritage and a strong consensus foundation. Whether in the West or the East, PEPE has a wide audience and fans. This cross-cultural consensus basis provides a solid foundation for the rise of PEPE.

PEPE’s reshuffle and rebirth: PEPE’s development process has been full of tests, and has experienced differences in the original team and the baptism of the market. However, it was these experiences that allowed the PEPE consensus to be reshaped and consolidated, and the true believers remained. This thorough washout and rebirth process provides fundamental support for the outbreak of PEPE.

Favored by capital and hot money: PEPE, as a Meme target with low valuation and high potential, has attracted the attention of many capital and hot money. Its wide audience, good market depth and natural Meme genes make PEPE the focus of capital pursuit. In a bull market, capital and hot money will vote with money, driving the price of PEPE to continue to rise.

Potentially favorable promotions: PEPE’s rise not only relies on its own strength, but also benefits from a series of potentially favorable promotions. For example, the support of top funds and market makers, potential cooperation with exchanges, etc. will provide strong support for the rise of PEPE.These back-up plans will further enhance PEPE's market competitiveness and appeal.

With its profound cultural heritage, broad consensus foundation, good fundamentals and potential favorable promotion, PEPE is likely to become the third 10 billion-level Meme.

More 100x coin projects will be announced in the 10,000-person fan group
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BONK ($BONK) has indeed hit new all-time highs (ATHs) in the past, but experienced traders in the market are now turning their attention to newer alternatives, concerned about the potential downside risks that the market may face. The latest news about BONK is that as one of the meme coins in the Solana ecosystem, it has experienced an extremely active 2024. The meme token once hit an all-time high of $0.00004804, an astonishing increase of about 4491.23% compared to the previous year. At the same time, its daily trading volume also soared to the billion-dollar level, which is undoubtedly an impressive achievement. BONK's market value once approached $2 billion, but has since retreated slightly and is currently trading at around $0.00002558. Although the project as a whole has shown a strong upward momentum with a weekly growth rate of an astonishing 40%, people are still cautious about whether it can continue to climb higher, especially to reach the impressive $1 threshold. Regarding the BONK price prediction for 2024 and beyond, despite the bullish sentiment in the market in the short term, most of the latest technical indicators now point to neutral or sell positions, which indicates that the price may not rise significantly in the foreseeable future. In particular, the relative strength index (RSI) of BONK coin has reached 70, entering the overbought area, suggesting that the price may be adjusted. At the same time, both the daily moving average convergence divergence (MACD) and RSI indicators show that buying activity may decrease and the price may adjust. In addition, both the 14-day RSI and STOCH (9,6) show signs of oversold, which may mean that the price has reached a recent high and may soon see a correction. These analyses are all based on the news background of the recent surge in the value of BONK caused by whale buying activities. As for whether BONK has the potential to reach $1, the current assessment believes that this is very unlikely. To achieve this goal, the price of BONK coin needs to increase by more than 42 million times, which will bring its market value to more than $93 trillion, far exceeding the estimated total wealth of the world. Therefore, considering the current market conditions and indicators, although BONK coin has the potential to rise, reaching the $1 level seems out of reach. A more realistic price target could be $0.0001, which would give BONK a market valuation of $9.35 billion, an increase of about $4.24 times. To achieve this goal, BONK currency still needs to benefit from a favorable market environment, high market acceptance and the promotion of innovative technologies. This Friday, we will lead the members of the 10,000-person fan group to conduct a layout of the 100-fold coin project. You can choose not to participate, but you must witness the birth of the 100-fold coin.
BONK ($BONK ) has indeed hit new all-time highs (ATHs) in the past, but experienced traders in the market are now turning their attention to newer alternatives, concerned about the potential downside risks that the market may face. The latest news about BONK is that as one of the meme coins in the Solana ecosystem, it has experienced an extremely active 2024. The meme token once hit an all-time high of $0.00004804, an astonishing increase of about 4491.23% compared to the previous year. At the same time, its daily trading volume also soared to the billion-dollar level, which is undoubtedly an impressive achievement.

BONK's market value once approached $2 billion, but has since retreated slightly and is currently trading at around $0.00002558. Although the project as a whole has shown a strong upward momentum with a weekly growth rate of an astonishing 40%, people are still cautious about whether it can continue to climb higher, especially to reach the impressive $1 threshold.

Regarding the BONK price prediction for 2024 and beyond, despite the bullish sentiment in the market in the short term, most of the latest technical indicators now point to neutral or sell positions, which indicates that the price may not rise significantly in the foreseeable future. In particular, the relative strength index (RSI) of BONK coin has reached 70, entering the overbought area, suggesting that the price may be adjusted. At the same time, both the daily moving average convergence divergence (MACD) and RSI indicators show that buying activity may decrease and the price may adjust.

In addition, both the 14-day RSI and STOCH (9,6) show signs of oversold, which may mean that the price has reached a recent high and may soon see a correction. These analyses are all based on the news background of the recent surge in the value of BONK caused by whale buying activities.

As for whether BONK has the potential to reach $1, the current assessment believes that this is very unlikely. To achieve this goal, the price of BONK coin needs to increase by more than 42 million times, which will bring its market value to more than $93 trillion, far exceeding the estimated total wealth of the world. Therefore, considering the current market conditions and indicators, although BONK coin has the potential to rise, reaching the $1 level seems out of reach.

A more realistic price target could be $0.0001, which would give BONK a market valuation of $9.35 billion, an increase of about $4.24 times. To achieve this goal, BONK currency still needs to benefit from a favorable market environment, high market acceptance and the promotion of innovative technologies.

