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Nothing to see today The market is now in a volatile downward trend Just hold on to the spot if you have it You can close the long position of the contract Just gamble with a small short position It depends on the market trend tonight $BTC $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT) {future}(BTCUSDT)
Nothing to see today

The market is now in a volatile downward trend

Just hold on to the spot if you have it

You can close the long position of the contract

Just gamble with a small short position

It depends on the market trend tonight


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Follow these steps in the currency circle, and 99% of you can make a steady profit! 1. The logic should form a closed loop If you enter the market with technical analysis, leave the market immediately once the technical chart goes bad, and don't find reasons for fundamentals or market sentiment to stay. If you enter the market based on fundamentals, as long as the logic remains unchanged, don't be disturbed by the technical aspects. Don't confuse them, don't pay for the logic that proves you wrong. 2. Be cautious when buying at the bottom Many people buy at the bottom halfway up the mountain. Unless you have enough funds and can enter the market in batches to lower the cost, don't try it easily. Many people make the mistake of thinking that the bottom has fallen by half. The real good bottom-fishing is to make a callback, not to rush in to take over when the decline continues. 3. Don't rush into the market when there is good news at a high position Most of the good news is used to attract retail investors to take over, and the main force has known the news for a long time. If there are not many followers, there may be a wave of inducement; if there are too many followers, the main force will directly ship and cause a big drop. 4. Position management is the key My position allocation principle is 30% short-term, 30% long-term, and the rest is for band rolling operations, so that you can attack and defend. In this way, when the market environment is not good, there are also funds to spread the cost and seize opportunities. 5. Firm your trading principles Intraday fluctuations are most likely to affect emotions, so make plans in advance: under what circumstances to leave the market, what price is suitable for entering the market, and set a framework in advance. Only one thing to do during the day is to execute the plan, and don't let emotions control operations. 6. Control positions The biggest difference between novices and veterans is position control. The market is always uncertain, and misjudgment is common, so positions must be controlled well to avoid being passive when mistakes are made. 7. Make a trading plan in advance and strictly implement it Have a plan before the market, execute it according to the plan during the market, and don't disrupt your rhythm no matter how the market goes. Participate if you meet the conditions, and miss if you don't meet the conditions. Don't force it. Missing is nothing, but making a mistake is the price. Mastering these few points can save a lot of "tuition fees"!
Follow these steps in the currency circle, and 99% of you can make a steady profit!

1. The logic should form a closed loop
If you enter the market with technical analysis, leave the market immediately once the technical chart goes bad, and don't find reasons for fundamentals or market sentiment to stay.
If you enter the market based on fundamentals, as long as the logic remains unchanged, don't be disturbed by the technical aspects. Don't confuse them, don't pay for the logic that proves you wrong.

2. Be cautious when buying at the bottom
Many people buy at the bottom halfway up the mountain. Unless you have enough funds and can enter the market in batches to lower the cost, don't try it easily. Many people make the mistake of thinking that the bottom has fallen by half. The real good bottom-fishing is to make a callback, not to rush in to take over when the decline continues.

3. Don't rush into the market when there is good news at a high position
Most of the good news is used to attract retail investors to take over, and the main force has known the news for a long time. If there are not many followers, there may be a wave of inducement; if there are too many followers, the main force will directly ship and cause a big drop.

4. Position management is the key
My position allocation principle is 30% short-term, 30% long-term, and the rest is for band rolling operations, so that you can attack and defend. In this way, when the market environment is not good, there are also funds to spread the cost and seize opportunities.

5. Firm your trading principles
Intraday fluctuations are most likely to affect emotions, so make plans in advance: under what circumstances to leave the market, what price is suitable for entering the market, and set a framework in advance. Only one thing to do during the day is to execute the plan, and don't let emotions control operations.

6. Control positions
The biggest difference between novices and veterans is position control. The market is always uncertain, and misjudgment is common, so positions must be controlled well to avoid being passive when mistakes are made.

7. Make a trading plan in advance and strictly implement it
Have a plan before the market, execute it according to the plan during the market, and don't disrupt your rhythm no matter how the market goes. Participate if you meet the conditions, and miss if you don't meet the conditions. Don't force it. Missing is nothing, but making a mistake is the price.

Mastering these few points can save a lot of "tuition fees"!
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5 tips for newcomers to enter the cryptocurrency circle, you will save a lot of "tuition fees" after reading them! Many people just entered the cryptocurrency circle, always thinking about getting rich overnight, but ended up falling into countless "pits". Today I will share some tips with new friends in the cryptocurrency circle to help you save a lot of tuition fees. 1. Don't be swayed by FOMO There is a special term in the cryptocurrency circle called "FOMO", which means fear of missing opportunities. Many newcomers see a certain coin soaring, and they rush in immediately for fear that they will not buy it. What's the result? Often they just bought it and caught up with the callback, and lost a lot of money. Remember, there are always opportunities, don't rush to chase high. 2. Risk control is the first priority For any investment, risk control is always the top priority, especially in the volatile cryptocurrency circle. The easiest mistake for newcomers is not to set a stop loss, and hold on to the losing coins, hoping that it will rise back. The fact is that many times the more you hold, the more you lose, or even return to zero. Set a stop loss point so that you always have a way out. 3. Don't invest without understanding, and don't believe in "insider information" Many newcomers rush in immediately when they hear the so-called "insider information", and even go all in. In fact, 99% of the "insider information" in the currency circle is fake, purely for the purpose of harvesting small leeks. Every investment should be based on your understanding and trust in the project, rather than blindly following the trend. 4. Be careful of air coins and scams The currency circle is a mixed bag, and there are countless air coins, pyramid scheme coins, and scam coins. Newcomers should be especially wary of those currencies that look beautiful but have little value in reality. Remember, only those projects with practical applications and technical support have the potential for long-term development. 5. Never be greedy The currency circle fluctuates greatly, sometimes it rises quickly, but it also falls sharply. Another mistake that newcomers often make is greed. They want to rise when they see the rise, but the profit is not locked, and finally turns into a loss. It is the way to survive in the long run to stop profit in time after earning a certain goal. The currency circle is full of opportunities, but also full of risks. The most important thing for newcomers is not to rush for quick success, but to learn more and watch more, and operate with caution. Mastering these basic knowledge will help you avoid many detours and pay less "tuition fees"!
5 tips for newcomers to enter the cryptocurrency circle, you will save a lot of "tuition fees" after reading them!

