
The major impact behind the Fed's rate cut! ?

You know, once the Fed cuts interest rates, it means that the US economy is starting to go downhill and there are signs of recession!

The United States is the world's largest consumer market. Its economy is in recession. How can the global economy recover? Dream on!

Moreover, when the United States cuts interest rates and the economy is in recession, US debt will become the best investment asset.

At this time, not only will there be no large-scale release of US dollars to the world, but more US dollars will flow into US debt. After all, after the US interest rate cut, where can you easily find low-risk assets with a return of more than 5%!

The biggest enemy of the US dollar is gold, but don't forget that US debt is a hidden ally of gold!

After the US dollar cut interest rates, the price of gold rose. The huge gold reserves of the United States are not vegetarian. Once the gold price rises, the space for the United States to issue bonds has greatly increased. The United States can completely absorb US dollars by issuing bonds, thereby preventing the outflow of US dollars from the United States!

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