This Friday, we will lead the members of the 10,000-person fan group to conduct a layout of the 100-fold coin project. You can choose not to participate, but you must witness the birth of the 100-fold coin.
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The surge in the value of PEPE coins has set off a craze: What is the potential for future value-added? This year, the value of PEPE coins has skyrocketed, rising from a very low 0.0000011 to 0.000011. This significant increase has attracted a large number of investors to flock to collect this frog-themed meme token. Various signs indicate that the future value-added space of PEPE currency cannot be underestimated. Recently, investors in the cryptocurrency market have become enthusiastic about PEPE coins, purchasing nearly 650 billion PEPE coins in just 24 hours, showing a strong bull market atmosphere in the market. Although the market continues to be hot and the holdings of PEPE coins are growing steadily, its price has experienced certain volatility. In this year’s bull market, the accumulation of PEPE coins has been particularly prominent. Data shows that on May 11 alone, investors in the cryptocurrency market purchased a staggering 650 billion PEPE coins, which gave the market high hopes for the prospects of meme cryptocurrencies. Although some people initially expressed reservations about PEPE's prospects, it has rebounded strongly since the lows in March this year, once reaching a high of 0.00001146, and the market performance far exceeded expectations. Recently, both large investors and ordinary retail investors have been actively purchasing PEPE coins. Trillions of PEPE coins have been accumulated in just a few days, making the prospect of PEPE coins even more eye-catching. Investors rush to buy PEPE coins Data shows that in the past 24 hours, investors have snapped up up to 649.16 billion PEPE coins. It is worth noting that there are four mysterious addresses that have accumulated a large amount of PEPE coins on the exchange. One of the addresses withdrew up to 350 billion PEPE coins from the Binance exchange, with a total value of $3.44 million. This address is considered a master of swing trading and is rumored to have made $2.66 million in profits from PEPE coin trading. In addition, the address’s holdings also include 67 different tokens, of which Shiba Inu and PEPE coins are the most significant. At the same time, there are other addresses actively purchasing PEPE coins. One address used 1.09 million USDC to purchase 123.66 billion PEPE coins, while the other two addresses purchased 101 billion and 74.5 billion PEPE coins respectively. These large transactions further intensified the market’s expectations for the future of PEPE currency. However, it is worth noting that the price of PEPE coins has shown some volatility recently. PEPE coin price fluctuation and market sentiment analysis Currently, the price of PEPE coin has rebounded by 5% and stabilized at 0.000009406. Despite the fluctuations, the market remains optimistic about the long-term prospects of PEPE coin. Investors are closely following market trends and expect PEPE coin to bring greater returns on investment. More meme-based 100x coin projects will be analyzed in more detail in the 10,000-person fan group
The surge in the value of PEPE coins has set off a craze: What is the potential for future value-added?
This year, the value of PEPE coins has skyrocketed, rising from a very low 0.0000011 to 0.000011. This significant increase has attracted a large number of investors to flock to collect this frog-themed meme token.

Various signs indicate that the future value-added space of PEPE currency cannot be underestimated.
Recently, investors in the cryptocurrency market have become enthusiastic about PEPE coins, purchasing nearly 650 billion PEPE coins in just 24 hours, showing a strong bull market atmosphere in the market.
Although the market continues to be hot and the holdings of PEPE coins are growing steadily, its price has experienced certain volatility.

In this year’s bull market, the accumulation of PEPE coins has been particularly prominent. Data shows that on May 11 alone, investors in the cryptocurrency market purchased a staggering 650 billion PEPE coins, which gave the market high hopes for the prospects of meme cryptocurrencies.

Although some people initially expressed reservations about PEPE's prospects, it has rebounded strongly since the lows in March this year, once reaching a high of 0.00001146, and the market performance far exceeded expectations.
Recently, both large investors and ordinary retail investors have been actively purchasing PEPE coins. Trillions of PEPE coins have been accumulated in just a few days, making the prospect of PEPE coins even more eye-catching.

Investors rush to buy PEPE coins
Data shows that in the past 24 hours, investors have snapped up up to 649.16 billion PEPE coins.

It is worth noting that there are four mysterious addresses that have accumulated a large amount of PEPE coins on the exchange. One of the addresses withdrew up to 350 billion PEPE coins from the Binance exchange, with a total value of $3.44 million.

This address is considered a master of swing trading and is rumored to have made $2.66 million in profits from PEPE coin trading. In addition, the address’s holdings also include 67 different tokens, of which Shiba Inu and PEPE coins are the most significant.

At the same time, there are other addresses actively purchasing PEPE coins. One address used 1.09 million USDC to purchase 123.66 billion PEPE coins, while the other two addresses purchased 101 billion and 74.5 billion PEPE coins respectively.

These large transactions further intensified the market’s expectations for the future of PEPE currency. However, it is worth noting that the price of PEPE coins has shown some volatility recently.
PEPE coin price fluctuation and market sentiment analysis

Currently, the price of PEPE coin has rebounded by 5% and stabilized at 0.000009406. Despite the fluctuations, the market remains optimistic about the long-term prospects of PEPE coin. Investors are closely following market trends and expect PEPE coin to bring greater returns on investment.

More meme-based 100x coin projects will be analyzed in more detail in the 10,000-person fan group
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BOME made a great comeback right after it went online, with an initial circulation market value of 1.6 billion, which then fell back to around 830 million, and the current daily trading volume has also decreased. From historical experience, similar projects often go through a wash phase after listing on Binance, and may then pull up again. However, this does not mean that this will happen every time, as market trends are affected by a variety of factors, such as BTC price fluctuations, market sentiment, ETFs, and capital inflows. At present, the price and trading volume of BOME are both unstable, making it difficult to determine the best time to buy at the bottom. Before there is an obvious signal of stabilization, it is recommended to remain cautious and avoid blindly entering the market. Pay attention to market sentiment: Market sentiment has an important impact on the trend of the cryptocurrency market. In particular, when BTC prices hit new highs or soar, market sentiment tends to be very high, which may bring opportunities for projects such as BOME to pull up. Pay attention to ETFs and capital movements: The approval of ETFs and the inflow of funds have a positive impact on the cryptocurrency market. If ETFs can be successfully launched and recognized by the market, they may bring more liquidity and investor confidence to the market, thereby driving up the prices of projects such as BOME. Diversified investment: When investing in cryptocurrencies, it is recommended to adopt a diversified investment strategy to allocate funds to different projects and currencies to reduce risks. Coins worth paying attention to in May ETHFI: With the approach of Ethereum ETF, ETH and the staking sector may attract market attention. Ambush on dips may be a good choice. APT: Apt has significant positives in April and has strong support behind it, which is worth paying attention to. JTO: Among the new SOL ecological projects, Jito may be an undervalued project. ENA: Ethena Labs' high-income projects and KOL promotion may bring it growth momentum. BICO: Biconomy's solutions have been adopted by many global companies and have potential for growth. PENDLE: As the best agent of Eigenlayer, Pendle Finance's YT product may bring high returns. SUI: Sui's first global conference may bring it market attention. For more operation strategies, please share more details in the 10,000 fans group
BOME made a great comeback right after it went online, with an initial circulation market value of 1.6 billion, which then fell back to around 830 million, and the current daily trading volume has also decreased. From historical experience, similar projects often go through a wash phase after listing on Binance, and may then pull up again. However, this does not mean that this will happen every time, as market trends are affected by a variety of factors, such as BTC price fluctuations, market sentiment, ETFs, and capital inflows.