Many people just entered the cryptocurrency circle, always thinking about getting rich overnight, but ended up falling into countless "pits". Today I will share some tips with new friends in the cryptocurrency circle to help you save a lot of tuition fees.

1. Don't be swayed by FOMO
There is a special term in the cryptocurrency circle called "FOMO", which means fear of missing opportunities. Many newcomers see a certain coin soaring, and they rush in immediately for fear that they will not buy it. What's the result? Often they just bought it and caught up with the callback, and lost a lot of money. Remember, there are always opportunities, don't rush to chase high.

2. Risk control is the first priority
For any investment, risk control is always the top priority, especially in the volatile cryptocurrency circle. The easiest mistake for newcomers is not to set a stop loss, and hold on to the losing coins, hoping that it will rise back. The fact is that many times the more you hold, the more you lose, or even return to zero. Set a stop loss point so that you always have a way out.

3. Don't invest without understanding, and don't believe in "insider information"
Many newcomers rush in immediately when they hear the so-called "insider information", and even go all in. In fact, 99% of the "insider information" in the currency circle is fake, purely for the purpose of harvesting small leeks. Every investment should be based on your understanding and trust in the project, rather than blindly following the trend.

4. Be careful of air coins and scams
The currency circle is a mixed bag, and there are countless air coins, pyramid scheme coins, and scam coins. Newcomers should be especially wary of those currencies that look beautiful but have little value in reality. Remember, only those projects with practical applications and technical support have the potential for long-term development.

5. Never be greedy
The currency circle fluctuates greatly, sometimes it rises quickly, but it also falls sharply. Another mistake that newcomers often make is greed. They want to rise when they see the rise, but the profit is not locked, and finally turns into a loss. It is the way to survive in the long run to stop profit in time after earning a certain goal.

The currency circle is full of opportunities, but also full of risks. The most important thing for newcomers is not to rush for quick success, but to learn more and watch more, and operate with caution. Mastering these basic knowledge will help you avoid many detours and pay less "tuition fees"!
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The counterattack of altcoins: recent trends and trend analysis Recently, the trend of altcoins can be described as quite lively, and various currencies have frequently exerted their strength, which has made many investors shine. As an old player in the currency circle, let's talk about the situation of these altcoins and their recent trends today. 1. Market sentiment is high With the recovery of Bitcoin, the atmosphere of the entire market has gradually become active. As a "substitute", altcoins can always attract the attention of many investors when market sentiment is high. Many small currencies have begun to rise significantly, especially some hot projects, and the trading volume has also increased accordingly. 2. The rise of hot projects There are many hot projects recently, such as AI-related currencies, DeFi projects, and some emerging meme coins. These currencies usually rise rapidly due to market attention and community promotion. For example, after some AI projects released new features, they directly raised prices and attracted a lot of funds to enter the market. 3. Technical analysis From a technical point of view, many altcoins have formed a good upward trend, and the short-term K-line chart also shows a strong performance. If the key support level can be stabilized in the future, the possibility of further breaking through the resistance level is very high. It is worth paying attention to the change in trading volume, which can reflect the market's activity and determine the subsequent trend. 4. Risks need to be vigilant Of course, although altcoins have potential, risks cannot be ignored. The market fluctuates greatly, and once the mood changes, the callback may be very rapid. While chasing profits, investors should also set stop-loss points to ensure that risks are controlled within an acceptable range. Overall, the recent trend of altcoins is still full of opportunities. As long as we can keep up with market dynamics, seize hot spots, and maintain risk awareness, altcoins can still bring us rich returns. I hope everyone can operate steadily in this wave of market conditions and get the benefits they want! If you don’t know how to layout next, don’t know what coins to buy, and are confused, you can find me, and I will share more relevant information and communication opportunities for free.
The counterattack of altcoins: recent trends and trend analysis
Recently, the trend of altcoins can be described as quite lively, and various currencies have frequently exerted their strength, which has made many investors shine. As an old player in the currency circle, let's talk about the situation of these altcoins and their recent trends today.

1. Market sentiment is high
With the recovery of Bitcoin, the atmosphere of the entire market has gradually become active. As a "substitute", altcoins can always attract the attention of many investors when market sentiment is high. Many small currencies have begun to rise significantly, especially some hot projects, and the trading volume has also increased accordingly.

2. The rise of hot projects
There are many hot projects recently, such as AI-related currencies, DeFi projects, and some emerging meme coins. These currencies usually rise rapidly due to market attention and community promotion. For example, after some AI projects released new features, they directly raised prices and attracted a lot of funds to enter the market.

3. Technical analysis
From a technical point of view, many altcoins have formed a good upward trend, and the short-term K-line chart also shows a strong performance. If the key support level can be stabilized in the future, the possibility of further breaking through the resistance level is very high. It is worth paying attention to the change in trading volume, which can reflect the market's activity and determine the subsequent trend.

4. Risks need to be vigilant
Of course, although altcoins have potential, risks cannot be ignored. The market fluctuates greatly, and once the mood changes, the callback may be very rapid. While chasing profits, investors should also set stop-loss points to ensure that risks are controlled within an acceptable range.

