#ENS $ENS ENS market quick overview

In the current market situation, the short side has a significant advantage on the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour time scales. Need to analyze the search for copycat points 👉cfst115

It is particularly worth mentioning that in the 4-hour long-short staggered price level, the key threshold of 24.705 has become the focus of market attention.

In the downward trend, there are three important support levels worthy of close attention: they are 24.220, 23.879 and 23.564. The supporting role of these points in the market cannot be ignored.

On the upside, you need to be alert to the breakthrough of the following resistance levels: first 25.113, then 25.507, until it reaches a high of 25.691.

In the fluctuations of short-term trading, be sure to pay close attention to market dynamics and capture subtle changes in long and short forces in real time to accurately grasp the pulse and rhythm of the market. If you need to pay attention to the signal points below, live broadcast the real offer every day and pay attention to the changes of the signal points in real time. Novices can also master the password of wealth. #ENS #ens终于启动了 #ENS.智能策略库🏆🏆 #ENSUSDT