At present, the price and trading volume of BOME are both unstable, making it difficult to determine the best time to buy at the bottom. Before there is an obvious signal of stabilization, it is recommended to remain cautious and avoid blindly entering the market. Pay attention to market sentiment: Market sentiment has an important impact on the trend of the cryptocurrency market. In particular, when BTC prices hit new highs or soar, market sentiment tends to be very high, which may bring opportunities for projects such as BOME to pull up. Pay attention to ETFs and capital movements: The approval of ETFs and the inflow of funds have a positive impact on the cryptocurrency market. If ETFs can be successfully launched and recognized by the market, they may bring more liquidity and investor confidence to the market, thereby driving up the prices of projects such as BOME. Diversified investment: When investing in cryptocurrencies, it is recommended to adopt a diversified investment strategy to allocate funds to different projects and currencies to reduce risks.
Coins worth paying attention to in May

ETHFI: With the approach of Ethereum ETF, ETH and the staking sector may attract market attention. Ambush on dips may be a good choice.
APT: Apt has significant positives in April and has strong support behind it, which is worth paying attention to. JTO: Among the new SOL ecological projects, Jito may be an undervalued project. ENA: Ethena Labs' high-income projects and KOL promotion may bring it growth momentum.
BICO: Biconomy's solutions have been adopted by many global companies and have potential for growth.
PENDLE: As the best agent of Eigenlayer, Pendle Finance's YT product may bring high returns.
SUI: Sui's first global conference may bring it market attention.

For more operation strategies, please share more details in the 10,000 fans group
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Recently, I found a strange phenomenon in the currency circle I am worried about the rise I am worried about the fall I didn’t buy it when it rose I didn’t dare to buy it when it fell If you have this mentality, I suggest you quit the circle quickly and go to the factory to screw screws After the halving, according to common sense, the bull market will start But this year, the bull market not only did not start, but also kept fluctuating downward If you do contracts, you may have left the market. If you are a friend who does spot trading, you are already deeply trapped But it doesn’t matter, the market will still rise Many fans of the 10,000-person group asked me: In which section is the 100-fold coin this year? The meme section is the first choice Pepe and Shib appeared in the early stage Bonk and Bome appeared in the later stage Because of the strong consensus, meme coins have been hot This Friday, we will lead the members of the 10,000-person fan group to plan the 100-fold coin project together You can not participate, but you must witness the birth of the 100-fold coin
Recently, I found a strange phenomenon in the currency circle

I am worried about the rise

I am worried about the fall

I didn’t buy it when it rose

I didn’t dare to buy it when it fell

If you have this mentality, I suggest you quit the circle quickly and go to the factory to screw screws

After the halving, according to common sense, the bull market will start

But this year, the bull market not only did not start, but also kept fluctuating downward

If you do contracts, you may have left the market.

If you are a friend who does spot trading, you are already deeply trapped

But it doesn’t matter, the market will still rise

Many fans of the 10,000-person group asked me: In which section is the 100-fold coin this year?

The meme section is the first choice

Pepe and Shib appeared in the early stage

Bonk and Bome appeared in the later stage

Because of the strong consensus, meme coins have been hot

This Friday, we will lead the members of the 10,000-person fan group to plan the 100-fold coin project together

You can not participate, but you must witness the birth of the 100-fold coin
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Recently, the popularity of PEPE is still high, attracting the attention of many investors. Many people are optimistic about its prospects, mainly because it has soared an astonishing 17 times from the lowest price to the highest price. Such an increase is undoubtedly a huge temptation for investors, especially those who have held it but failed to stick to it. They are eager to find an opportunity to make up for the missed profits. Another reason for attracting people is its low price. 100 US dollars can buy a lot of PEPE, which makes many people have the illusion of "affordability". They may think: "Since the price is so low, and some people advocate its future potential and unlimited value, it doesn't matter if I buy a little and put it aside. If I lose too much, I won't make too much. If I make a profit, I will turn over a big turn." However, this mentality is not actually investing, but more like pursuing an unrealistic dream. Even if you buy a dream, you need to consider the timing and risks. Every penny is the result of hard work, even 100 US dollars is no exception. From my personal point of view, the risk of investing in PEPE at this point is far greater than the potential benefits. Next, we use the Qianlong tactics to analyze the daily (mid-line) trend of PEPE: From the daily chart, PEPE's upward trend is smaller and smaller, and the volume of bulls is gradually decreasing, which shows that the power of bulls has begun to decline. The area between the two white lines above belongs to the pressure zone. Normal rise should break through with large volume when encountering pressure, but PEPE not only did not increase volume here, but shrank, which is a very dangerous signal. PEPE has tried to break through the first pressure point above three times, but all failed. Moreover, the entity of the K-line is getting smaller and smaller, and the amplitude is gradually narrowing, which conforms to the law of "one effort, then decline, and then exhaustion", showing that the power of bulls has become weaker and weaker. More hundred-fold coin projects will be announced in the fan group of 10,000 people
Recently, the popularity of PEPE is still high, attracting the attention of many investors. Many people are optimistic about its prospects, mainly because it has soared an astonishing 17 times from the lowest price to the highest price. Such an increase is undoubtedly a huge temptation for investors, especially those who have held it but failed to stick to it. They are eager to find an opportunity to make up for the missed profits.
Another reason for attracting people is its low price. 100 US dollars can buy a lot of PEPE, which makes many people have the illusion of "affordability". They may think: "Since the price is so low, and some people advocate its future potential and unlimited value, it doesn't matter if I buy a little and put it aside. If I lose too much, I won't make too much. If I make a profit, I will turn over a big turn."