Overall, the recent trend of altcoins is still full of opportunities. As long as we can keep up with market dynamics, seize hot spots, and maintain risk awareness, altcoins can still bring us rich returns. I hope everyone can operate steadily in this wave of market conditions and get the benefits they want!

If you don’t know how to layout next, don’t know what coins to buy, and are confused, you can find me, and I will share more relevant information and communication opportunities for free.
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Is there still hope for Shib? Recently, many people have been asking, is there still hope for Shib? After all, this coin that flew to the sky with the "Dogecoin concept" has brought countless myths of getting rich. What about now? The price has fallen, the popularity has declined, can Shib return to its peak? Let's talk briefly. First of all, what did Shib rely on to rise? The reason why Shib was able to soar in the past was mainly due to traffic and hype. Like Dogecoin, Shib has a story and a concept, and with the help of bigwigs such as Musk, the market enthusiasm was ignited all at once. The low price attracted many retail investors to buy crazily, and waves of funds poured in, naturally pushing up the price. So what about Shib now? Nowadays, Shib is not as popular as it was before, and the market's attention has turned to other hot projects, such as AI coins, metaverse, etc. Although Shib still has a huge community support, without a continuous strong story or capital push, the price is naturally difficult to rise sharply. Is there still a future for Shib? If you expect Shib to repeat the 100-fold or 1,000-fold surge of the past, it is unlikely, after all, the market environment has changed. The chances of getting rich overnight with Shib have become fewer. But it is not necessarily hopeless. Shib still has a stable community and is constantly developing new application scenarios, such as Shibarium Layer 2. This means that it will not disappear easily. The future of Shib may no longer be an explosive rise, but more dependent on technology development and long-term operation of the community. If you want to keep up with the operation, you can pay attention to the message and leave your comments in the comment area!
Is there still hope for Shib?

Recently, many people have been asking, is there still hope for Shib? After all, this coin that flew to the sky with the "Dogecoin concept" has brought countless myths of getting rich. What about now? The price has fallen, the popularity has declined, can Shib return to its peak? Let's talk briefly.

First of all, what did Shib rely on to rise?
The reason why Shib was able to soar in the past was mainly due to traffic and hype. Like Dogecoin, Shib has a story and a concept, and with the help of bigwigs such as Musk, the market enthusiasm was ignited all at once. The low price attracted many retail investors to buy crazily, and waves of funds poured in, naturally pushing up the price.

So what about Shib now?
Nowadays, Shib is not as popular as it was before, and the market's attention has turned to other hot projects, such as AI coins, metaverse, etc. Although Shib still has a huge community support, without a continuous strong story or capital push, the price is naturally difficult to rise sharply.

Is there still a future for Shib?
If you expect Shib to repeat the 100-fold or 1,000-fold surge of the past, it is unlikely, after all, the market environment has changed. The chances of getting rich overnight with Shib have become fewer. But it is not necessarily hopeless. Shib still has a stable community and is constantly developing new application scenarios, such as Shibarium Layer 2. This means that it will not disappear easily.

The future of Shib may no longer be an explosive rise, but more dependent on technology development and long-term operation of the community.

If you want to keep up with the operation, you can pay attention to the message and leave your comments in the comment area!
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Altcoin market analysis: STX, WIF, TON, SUI, PEPE Recently, the market's interest in several popular altcoins has continued to rise, especially the price fluctuations of $STX, $WIF, $TON, $SUI and $PEPE, which directly affect investors' decisions. These tokens each have unique positioning, and their price trends are also different. They are currently at some key support and resistance positions. Stacks ($STX) The current price of $STX is around $2.02, up about 0.89% in the past 24 hours. $2.00 is an important psychological support level, and the price rebounded here, indicating that market buying is still active. If it falls below $2.00, the next support range is between $1.98 and $1.975. In terms of resistance, $2.05 to $2.07 is the key. Whether this range can be broken will determine the subsequent upside. Trading volume has increased by 4.67% in the past 24 hours, indicating that market attention is increasing. WIF Despite the price increase, $WIF's trading volume has declined, indicating that sustainability is questionable. More market momentum is needed to maintain the current rally, otherwise it may face pullback pressure. PEPE In contrast, $PEPE's trading volume increased by 35.49%, indicating that market activity and sentiment continue to be high. Further inflows of funds may drive prices higher in the coming days. The trend of these tokens mainly depends on the entry of market funds. If you are ready to invest in these currencies, it is recommended to pay attention to their key support and resistance levels and wait for more market signals to decide the next move.
Altcoin market analysis: STX, WIF, TON, SUI, PEPE
Recently, the market's interest in several popular altcoins has continued to rise, especially the price fluctuations of $STX, $WIF, $TON, $SUI and $PEPE, which directly affect investors' decisions. These tokens each have unique positioning, and their price trends are also different. They are currently at some key support and resistance positions.

Stacks ($STX)
The current price of $STX is around $2.02, up about 0.89% in the past 24 hours. $2.00 is an important psychological support level, and the price rebounded here, indicating that market buying is still active. If it falls below $2.00, the next support range is between $1.98 and $1.975. In terms of resistance, $2.05 to $2.07 is the key. Whether this range can be broken will determine the subsequent upside. Trading volume has increased by 4.67% in the past 24 hours, indicating that market attention is increasing.

Despite the price increase, $WIF's trading volume has declined, indicating that sustainability is questionable. More market momentum is needed to maintain the current rally, otherwise it may face pullback pressure.

In contrast, $PEPE's trading volume increased by 35.49%, indicating that market activity and sentiment continue to be high. Further inflows of funds may drive prices higher in the coming days.

