In-depth interpretation of #UNI📈 $UNI UNI market:

After carefully analyzing the market chart, we can observe that at the 1/2 hour level, the bulls clearly have the upper hand. At the 4-hour level, a key yellow signal point appeared, indicating that the market is about to rebound.

Currently, if the market wants to maintain a stable upward trend, the key is whether it can stand firmly above the key price of 9.388. Once established, the buying advantage of multiple parties will be more significant, bringing more opportunities to investors.

However, while pursuing returns, we should not ignore potential risks. The pressure levels are mainly concentrated in the three price ranges of 9.548, 9.766 and 9.959. When the market touches these areas, there may be a correction or increased volatility.

Relatively speaking, the support levels are located near the three prices of 9.319, 9.036 and 8.746. If the market accidentally dips into these areas, investors can pay attention to whether it can obtain effective support to judge the subsequent trend of the market.

Investment is like a battlefield, every step needs to be taken with caution. While grasping market trends, we should also always pay attention to potential risks, reasonably control positions, and ensure the safety of funds. Only in this way can we remain invincible in the complex investment market.

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