However, this mentality is not actually investing, but more like pursuing an unrealistic dream. Even if you buy a dream, you need to consider the timing and risks. Every penny is the result of hard work, even 100 US dollars is no exception.
From my personal point of view, the risk of investing in PEPE at this point is far greater than the potential benefits.

Next, we use the Qianlong tactics to analyze the daily (mid-line) trend of PEPE:
From the daily chart, PEPE's upward trend is smaller and smaller, and the volume of bulls is gradually decreasing, which shows that the power of bulls has begun to decline.
The area between the two white lines above belongs to the pressure zone. Normal rise should break through with large volume when encountering pressure, but PEPE not only did not increase volume here, but shrank, which is a very dangerous signal.

PEPE has tried to break through the first pressure point above three times, but all failed. Moreover, the entity of the K-line is getting smaller and smaller, and the amplitude is gradually narrowing, which conforms to the law of "one effort, then decline, and then exhaustion", showing that the power of bulls has become weaker and weaker.

More hundred-fold coin projects will be announced in the fan group of 10,000 people
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Summary of the meme coins that have soared recently Let's count the various popular animal memes on the market: Meme coins with a market value of more than 1b (1 billion) $DOGE (21.38b) $SHIB (13.72b) $WIF (3b) $FLOKI (1.82b) $BONK (1.5b) Meme coins with a market value of more than 100m (100 million) but less than 1b (1 billion) $BABYDOGE (245m) $DOG Rune (215m) $MYRO (154m) $BONE (144m) $ELON (≈100m) POPCAT (480m) ∗∗Note∗∗: This POPCAT has a market value of more than 100m, but you also listed it in the category of "Once briefly reached 100m". Here I assume that its market value is still more than 100m. $MEW (292m) $MICHI (226m) $MOG (221m) $TOSHI (124m) $WEN (120m) $SC (100m) Meme coins that briefly reached 100m (100 million) but are currently below this market value $AIDOGE (67.83m) $LEASH (42m) $KISHU (36m) $SAMO (30m) $DC (16m) $MILO (14m) REDO (72m) ∗∗Note∗∗: Although REDO's market value is currently shown as 72m, by definition it should be classified as "briefly reaching 100m" because it has reached this market value at least at some point in time. $MANEKI (50.43m) $NUB (31.37m) $CATGIRL (19.7m) Notes These market value data are dynamic and will change over time. The Meme coin market is very volatile and investors need to be cautious. Market capitalization data may be affected by a variety of factors, including market sentiment, trading volume, news events, etc. Before investing in any cryptocurrency, you should conduct sufficient research and risk assessment. More operational strategies will be analyzed in more detail in the 10,000-person fan group
Summary of the meme coins that have soared recently
Let's count the various popular animal memes on the market:

Meme coins with a market value of more than 1b (1 billion)
$DOGE (21.38b)
$SHIB (13.72b)
$WIF (3b)
$FLOKI (1.82b)
$BONK (1.5b)

Meme coins with a market value of more than 100m (100 million) but less than 1b (1 billion)
$BABYDOGE (245m)
$DOG Rune (215m)
$MYRO (154m)
$BONE (144m)
$ELON (≈100m)
POPCAT (480m)
∗∗Note∗∗: This POPCAT has a market value of more than 100m, but you also listed it in the category of "Once briefly reached 100m". Here I assume that its market value is still more than 100m.
$MEW (292m)
$MICHI (226m)
$MOG (221m)
$TOSHI (124m)
$WEN (120m)
$SC (100m)

Meme coins that briefly reached 100m (100 million) but are currently below this market value
$AIDOGE (67.83m)
$LEASH (42m)
$KISHU (36m)
$SAMO (30m)
$DC (16m)
$MILO (14m)
REDO (72m) ∗∗Note∗∗: Although REDO's market value is currently shown as 72m, by definition it should be classified as "briefly reaching 100m" because it has reached this market value at least at some point in time.
$MANEKI (50.43m)
$NUB (31.37m)
$CATGIRL (19.7m)

These market value data are dynamic and will change over time. The Meme coin market is very volatile and investors need to be cautious. Market capitalization data may be affected by a variety of factors, including market sentiment, trading volume, news events, etc. Before investing in any cryptocurrency, you should conduct sufficient research and risk assessment.