The trend of these tokens mainly depends on the entry of market funds. If you are ready to invest in these currencies, it is recommended to pay attention to their key support and resistance levels and wait for more market signals to decide the next move.
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The biggest detour in trading is to always live in your own fantasy Many people who trade always like to imagine that they can catch the top and bottom of the market. Every day they think about "getting rich overnight" and always imagine that the next bull market is just around the corner, but the result is often counterproductive. This is the **biggest detour** in trading, always living in fantasy and unwilling to face reality. The first fantasy: always thinking about buying at the bottom and selling at the top Most people have fallen into this misunderstanding, always thinking that they can buy at the lowest point and sell at the highest point. But the reality is that very few people can really do this. Market fluctuations are unpredictable, and you can only deal with them through strategies and risk control, not luck. The second fantasy: the market will definitely go according to your expectations Many traders, especially those who are just starting out, often have an illusion: if they see the direction, the market will definitely go in that direction. The fact is that the market is always more complicated than you think, and your expectations are likely to go against the market. The third fantasy: making money by frequent trading Some people always think that they can make more money by frequent trading, and they are very cool in and out, but in fact, most of the time they are just chasing ups and downs, wasting fees in vain and missing out on real profits. How to avoid falling into fantasy? The most important thing in trading is to recognize the reality, formulate a sound strategy, and strictly implement it. Don't think about gambling on a comeback, the market will not pity those who operate on feelings. What you need is rationality, discipline and patience. Trading is not won by fantasy, but by experience, strategy and risk management. Only by letting go of unrealistic fantasies can you really get on the right track.
The biggest detour in trading is to always live in your own fantasy

Many people who trade always like to imagine that they can catch the top and bottom of the market. Every day they think about "getting rich overnight" and always imagine that the next bull market is just around the corner, but the result is often counterproductive. This is the **biggest detour** in trading, always living in fantasy and unwilling to face reality.

The first fantasy: always thinking about buying at the bottom and selling at the top
Most people have fallen into this misunderstanding, always thinking that they can buy at the lowest point and sell at the highest point. But the reality is that very few people can really do this. Market fluctuations are unpredictable, and you can only deal with them through strategies and risk control, not luck.

The second fantasy: the market will definitely go according to your expectations
Many traders, especially those who are just starting out, often have an illusion: if they see the direction, the market will definitely go in that direction. The fact is that the market is always more complicated than you think, and your expectations are likely to go against the market.

The third fantasy: making money by frequent trading
Some people always think that they can make more money by frequent trading, and they are very cool in and out, but in fact, most of the time they are just chasing ups and downs, wasting fees in vain and missing out on real profits.

How to avoid falling into fantasy?
The most important thing in trading is to recognize the reality, formulate a sound strategy, and strictly implement it. Don't think about gambling on a comeback, the market will not pity those who operate on feelings. What you need is rationality, discipline and patience.

Trading is not won by fantasy, but by experience, strategy and risk management. Only by letting go of unrealistic fantasies can you really get on the right track.
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The survival rules of the cryptocurrency circle are here! 10U survival rules: first get a set of clothes from a certain group or, rent an electric car, and start a takeaway life. 100U survival rules: All in two pre-sale dog coins. If you lose, just go to work honestly, and if you make money, go directly to the club to be a young model. 1000U survival rules: find popular coins, buy whichever is popular, and if it doesn’t work, go to the contract to take a chance! 10,000U survival rules: choose 3 potential coins, such as AI sector, Layer 2 sector, Meme sector, and wait for them to soar! 100,000U survival rules: buy 5 potential coins every time there is a callback, aiming at AI, Layer 2, Meme, platform coins, and BTC ecology. 1 millionU survival rules: don’t mess around, pledge star projects Renzo, Puffer, Swell, and directly harvest hundreds of thousands of U at the opening, and earn 1-2 million a year steadily. Survival rules for 10 million U: Just lie down, buy at the bottom when the market collapses, sell at the high point, pledge when you have nothing to do, or join the pool of popular projects when you are bored. Survival rules for 100 million U: Just build whatever you want, if you really can't build anymore, just give me some.
The survival rules of the cryptocurrency circle are here!

10U survival rules: first get a set of clothes from a certain group or, rent an electric car, and start a takeaway life.

100U survival rules: All in two pre-sale dog coins. If you lose, just go to work honestly, and if you make money, go directly to the club to be a young model.

1000U survival rules: find popular coins, buy whichever is popular, and if it doesn’t work, go to the contract to take a chance!

10,000U survival rules: choose 3 potential coins, such as AI sector, Layer 2 sector, Meme sector, and wait for them to soar!

100,000U survival rules: buy 5 potential coins every time there is a callback, aiming at AI, Layer 2, Meme, platform coins, and BTC ecology.

1 millionU survival rules: don’t mess around, pledge star projects Renzo, Puffer, Swell, and directly harvest hundreds of thousands of U at the opening, and earn 1-2 million a year steadily.

Survival rules for 10 million U: Just lie down, buy at the bottom when the market collapses, sell at the high point, pledge when you have nothing to do, or join the pool of popular projects when you are bored.

Survival rules for 100 million U: Just build whatever you want, if you really can't build anymore, just give me some.
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The spot code is here! WIF can enter the market now, the opportunity is right in front of you, don't miss it. WIF has been performing well recently, the trend is slowly improving, and judging from the trading volume, the market liquidity is also quite strong. The spot market is like this, you can reap the rewards if you catch the rhythm. Opportunities are only for those who are prepared. Those who want to operate can consider testing the water with a small position and making steady layout. $WIF {spot}(WIFUSDT)
The spot code is here!

WIF can enter the market now, the opportunity is right in front of you, don't miss it.

WIF has been performing well recently, the trend is slowly improving, and judging from the trading volume, the market liquidity is also quite strong.

The spot market is like this, you can reap the rewards if you catch the rhythm. Opportunities are only for those who are prepared. Those who want to operate can consider testing the water with a small position and making steady layout.

