
Shock! Shock! Shock

Don't make a fuss! This is definitely not the end of the bull market! ? ?

Many people are shouting that BTC has fallen below the 120-day line, and they are clearing their positions quickly, and they are shouting that the bull market is over!

What a joke!

Bitcoin ETF has just been passed not long ago, and institutions have only tasted a little sweetness!

It has only been two months since the halving, and the price has not yet broken the previous high!

The interest rate cut has not yet come, and the water has not yet come in a lot. It is just the existing funds plus the funds of the ETF that are supporting it!

Those knockoffs have not exploded yet!

Some people dare to say that the bull market is over!

If it really ends like this, then I tell you, this is not a bull market at all, at most it is a small wave on the road to the bull market!

Now those who are clearing their positions and selling, I can only say that such people will never achieve much in their lives!

What future do they have!

They will not cherish any good project in front of them, and their life will definitely be full of missed opportunities!

In this situation, just do it! Don't think about it!

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