More operational strategies will be analyzed in more detail in the 10,000-person fan group
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Recently, BTC has been fluctuating, and the direction is not clear, but in the BTC fluctuations, the meme sector is still relatively strong. Now many people are increasingly recognizing Meme coins, but you must not buy them randomly. When choosing to invest in meme coins, it is important to consider several key factors: 1. Project analysis: First, conduct in-depth research on the meme coin project. Understand its goals, mission, and the problems it aims to solve. Evaluate the project's white paper, roadmap, and team members' qualifications to measure its credibility and potential for success. 2. Community participation: Join online forums, social media groups, and discussion platforms dedicated to discussing meme coins. Interact with the community to gain insights, collect opinions, and assess the sentiment around the project. Active community participation can provide valuable information about the project's reputation and future prospects. 3. Token economy evaluation: Evaluate the token economy of meme coins, including their supply, distribution, and value-added mechanisms. Analyze factors such as token utility, staking rewards, and governance characteristics to understand the intrinsic value and long-term growth potential of tokens. 4. Market analysis: Conduct a thorough market analysis to evaluate the competitiveness and market positioning of meme coins. Analyze factors such as market trends, competition, and adoption rates to assess the project's potential to succeed in the broader cryptocurrency space. 5. Technical analysis: Use technical analysis tools and charts to analyze meme coin price movements, trading volumes, and market liquidity. Identify key support and resistance levels, trends, and patterns to make informed trading decisions and reduce risk. Lao Chen personally thinks that rookie Meme should choose PEPE, FLOKI, BOME, and a hat dog WIF, these 4 good targets ►$PEPE $PEPE is a new Meme coin launched last year and belongs to an emerging currency. It has high popularity and strong market consensus, and almost everyone has heard of PEPE. There are a large number of coin holding addresses and a broad user base. The transaction is deep, high, and can maintain hundreds of millions of dollars in trading volume even when the market is not good. Recently, PEPE has shown strong market momentum and huge growth potential. Unlike other meme coins that have experienced a bull market, PEPE has not yet fully released its market potential, indicating its possible explosive growth. $PEPE long-term position. ►$Floki I am optimistic about $Floki. Floki is still in its infancy. He is the most explosive rising star in the bear market. Floki's ecosystem has a TVL of more than 550 million US dollars, which exceeds the TVL of all top memecoins combined. This gives FLOKI a strong meme appeal and fundamentals. Floki is involved in many projects, including FLOKI's token token. I am also quite optimistic about it. Token means coin. Its vision is a token platform and an incubation base for new projects. Ten times in the future is definitely a small number. Token is expected to be 50 times, and Floki is expected to be twice in the short term. Just do it! ►$WIF WIF has quickly gained attention in the cryptocurrency field with its unique approach and solid technical foundation. WIF is positioned as a utility token in a comprehensive pet-themed ecosystem, supporting a wide range of services from pet insurance to community activities, and leveraging its niche market focus to achieve potential growth and practicality. As a digital currency on the Solana blockchain, WIF has a market value of 2.7 billion US dollars, ranking high. Since its launch, WIF has risen by an astonishing 1543% and has become a major competitor in the meme coin space. Its future growth potential cannot be underestimated. $WIF is suitable for swing trading. Buy/add positions every time BTC pulls back and market sentiment is low, and sell when sentiment rebounds. ►$BOME The star token on the SOL chain has always been at the top of the popularity list. $BOME is now fully circulated! This may be a big positive! The market pulled back last night, but it was surprisingly resistant to falling and has been at 0.0105! Is this legendary MEME, which has been on Binance for three days, ready to make a move? For more news about meme coins, please visit the 10,000-person fan group
Recently, BTC has been fluctuating, and the direction is not clear, but in the BTC fluctuations, the meme sector is still relatively strong.

Now many people are increasingly recognizing Meme coins, but you must not buy them randomly.
When choosing to invest in meme coins, it is important to consider several key factors:

1. Project analysis: First, conduct in-depth research on the meme coin project. Understand its goals, mission, and the problems it aims to solve. Evaluate the project's white paper, roadmap, and team members' qualifications to measure its credibility and potential for success.

2. Community participation: Join online forums, social media groups, and discussion platforms dedicated to discussing meme coins. Interact with the community to gain insights, collect opinions, and assess the sentiment around the project. Active community participation can provide valuable information about the project's reputation and future prospects.

3. Token economy evaluation: Evaluate the token economy of meme coins, including their supply, distribution, and value-added mechanisms. Analyze factors such as token utility, staking rewards, and governance characteristics to understand the intrinsic value and long-term growth potential of tokens.

4. Market analysis: Conduct a thorough market analysis to evaluate the competitiveness and market positioning of meme coins. Analyze factors such as market trends, competition, and adoption rates to assess the project's potential to succeed in the broader cryptocurrency space.
5. Technical analysis: Use technical analysis tools and charts to analyze meme coin price movements, trading volumes, and market liquidity. Identify key support and resistance levels, trends, and patterns to make informed trading decisions and reduce risk.
Lao Chen personally thinks that rookie Meme should choose PEPE, FLOKI, BOME, and a hat dog WIF, these 4 good targets
$PEPE is a new Meme coin launched last year and belongs to an emerging currency. It has high popularity and strong market consensus, and almost everyone has heard of PEPE. There are a large number of coin holding addresses and a broad user base. The transaction is deep, high, and can maintain hundreds of millions of dollars in trading volume even when the market is not good. Recently, PEPE has shown strong market momentum and huge growth potential. Unlike other meme coins that have experienced a bull market, PEPE has not yet fully released its market potential, indicating its possible explosive growth. $PEPE long-term position.
I am optimistic about $Floki. Floki is still in its infancy. He is the most explosive rising star in the bear market. Floki's ecosystem has a TVL of more than 550 million US dollars, which exceeds the TVL of all top memecoins combined. This gives FLOKI a strong meme appeal and fundamentals. Floki is involved in many projects, including FLOKI's token token. I am also quite optimistic about it. Token means coin. Its vision is a token platform and an incubation base for new projects. Ten times in the future is definitely a small number. Token is expected to be 50 times, and Floki is expected to be twice in the short term. Just do it!
WIF has quickly gained attention in the cryptocurrency field with its unique approach and solid technical foundation. WIF is positioned as a utility token in a comprehensive pet-themed ecosystem, supporting a wide range of services from pet insurance to community activities, and leveraging its niche market focus to achieve potential growth and practicality.
As a digital currency on the Solana blockchain, WIF has a market value of 2.7 billion US dollars, ranking high. Since its launch, WIF has risen by an astonishing 1543% and has become a major competitor in the meme coin space. Its future growth potential cannot be underestimated. $WIF is suitable for swing trading. Buy/add positions every time BTC pulls back and market sentiment is low, and sell when sentiment rebounds.
The star token on the SOL chain has always been at the top of the popularity list. $BOME is now fully circulated! This may be a big positive! The market pulled back last night, but it was surprisingly resistant to falling and has been at 0.0105! Is this legendary MEME, which has been on Binance for three days, ready to make a move?