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There are five secrets to short-term trading! If you have always wanted to do short-term trading but always lose money, then you have to look at these experiences. 1. Act decisively, don't hesitate. Short-term trading is about getting in and out quickly, don't think about dragging it out for too long. Do it when the opportunity comes, and don't regret it if you miss it. 2. Keep an eye on the news. Go wherever there is movement. Hot news is often a signal for buying and selling, and opportunities come from here. 3. Be sure to set a stop loss. Risk control is always the first priority. Don't let a mistake drag you down. Set a stop loss point in advance, don't be greedy or gamble. 4. Choose popular strong coins. Follow the market, choose those coins with high popularity and strong trends, and don't touch those unpopular or weak projects. 5. Pay attention to trading volume. Trading volume is the key. It can tell you how active the market is and help you judge the authenticity of the market. Don't ignore this. More spot and contract strategies in the currency circle are here.
There are five secrets to short-term trading! If you have always wanted to do short-term trading but always lose money, then you have to look at these experiences.

1. Act decisively, don't hesitate. Short-term trading is about getting in and out quickly, don't think about dragging it out for too long. Do it when the opportunity comes, and don't regret it if you miss it.

2. Keep an eye on the news. Go wherever there is movement. Hot news is often a signal for buying and selling, and opportunities come from here.

3. Be sure to set a stop loss. Risk control is always the first priority. Don't let a mistake drag you down. Set a stop loss point in advance, don't be greedy or gamble.

4. Choose popular strong coins. Follow the market, choose those coins with high popularity and strong trends, and don't touch those unpopular or weak projects.

5. Pay attention to trading volume. Trading volume is the key. It can tell you how active the market is and help you judge the authenticity of the market. Don't ignore this.

More spot and contract strategies in the currency circle are here.
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Now the market has entered a short correction phase, and many people are starting to get a little nervous. In fact, there is no need to worry too much. The correction is normal, and it also gives us a chance to breathe. If you didn't get on the train before, it's a good time. There are many reasons for the correction, which may be short-term profit-taking or some macroeconomic changes. But no matter what the reason, this adjustment often does not last too long. The important thing is that we should analyze calmly and not lose our footing because of short-term fluctuations. What should we do at this time? First of all, don't rush to cut your losses. There is no need to sell the good coins in your hands easily. Especially for those projects with fundamental support, the correction is only temporary, and the market sentiment will naturally recover after stabilization. You can take the opportunity to see if there are opportunities to pick up leaks in those currencies with larger declines. Another key point is that position management is very important. Don't hold a heavy position at one time, and keep some ammunition to prevent the market from experiencing larger fluctuations. If risk control is done well, you will not panic even if the correction is fierce. The current correction is only short-term, and the market will not continue to fall. Seize the opportunity and be prepared. The next wave of rise may be faster than you think!
Now the market has entered a short correction phase, and many people are starting to get a little nervous. In fact, there is no need to worry too much. The correction is normal, and it also gives us a chance to breathe. If you didn't get on the train before, it's a good time.

There are many reasons for the correction, which may be short-term profit-taking or some macroeconomic changes. But no matter what the reason, this adjustment often does not last too long. The important thing is that we should analyze calmly and not lose our footing because of short-term fluctuations.

What should we do at this time? First of all, don't rush to cut your losses. There is no need to sell the good coins in your hands easily. Especially for those projects with fundamental support, the correction is only temporary, and the market sentiment will naturally recover after stabilization. You can take the opportunity to see if there are opportunities to pick up leaks in those currencies with larger declines.

Another key point is that position management is very important. Don't hold a heavy position at one time, and keep some ammunition to prevent the market from experiencing larger fluctuations. If risk control is done well, you will not panic even if the correction is fierce.

The current correction is only short-term, and the market will not continue to fall. Seize the opportunity and be prepared. The next wave of rise may be faster than you think!
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Every time you see other people's coins soaring, but you are holding coins that are not moving, are you a little depressed? In fact, it is not all about luck! When you have your own strategy, it is not that difficult to find Meme coins that can increase tenfold. Recently, BTC has not been able to rise, and the market atmosphere has become a little cautious, but at this time, altcoins, especially those Meme coins, are flying around. Ethereum's transaction fees are ridiculously expensive, but it has also created many myths of thousand-fold coins. Let's talk about NEIRO first. With a strong fan base and the driving force behind it, it has risen so fiercely. The AI ​​sector has also been pushed to the sky by the policy wind. Projects such as TAO and ARKM have become new stars and soared like rockets. TIA's price has soared because of the half-price coin purchase event and unlocking expectations, and short sellers are crying. PEPE has a deflation mechanism, no transaction tax, and plans to go on a large exchange. The prospects are getting brighter and brighter. Floki, the same model as Musk's Shiba Inu, is not only a Meme coin, but also an NFT game and DeFi. The real-life application plus the charity project are becoming more and more stylish. BONK on the Solana chain has risen with the power of the community, and its popularity has skyrocketed in cooperation with BonkSwap. Although the issuance volume is large, Solana's popularity provides it with a broad stage. As an old Meme coin, DOGE has a large supply, but the community atmosphere is good, and there are celebrities standing on the platform. It is still thriving, with low transaction fees and convenient use. Everyone still loves it. Recently, various local dog coins have soared. If you also want to make a fortune in the bull market, click on the avatar to follow me and study and discuss together!
Every time you see other people's coins soaring, but you are holding coins that are not moving, are you a little depressed? In fact, it is not all about luck! When you have your own strategy, it is not that difficult to find Meme coins that can increase tenfold.

Recently, BTC has not been able to rise, and the market atmosphere has become a little cautious, but at this time, altcoins, especially those Meme coins, are flying around. Ethereum's transaction fees are ridiculously expensive, but it has also created many myths of thousand-fold coins.

Let's talk about NEIRO first. With a strong fan base and the driving force behind it, it has risen so fiercely.

The AI ​​sector has also been pushed to the sky by the policy wind. Projects such as TAO and ARKM have become new stars and soared like rockets. TIA's price has soared because of the half-price coin purchase event and unlocking expectations, and short sellers are crying.

