#CKB💰智能多空策略 $CKB CKB market revealed! The bulls are coming, do you dare to follow?

CKB's market is now surging, and the bulls have already entered strongly! Looking at the trend charts at the 1, 2, and 4 hour levels, the flags of the bulls are flying high, as if telling us: "It's time to get on board!"

However, don't rush to get excited. Although the bulls are strong, if they don't stand firm near the price of 0.010720, you have to be careful. After all, the market is always unpredictable, and no one can guarantee smooth sailing.

However, for those who like challenges, shorting is also a good choice. Look at these three positions: 0.010406, 0.010151, and 0.009880, which are all good opportunities for shorting. As long as you have enough courage and wisdom, you may be able to catch the tail of this wave of market and make a lot of money!

Of course, if you are more optimistic about the future development of CKB, then going long is also a good choice. Look at these three positions: 0.011781, 0.012172, 0.012443, all of which are good opportunities to go long. As long as the long camp can continue to be stable, these positions may be the springboard for you to realize your dream of wealth!

If you need to pay attention to the signal points below, please pay attention. Live broadcast with real orders every day, pay attention to the changes in signal points in real time, and even novices can master the code of wealth. If you need to analyze the search for the copycat points, please click cfst115#CKBUSDT #CKB跌的真惨 #CKB可以拿少量现货 #CKB下跌就是机会