For more news about meme coins, please visit the 10,000-person fan group
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Institutional investors in the United States have finally stopped hiding their actions and are rushing into the cryptocurrency market, as if a torrent of funds is pouring in. However, this is just the beginning. After all, in the huge financial market, the investment scale of hundreds of millions of dollars is just the tip of the iceberg. Yesterday, the net inflow of US Bitcoin spot ETFs reached about 221 million US dollars, which is a feat of net inflow of more than 200 million US dollars for three consecutive days. On May 18, the net inflow/outflow data of all Bitcoin spot ETFs has been fully updated. According to Tree News' monitoring, BlackRock IBIT had a net inflow of 38.1 million US dollars yesterday. Other ETF data provided by Farside Investors are as follows: Fidelity FBTC net inflow of $99.4 million Grayscale GBTC net inflow of $31.6 million Bitwise BITB net inflow of $20.8 million ARK's ARKB net inflow of $10 million Invesco BTCO net inflow of $5.7 million Valkyrie's BRRR net inflow of $6.4 million Vaneck's HODL net inflow of $9.5 million Yesterday's total net inflow was as high as about $221 million, and the overall net inflow exceeded $200 million for three consecutive days. This week, the net inflow of Bitcoin spot ETFs reached an astonishing 14,389 BTC, which is worth more than $1 billion at the current price.
Institutional investors in the United States have finally stopped hiding their actions and are rushing into the cryptocurrency market, as if a torrent of funds is pouring in. However, this is just the beginning. After all, in the huge financial market, the investment scale of hundreds of millions of dollars is just the tip of the iceberg.

Yesterday, the net inflow of US Bitcoin spot ETFs reached about 221 million US dollars, which is a feat of net inflow of more than 200 million US dollars for three consecutive days.

On May 18, the net inflow/outflow data of all Bitcoin spot ETFs has been fully updated. According to Tree News' monitoring, BlackRock IBIT had a net inflow of 38.1 million US dollars yesterday.

Other ETF data provided by Farside Investors are as follows:
Fidelity FBTC net inflow of $99.4 million Grayscale GBTC net inflow of $31.6 million Bitwise BITB net inflow of $20.8 million ARK's ARKB net inflow of $10 million Invesco BTCO net inflow of $5.7 million Valkyrie's BRRR net inflow of $6.4 million Vaneck's HODL net inflow of $9.5 million

Yesterday's total net inflow was as high as about $221 million, and the overall net inflow exceeded $200 million for three consecutive days. This week, the net inflow of Bitcoin spot ETFs reached an astonishing 14,389 BTC, which is worth more than $1 billion at the current price.
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We can understand and analyze the short view of NOT from the following aspects: Market value and launch timing: TON’s market value at the time of launch was indeed 1 billion, but NOT dared to set a market value close to TON’s at the time when it was just launched, which really makes people question the rationality of its valuation. After all, as a sub-coin under TON, whether NOT’s market positioning and potential are comparable to TON is worth discussing. Full circulation and dealer strategy: In the case of full circulation, dealers usually choose to wait and see in the early stage of the listing of new coins, waiting for market reaction and selling pressure after airdrops. Therefore, the initial decline of new coins after listing is not uncommon. This does not mean that the value of NOT’s project is denied, but a natural reaction of the market. Consensus and market trend: Although NOT’s consensus is strong, the market trend is often more critical. When the overall market trend is downward or uncertain, investors tend to be more cautious and choose to short or reduce their positions. This is not a denial of the NOT project itself, but an adaptation to the market environment. Possible operations of the project party: As for whether the project party is airdropping or taking other operations, this is indeed a guess that cannot be directly confirmed. But in any case, investors should remain rational, not blindly follow the trend, and make decisions based on their own judgment and investment strategy. NOT's short view is based on a comprehensive consideration of market value, full circulation, consensus and market trends. However, investment is a complex decision-making process, and everyone needs to make decisions based on their own situation and risk tolerance. When investing, we should remain rational, cautious, and fully understand the value and risks of the project.
We can understand and analyze the short view of NOT from the following aspects:
Market value and launch timing: TON’s market value at the time of launch was indeed 1 billion, but NOT dared to set a market value close to TON’s at the time when it was just launched, which really makes people question the rationality of its valuation. After all, as a sub-coin under TON, whether NOT’s market positioning and potential are comparable to TON is worth discussing. Full circulation and dealer strategy: In the case of full circulation, dealers usually choose to wait and see in the early stage of the listing of new coins, waiting for market reaction and selling pressure after airdrops. Therefore, the initial decline of new coins after listing is not uncommon. This does not mean that the value of NOT’s project is denied, but a natural reaction of the market. Consensus and market trend: Although NOT’s consensus is strong, the market trend is often more critical. When the overall market trend is downward or uncertain, investors tend to be more cautious and choose to short or reduce their positions. This is not a denial of the NOT project itself, but an adaptation to the market environment. Possible operations of the project party: As for whether the project party is airdropping or taking other operations, this is indeed a guess that cannot be directly confirmed. But in any case, investors should remain rational, not blindly follow the trend, and make decisions based on their own judgment and investment strategy.

NOT's short view is based on a comprehensive consideration of market value, full circulation, consensus and market trends. However, investment is a complex decision-making process, and everyone needs to make decisions based on their own situation and risk tolerance. When investing, we should remain rational, cautious, and fully understand the value and risks of the project.
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Regarding the current market situation of NOT tokens, I would like to express some observations and expectations. It has been nearly a day since the NOT token was launched, and the total amount of tokens in full circulation has reached 102.7 billion, while the market value is currently maintained at 759 million. Faced with the current currency environment and the full circulation strategy, I am deeply curious about how the NOT project team will plan the next operation strategy? Is it to choose to carefully plan a series of powerful empowerment actions to promote the market value to steadily break through the 1 billion mark and maintain a good development trend? Or is it intended to compete with retail investors in a speed contest under the background of full circulation to see who can sell the tokens in their hands faster? Or will the project party choose to ignore short-term currency price fluctuations, maintain stability, and continue to deepen the core value of the project? Of course, I understand that an excellent blockchain project is not just measured by the increase in token prices. However, a healthy market value and stable currency price are crucial to the long-term development of the project and attracting investor confidence. Therefore, in the face of current challenges, I have high expectations for NOT's subsequent performance. In the context of full circulation, I sincerely hope that the NOT project can show its unique charm and potential, and bring surprises to investors and the market through a series of innovative and powerful measures. I believe that as long as the project team can continue to work hard, the NOT token will surely usher in a more brilliant tomorrow. For more information about NOT operations, please do a more detailed market analysis in the 10,000-person fan group
Regarding the current market situation of NOT tokens, I would like to express some observations and expectations.