PEPE has a deflation mechanism, no transaction tax, and plans to go on a large exchange. The prospects are getting brighter and brighter.

Floki, the same model as Musk's Shiba Inu, is not only a Meme coin, but also an NFT game and DeFi. The real-life application plus the charity project are becoming more and more stylish.

BONK on the Solana chain has risen with the power of the community, and its popularity has skyrocketed in cooperation with BonkSwap. Although the issuance volume is large, Solana's popularity provides it with a broad stage.

As an old Meme coin, DOGE has a large supply, but the community atmosphere is good, and there are celebrities standing on the platform. It is still thriving, with low transaction fees and convenient use. Everyone still loves it.

Recently, various local dog coins have soared. If you also want to make a fortune in the bull market, click on the avatar to follow me and study and discuss together!
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Can the new public chain lead the entire crypto market? SUI: Many people think that this first-layer public chain has little potential, perhaps because the circulation volume is as high as 10 billion. This number is indeed not small, but the problem is that Grayscale has taken a fancy to it! As soon as Grayscale called for an order, the price soared all the way. In the long run, the current price is indeed underestimated, after all, there is a giant like Grayscale behind it. The reason why SUI is so strong is mainly because it launched a "game console" project similar to Sol mobile phone airdrop. In the future, SUI's development focus will be on chain games and DeFi. After the large-scale unlocking on September 1, the monthly unlocking volume only accounts for 2.66% of the circulation volume, and institutions are also pulling the market together at this time. SUI coin will be first issued on May 3, 2023, with a circulation volume of 2.679 billion and a supply of 10 billion. SUI's unique consensus mechanism makes it far superior to previous high-performance public chains in terms of transaction settlement speed. In every round of bull market, public chain projects are the focus without exception. Dare to be a public chain, at least it shows that the project party has strength and attitude. Will SUI become a 100x coin? Welcome to discuss!
Can the new public chain lead the entire crypto market?

SUI: Many people think that this first-layer public chain has little potential, perhaps because the circulation volume is as high as 10 billion. This number is indeed not small, but the problem is that Grayscale has taken a fancy to it! As soon as Grayscale called for an order, the price soared all the way. In the long run, the current price is indeed underestimated, after all, there is a giant like Grayscale behind it.

The reason why SUI is so strong is mainly because it launched a "game console" project similar to Sol mobile phone airdrop. In the future, SUI's development focus will be on chain games and DeFi. After the large-scale unlocking on September 1, the monthly unlocking volume only accounts for 2.66% of the circulation volume, and institutions are also pulling the market together at this time.

SUI coin will be first issued on May 3, 2023, with a circulation volume of 2.679 billion and a supply of 10 billion. SUI's unique consensus mechanism makes it far superior to previous high-performance public chains in terms of transaction settlement speed. In every round of bull market, public chain projects are the focus without exception. Dare to be a public chain, at least it shows that the project party has strength and attitude.

Will SUI become a 100x coin? Welcome to discuss!
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The current market is indeed expected to continue to rise before the National Day, with obvious capital inflows and rising market sentiment. Most investors are worried that the current price is too high, but in fact, this worry is very common and is precisely one of the characteristics before a big rise. The more you worry, the more opportunities you miss. Don't be afraid of a sharp drop after entering the market, now is the time to follow the trend. The key is to choose a good support level, don't blindly chase highs, and make a reasonable layout. The bull market is here, short-term fluctuations are normal, and a longer-term perspective will yield greater gains.
The current market is indeed expected to continue to rise before the National Day, with obvious capital inflows and rising market sentiment.

Most investors are worried that the current price is too high, but in fact, this worry is very common and is precisely one of the characteristics before a big rise.

The more you worry, the more opportunities you miss.

Don't be afraid of a sharp drop after entering the market, now is the time to follow the trend.

The key is to choose a good support level, don't blindly chase highs, and make a reasonable layout.

The bull market is here, short-term fluctuations are normal, and a longer-term perspective will yield greater gains.
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Why do you have to pay attention to risk control when trading? When trading, the most important thing is not how much you can earn, but how much you can keep. The market changes rapidly, and no one can predict the future 100%. Many people saw the right direction at the beginning and made money, but because they did not do a good job of risk control, they were liquidated when the market fell, and all the previous profits were lost. Risk control is to avoid this situation. You can protect the principal by setting stop loss and opening positions in batches to prevent losses from being infinitely magnified. There are many opportunities to make money, but the principal is only once. As long as the loss is controlled within an acceptable range, even if the market is not as expected for a while, you will have a chance to turn around. In trading, the winning rate and odds are not always equal. The important thing is to survive. Only if you live long in the market can you have the opportunity to witness more profitable market conditions.
Why do you have to pay attention to risk control when trading?

When trading, the most important thing is not how much you can earn, but how much you can keep. The market changes rapidly, and no one can predict the future 100%. Many people saw the right direction at the beginning and made money, but because they did not do a good job of risk control, they were liquidated when the market fell, and all the previous profits were lost.

Risk control is to avoid this situation. You can protect the principal by setting stop loss and opening positions in batches to prevent losses from being infinitely magnified. There are many opportunities to make money, but the principal is only once. As long as the loss is controlled within an acceptable range, even if the market is not as expected for a while, you will have a chance to turn around.

In trading, the winning rate and odds are not always equal. The important thing is to survive. Only if you live long in the market can you have the opportunity to witness more profitable market conditions.
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Every decline in the cryptocurrency market is a test of your patience and determination In the cryptocurrency market, sudden declines are not uncommon. This is actually the market constantly testing your determination. Many people sell in a hurry when they see a sharp drop in prices, fearing that their losses will increase. But real veterans know that short-term fluctuations are the norm, and real opportunities are often hidden in these declines. If you are shaken every time because of a decline, it will be difficult to catch the subsequent rebound. The ups and downs of the cryptocurrency market are a test of your investment mentality. Whoever can withstand the pressure will win the final victory.
Every decline in the cryptocurrency market is a test of your patience and determination

In the cryptocurrency market, sudden declines are not uncommon. This is actually the market constantly testing your determination. Many people sell in a hurry when they see a sharp drop in prices, fearing that their losses will increase.

