In a bull market, it is crucial to stay calm!

I talked to a friend in the cryptocurrency circle yesterday. She makes $100,000 a month. The secret is accurate trading, low price

in, high price out. In half a year, she has not been involved in the inscription craze, nor has she lost Bitcoin, and has made great achievements.

There are different ways to make money, and the results determine everything. Don't overemphasize the right or wrong of the method. Money itself is neither good nor evil, and should not be biased.

In a bull market, simply buying and holding is the key. Frequent buying and selling will only miss opportunities. Holding assets, even if the value fluctuates, as long as you don't sell, you avoid the risk of "selling out".

It's easy to know but difficult to do. How to hold firmly? I think the key lies in the mentality. Self-motivation every day and believing that you can succeed are the key to wealth.

Because only by believing in yourself can you stay calm in market fluctuations, seize opportunities, and achieve real wealth growth.