It has been nearly a day since the NOT token was launched, and the total amount of tokens in full circulation has reached 102.7 billion, while the market value is currently maintained at 759 million. Faced with the current currency environment and the full circulation strategy, I am deeply curious about how the NOT project team will plan the next operation strategy?

Is it to choose to carefully plan a series of powerful empowerment actions to promote the market value to steadily break through the 1 billion mark and maintain a good development trend? Or is it intended to compete with retail investors in a speed contest under the background of full circulation to see who can sell the tokens in their hands faster? Or will the project party choose to ignore short-term currency price fluctuations, maintain stability, and continue to deepen the core value of the project?

Of course, I understand that an excellent blockchain project is not just measured by the increase in token prices. However, a healthy market value and stable currency price are crucial to the long-term development of the project and attracting investor confidence. Therefore, in the face of current challenges, I have high expectations for NOT's subsequent performance.

In the context of full circulation, I sincerely hope that the NOT project can show its unique charm and potential, and bring surprises to investors and the market through a series of innovative and powerful measures. I believe that as long as the project team can continue to work hard, the NOT token will surely usher in a more brilliant tomorrow.

For more information about NOT operations, please do a more detailed market analysis in the 10,000-person fan group
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BOME, the hotly debated "dog", is actually a token issued on the Solana chain, and its full name is Book of Meme. This project was initiated by the artist Dark Farms, aiming to create a permanent gallery for inscription collections and expand a series of Meme creation and cross-chain social functions. The rapid rise of this project is mainly due to its unique "de-founder" operation. In the early stages of the project, Dark Farms originally planned to raise 5-600 SOL as the project's start-up capital. However, in just a few hours, the project raised more than 10,000 SOL, worth nearly 2 million US dollars. This is already a remarkable achievement in itself. But what is even more shocking is that after raising these funds, Dark Farms did not use the funds for development, operation or other aspects like traditional projects, but directly put all the funds into the project's liquidity pool, giving up the ownership and control of these funds. This "de-founder" operation immediately caused an uproar in the crypto community. Many investors and netizens expressed their appreciation and support for this selfless and courageous behavior, believing that it reflects Dark Farms' firm belief in the future of the project and its high trust in the community. This high sense of trust quickly turned into enthusiasm for buying the project token BOME, driving the rapid growth of the project's market value. In addition, this "de-founder" operation is also in line with some core concepts in the crypto circle. In the crypto world, decentralization and community autonomy are the goals pursued by many projects. By giving up control of project funds, Dark Farms is actually handing over the future of the project to the community and the market. This high level of trust and support for the community also inspires the enthusiasm and creativity of community members. In addition to the "de-founder" operation, the success of the BOME project is also related to its unique positioning and functions. As a permanent gallery and cross-chain social platform for inscription collections, BOME provides users with a brand new creation and social experience. This innovative function and positioning has also attracted the attention and participation of a large number of users, further promoting the rapid development of the project. The success of the BOME project is a multi-faceted result.Its unique "de-founder" operation, high trust and support for the community, and innovative functions and positioning have won it market recognition and support. However, investors should remain rational and cautious when participating in any project, and do not blindly follow the trend or listen to some irresponsible investment advice. More projects about memebi are hotly discussed in the chat room
BOME, the hotly debated "dog", is actually a token issued on the Solana chain, and its full name is Book of Meme. This project was initiated by the artist Dark Farms, aiming to create a permanent gallery for inscription collections and expand a series of Meme creation and cross-chain social functions. The rapid rise of this project is mainly due to its unique "de-founder" operation.

In the early stages of the project, Dark Farms originally planned to raise 5-600 SOL as the project's start-up capital. However, in just a few hours, the project raised more than 10,000 SOL, worth nearly 2 million US dollars. This is already a remarkable achievement in itself. But what is even more shocking is that after raising these funds, Dark Farms did not use the funds for development, operation or other aspects like traditional projects, but directly put all the funds into the project's liquidity pool, giving up the ownership and control of these funds.

This "de-founder" operation immediately caused an uproar in the crypto community. Many investors and netizens expressed their appreciation and support for this selfless and courageous behavior, believing that it reflects Dark Farms' firm belief in the future of the project and its high trust in the community. This high sense of trust quickly turned into enthusiasm for buying the project token BOME, driving the rapid growth of the project's market value.

In addition, this "de-founder" operation is also in line with some core concepts in the crypto circle. In the crypto world, decentralization and community autonomy are the goals pursued by many projects. By giving up control of project funds, Dark Farms is actually handing over the future of the project to the community and the market. This high level of trust and support for the community also inspires the enthusiasm and creativity of community members.

In addition to the "de-founder" operation, the success of the BOME project is also related to its unique positioning and functions. As a permanent gallery and cross-chain social platform for inscription collections, BOME provides users with a brand new creation and social experience. This innovative function and positioning has also attracted the attention and participation of a large number of users, further promoting the rapid development of the project.

The success of the BOME project is a multi-faceted result.Its unique "de-founder" operation, high trust and support for the community, and innovative functions and positioning have won it market recognition and support. However, investors should remain rational and cautious when participating in any project, and do not blindly follow the trend or listen to some irresponsible investment advice.