But real veterans know that short-term fluctuations are the norm, and real opportunities are often hidden in these declines. If you are shaken every time because of a decline, it will be difficult to catch the subsequent rebound.

The ups and downs of the cryptocurrency market are a test of your investment mentality. Whoever can withstand the pressure will win the final victory.
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What is the real difference between cryptocurrency speculation and gambling? Many newcomers tend to confuse cryptocurrency speculation and gambling when they enter the cryptocurrency circle. In fact, although both seem to have certain risks on the surface, they are very different in essence. Today I will briefly tell you why cryptocurrency speculation and gambling are not the same thing. 1. Controllable risk vs. uncontrollable risk Gambling is a pure game of luck, and basically you cannot predict the results. Whether it is the roulette wheel in the casino or the winning or losing of poker cards, it is ultimately controlled by probability and luck. But cryptocurrency speculation is different. Although the market fluctuates, by analyzing technical indicators, market trends, and news, you can grasp the general direction and manage risks reasonably. The victory or defeat of cryptocurrency speculation depends more on your knowledge and judgment, rather than luck. 2. Have long-term planning vs. short-term betting Gambling is usually short-term, and the winning or losing will be immediately known. Cryptocurrency speculation is a long-term accumulation process. You can adjust your position according to market conditions, set stop loss and take profit, and slowly accumulate wealth. As long as you have patience and strategy, your income can be gradually improved. Gamblers often place bets with the mentality of "getting rich overnight". If they win, they will make a lot of money, and if they lose, they will lose everything. 3. Different mentality Coin speculation focuses on mentality management. You need to be calm about every rise and fall and operate rationally. Gambling often makes people addicted. Gamblers' psychology is easily influenced by winning or losing. The more they lose, the more they want to make up for their losses. The more they win, the greedier they are, and they lose more in the end. Coin speculation pays attention to discipline and planning, and they know how to control their desires and keep a normal mind to face market fluctuations. 4. Market rules vs. randomness Coin speculation is based on the supply and demand relationship, market sentiment, technical trends, etc. of the financial market, and there are certain rules to follow. While gambling, the results are completely random and there is no rule to rely on. In other words, coin speculation is an investment behavior with logic to follow, while gambling is "speculation" that relies purely on luck. The difference between coin speculation and gambling lies in risk control, long-term planning, mentality management and market rules. People who really understand coin speculation rely on knowledge and experience to make money, rather than blindly gambling. I hope that after entering the cryptocurrency circle, everyone can adjust their mindset, treat cryptocurrency trading as an investment behavior, and avoid falling into the gambler mentality.
What is the real difference between cryptocurrency speculation and gambling?

Many newcomers tend to confuse cryptocurrency speculation and gambling when they enter the cryptocurrency circle. In fact, although both seem to have certain risks on the surface, they are very different in essence. Today I will briefly tell you why cryptocurrency speculation and gambling are not the same thing.

1. Controllable risk vs. uncontrollable risk
Gambling is a pure game of luck, and basically you cannot predict the results. Whether it is the roulette wheel in the casino or the winning or losing of poker cards, it is ultimately controlled by probability and luck. But cryptocurrency speculation is different. Although the market fluctuates, by analyzing technical indicators, market trends, and news, you can grasp the general direction and manage risks reasonably. The victory or defeat of cryptocurrency speculation depends more on your knowledge and judgment, rather than luck.

2. Have long-term planning vs. short-term betting
Gambling is usually short-term, and the winning or losing will be immediately known. Cryptocurrency speculation is a long-term accumulation process. You can adjust your position according to market conditions, set stop loss and take profit, and slowly accumulate wealth. As long as you have patience and strategy, your income can be gradually improved. Gamblers often place bets with the mentality of "getting rich overnight". If they win, they will make a lot of money, and if they lose, they will lose everything.

3. Different mentality
Coin speculation focuses on mentality management. You need to be calm about every rise and fall and operate rationally. Gambling often makes people addicted. Gamblers' psychology is easily influenced by winning or losing. The more they lose, the more they want to make up for their losses. The more they win, the greedier they are, and they lose more in the end. Coin speculation pays attention to discipline and planning, and they know how to control their desires and keep a normal mind to face market fluctuations.

4. Market rules vs. randomness
Coin speculation is based on the supply and demand relationship, market sentiment, technical trends, etc. of the financial market, and there are certain rules to follow. While gambling, the results are completely random and there is no rule to rely on. In other words, coin speculation is an investment behavior with logic to follow, while gambling is "speculation" that relies purely on luck.

The difference between coin speculation and gambling lies in risk control, long-term planning, mentality management and market rules. People who really understand coin speculation rely on knowledge and experience to make money, rather than blindly gambling. I hope that after entering the cryptocurrency circle, everyone can adjust their mindset, treat cryptocurrency trading as an investment behavior, and avoid falling into the gambler mentality.
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How to select coins with the potential to increase 100 times in the current crypto market?Want to find 100x coins in the crypto market? Don't be fooled by those seemingly glamorous projects, the real opportunities are often hidden in the details. Today, let's talk about how to pick out those coins with real potential to increase 100x in today's crypto market. 1. Look at the team background The team is the key to whether a project is reliable or not. The background, experience and influence of the founding team directly determine the development direction of the project. Do they have experience? Are there any successful cases before? These are what you need to pay attention to. It is best to have people who have played important roles in other successful projects, which can bring additional credibility and security to the project.

