BOME, the hotly debated "dog", is actually a token issued on the Solana chain, and its full name is Book of Meme. This project was initiated by the artist Dark Farms, aiming to create a permanent gallery for inscription collections and expand a series of Meme creation and cross-chain social functions. The rapid rise of this project is mainly due to its unique "de-founder" operation.

In the early stages of the project, Dark Farms originally planned to raise 5-600 SOL as the project's start-up capital. However, in just a few hours, the project raised more than 10,000 SOL, worth nearly 2 million US dollars. This is already a remarkable achievement in itself. But what is even more shocking is that after raising these funds, Dark Farms did not use the funds for development, operation or other aspects like traditional projects, but directly put all the funds into the project's liquidity pool, giving up the ownership and control of these funds.

This "de-founder" operation immediately caused an uproar in the crypto community. Many investors and netizens expressed their appreciation and support for this selfless and courageous behavior, believing that it reflects Dark Farms' firm belief in the future of the project and its high trust in the community. This high sense of trust quickly turned into enthusiasm for buying the project token BOME, driving the rapid growth of the project's market value.

In addition, this "de-founder" operation is also in line with some core concepts in the crypto circle. In the crypto world, decentralization and community autonomy are the goals pursued by many projects. By giving up control of project funds, Dark Farms is actually handing over the future of the project to the community and the market. This high level of trust and support for the community also inspires the enthusiasm and creativity of community members.

In addition to the "de-founder" operation, the success of the BOME project is also related to its unique positioning and functions. As a permanent gallery and cross-chain social platform for inscription collections, BOME provides users with a brand new creation and social experience. This innovative function and positioning has also attracted the attention and participation of a large number of users, further promoting the rapid development of the project.

The success of the BOME project is a multi-faceted result.Its unique "de-founder" operation, high trust and support for the community, and innovative functions and positioning have won it market recognition and support. However, investors should remain rational and cautious when participating in any project, and do not blindly follow the trend or listen to some irresponsible investment advice.

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