More projects about memebi are hotly discussed in the chat room
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The market capitalization of the big pie (Bitcoin) has climbed to a high of $66,000. In contrast, some altcoin markets are still quite calm. Investors’ hands are full of altcoins that do not rise but fall. This is undoubtedly a An anxious situation. As for whether the pie can rise to $100,000, this is a prediction of market trends and involves many complex factors, including market sentiment, capital inflows, policy environment, etc., so it is difficult to give a definite answer. The release of CPI data did have a significant impact on the market. The bulls had strong momentum and there was no obvious correction, which injected new vitality into the market. However, for the altcoin market, the excessive concentration of retail investors and the lightweight of projects do increase its instability. Market funds seem to be more inclined to flow to projects with greater potential and liquidity. Judging from historical experience, the performance of the big pie and altcoin markets does not always synchronize. Sometimes, a rise in the pie can temporarily dampen altcoin performance, but that doesn’t mean altcoins don’t have a chance to rebound in the future. On the contrary, when market sentiment improves and capital inflows increase, the altcoin market may also usher in new opportunities. Although there are enough funds within the market to drive up the prices of mainstream currencies such as Big Pie and Ethereum, these funds have not fully exerted their effect due to the lack of sufficient motivation and stimulation from external funds. The inflow of external funds is crucial to the overall rise of the market, and increased liquidity and favorable incentives are key factors in attracting external funds. In the current market environment, you need to stay calm and rational, pay attention to market dynamics and trends, and make reasonable investment decisions based on your own risk tolerance and investment goals. At the same time, we must also pay attention to market uncertainty and risks, and do a good job in risk management and asset allocation. More operational strategies will be provided in the fan group with more than 10,000 people for more detailed market analysis and guidance.
The market capitalization of the big pie (Bitcoin) has climbed to a high of $66,000. In contrast, some altcoin markets are still quite calm. Investors’ hands are full of altcoins that do not rise but fall. This is undoubtedly a An anxious situation. As for whether the pie can rise to $100,000, this is a prediction of market trends and involves many complex factors, including market sentiment, capital inflows, policy environment, etc., so it is difficult to give a definite answer.

The release of CPI data did have a significant impact on the market. The bulls had strong momentum and there was no obvious correction, which injected new vitality into the market. However, for the altcoin market, the excessive concentration of retail investors and the lightweight of projects do increase its instability. Market funds seem to be more inclined to flow to projects with greater potential and liquidity.

Judging from historical experience, the performance of the big pie and altcoin markets does not always synchronize. Sometimes, a rise in the pie can temporarily dampen altcoin performance, but that doesn’t mean altcoins don’t have a chance to rebound in the future. On the contrary, when market sentiment improves and capital inflows increase, the altcoin market may also usher in new opportunities.

Although there are enough funds within the market to drive up the prices of mainstream currencies such as Big Pie and Ethereum, these funds have not fully exerted their effect due to the lack of sufficient motivation and stimulation from external funds. The inflow of external funds is crucial to the overall rise of the market, and increased liquidity and favorable incentives are key factors in attracting external funds.

In the current market environment, you need to stay calm and rational, pay attention to market dynamics and trends, and make reasonable investment decisions based on your own risk tolerance and investment goals. At the same time, we must also pay attention to market uncertainty and risks, and do a good job in risk management and asset allocation.

More operational strategies will be provided in the fan group with more than 10,000 people for more detailed market analysis and guidance.
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On the evening of May 14, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell gave detailed answers to many questions about U.S. monetary policy, economy, employment and other aspects at an event. The core of Powell's speech is that raising interest rates is not currently under consideration, while cutting interest rates needs to wait for the opportunity. Regarding the recently released inflation data, he believes that it cannot simply be called "overheating", but shows a "mixed" trend. He clearly hopes that inflation will not rise again and that the market will not read too much into expectations of rate cuts, which may interfere with the Fed's goal of achieving its first rate cut this year. In particular, whether the continued high temperature of inflation can be cooled down by the US CPI data released tonight seems to still be a challenge. Since June last year, CPI data has been in a relatively stable range, roughly between 3% and 3.7%. The Fed would need to see a significant downward trend before it would be more determined to consider cutting interest rates and potentially act accordingly. At present, the market generally expects that the CPI growth rate in April will drop slightly to 3.4% from 3.5% last month. If the inflation data is in line with expectations or lower than expected, this will further strengthen market expectations that the Federal Reserve will begin to cut interest rates this year. At the same time, a large number of bullish bets on the dollar are being withdrawn, according to data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) for the week ended May 7. Non-commercial speculators, including hedge funds and asset managers, currently hold only about $24 billion in bets on the dollar’s ​​appreciation, the lowest level since early April. The market is relatively optimistic about expectations of slowing CPI data and U.S. interest rate cuts. However, we still need to remain cautious, because the data pattern in the past year has not been broken yet, and the values ​​announced tonight may bring unexpected changes. Tonight’s operation strategy is all in the fan group with tens of thousands of people
On the evening of May 14, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell gave detailed answers to many questions about U.S. monetary policy, economy, employment and other aspects at an event.

The core of Powell's speech is that raising interest rates is not currently under consideration, while cutting interest rates needs to wait for the opportunity. Regarding the recently released inflation data, he believes that it cannot simply be called "overheating", but shows a "mixed" trend. He clearly hopes that inflation will not rise again and that the market will not read too much into expectations of rate cuts, which may interfere with the Fed's goal of achieving its first rate cut this year.

In particular, whether the continued high temperature of inflation can be cooled down by the US CPI data released tonight seems to still be a challenge. Since June last year, CPI data has been in a relatively stable range, roughly between 3% and 3.7%. The Fed would need to see a significant downward trend before it would be more determined to consider cutting interest rates and potentially act accordingly.
At present, the market generally expects that the CPI growth rate in April will drop slightly to 3.4% from 3.5% last month. If the inflation data is in line with expectations or lower than expected, this will further strengthen market expectations that the Federal Reserve will begin to cut interest rates this year.

At the same time, a large number of bullish bets on the dollar are being withdrawn, according to data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) for the week ended May 7. Non-commercial speculators, including hedge funds and asset managers, currently hold only about $24 billion in bets on the dollar’s ​​appreciation, the lowest level since early April.

The market is relatively optimistic about expectations of slowing CPI data and U.S. interest rate cuts. However, we still need to remain cautious, because the data pattern in the past year has not been broken yet, and the values ​​announced tonight may bring unexpected changes.

Tonight’s operation strategy is all in the fan group with tens of thousands of people
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