How to select coins with the potential to increase 100 times in the current crypto market?

Want to find 100x coins in the crypto market? Don't be fooled by those seemingly glamorous projects, the real opportunities are often hidden in the details. Today, let's talk about how to pick out those coins with real potential to increase 100x in today's crypto market.

1. Look at the team background
The team is the key to whether a project is reliable or not. The background, experience and influence of the founding team directly determine the development direction of the project. Do they have experience? Are there any successful cases before? These are what you need to pay attention to. It is best to have people who have played important roles in other successful projects, which can bring additional credibility and security to the project.
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Brothers, good days are finally here! This market has been dragging on for more than half a year, and there is finally some hope. The altcoins have just shown signs, don't rush to short-term operations. Don't always think about making a short-term quick money. In this wave of altcoin craze, if you just want to make some pocket money, you will lose a lot! Today, CZ was released two days ahead of schedule. Although four months is not long, it is definitely a good sign for our crypto circle! The high valuation of VC in the past few years is outdated. The current trend is MEME, BRC20, Runes and other protocols. MEME coins actually existed before, but this time the consensus is stronger. To put it bluntly, whoever wins the hearts of the people wins the world. New protocols such as BRC20 and Runes can change the way assets are issued. Everyone is optimistic about them. Even BN has invested in unisat. Industry leaders will never miss any opportunities. Today, the core of the currency circle is "community", "fairness" and "consensus", and BN has long been ahead in this regard. Richard and Yijie led the team to move forward steadily. The previous uncertainties have been basically resolved. BN now has the world's largest number of 19 regulatory licenses, and it is in high spirits! Although CZ will no longer be directly responsible for operations in the future, he is still the big boss of BN, and he will definitely be there to give advice behind the scenes. What's more, there are so many talents in our circle. Even if CZ retreats behind the scenes, there will definitely be new big guys to continue to lead us forward! I have locked on a potential dark horse coin that is about to take off. It is easy to double it! Before the end of the year, I will also select a batch of potential coins with big explosions. The specific details will be released later. Find me and share with you at any time!
Brothers, good days are finally here! This market has been dragging on for more than half a year, and there is finally some hope.

The altcoins have just shown signs, don't rush to short-term operations. Don't always think about making a short-term quick money. In this wave of altcoin craze, if you just want to make some pocket money, you will lose a lot!

Today, CZ was released two days ahead of schedule. Although four months is not long, it is definitely a good sign for our crypto circle! The high valuation of VC in the past few years is outdated. The current trend is MEME, BRC20, Runes and other protocols.

MEME coins actually existed before, but this time the consensus is stronger. To put it bluntly, whoever wins the hearts of the people wins the world. New protocols such as BRC20 and Runes can change the way assets are issued. Everyone is optimistic about them. Even BN has invested in unisat. Industry leaders will never miss any opportunities.

Today, the core of the currency circle is "community", "fairness" and "consensus", and BN has long been ahead in this regard. Richard and Yijie led the team to move forward steadily. The previous uncertainties have been basically resolved. BN now has the world's largest number of 19 regulatory licenses, and it is in high spirits!

Although CZ will no longer be directly responsible for operations in the future, he is still the big boss of BN, and he will definitely be there to give advice behind the scenes. What's more, there are so many talents in our circle. Even if CZ retreats behind the scenes, there will definitely be new big guys to continue to lead us forward!

I have locked on a potential dark horse coin that is about to take off. It is easy to double it! Before the end of the year, I will also select a batch of potential coins with big explosions. The specific details will be released later. Find me and share with you at any time!
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PEPE's market phases and key price targets are worth watching. By identifying these phases, investors can seize the right buying and selling opportunities. Currently, PEPE seems to be in a phase ready to rise. First is the accumulation phase, which is usually accompanied by an inverted head and shoulders pattern, indicating the beginning of a reversal trend. After the accumulation is completed, PEPE is expected to usher in a strong rebound. Next, PEPE may enter a re-accumulation phase, and a symmetrical triangle consolidation pattern appears. This is a moment when buyers and sellers are evenly matched, and traders can look for strength and weakness signals in the market at this stage. When the consolidation is completed, the last wave of gains is expected to drive the price into the distribution phase, when early investors choose to take profits and the market sells The pressure rises. Key price targets that traders should pay attention to The short-term target is $0.00001885. If the market continues to strengthen, this target may be reached soon. Next, the medium-term targets are $0.00002695, $0.00003995, and $0.00005295. Each target is a key pressure level, and whether it can be broken depends on market sentiment and external environment. PEPE's market cycle provides traders with clear operating guidelines, and the rebound after accumulation is very potential. Keeping a close eye on price trends can help investors make more rational decisions in the volatile crypto market.
PEPE's market phases and key price targets are worth watching. By identifying these phases, investors can seize the right buying and selling opportunities.

Currently, PEPE seems to be in a phase ready to rise. First is the accumulation phase, which is usually accompanied by an inverted head and shoulders pattern, indicating the beginning of a reversal trend. After the accumulation is completed, PEPE is expected to usher in a strong rebound.

Next, PEPE may enter a re-accumulation phase, and a symmetrical triangle consolidation pattern appears. This is a moment when buyers and sellers are evenly matched, and traders can look for strength and weakness signals in the market at this stage. When the consolidation is completed, the last wave of gains is expected to drive the price into the distribution phase, when early investors choose to take profits and the market sells The pressure rises.

Key price targets that traders should pay attention to
The short-term target is $0.00001885. If the market continues to strengthen, this target may be reached soon. Next, the medium-term targets are $0.00002695, $0.00003995, and $0.00005295.

Each target is a key pressure level, and whether it can be broken depends on market sentiment and external environment. PEPE's market cycle provides traders with clear operating guidelines, and the rebound after accumulation is very potential. Keeping a close eye on price trends can help investors make more rational decisions in the volatile crypto market.
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