#AGIX $AGIX AGIX market interpretation:

Today's market trend:

The 1-hour, 2-hour, and 4-hour levels all show short-side advantages, indicating that the price is currently in a downward trend. Search for copycat points that need to be analyzed 👉cfst115

Key price:

The long and short price at the 4-hour level is around 0.6988. This is a price that needs to be focused on because it may become a turning point for future price trends.

Downward target:

If the price falls from the current position, it may reach 3 positions around 0.6602--0.6298--0.6149.

Upward target:

If the price continues to rise, it may reach 0.7248--0.7427--0.7605.

Stay vigilant, keep a close eye on the market dynamics, and respond flexibly to market changes.

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