#RNDR $RNDR RNDR In-depth Analysis of the Day's Market

I. Analysis of Long and Short Trends

After a detailed technical analysis of RNDR, we found that both the 1-hour and 2-hour levels clearly pointed to the short trend, showing the downward pressure on the market in the short term. However, at the 4-hour level, the market showed a purple signal, which is usually regarded as a harbinger of a pullback, meaning that the market may rebound or adjust in the short term. Therefore, today we need to pay special attention to the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level, that is, the position near 8.0717, which will provide us with an important reference for market trends.

II. Analysis of key price levels

Support level below: If the market continues to decline, we will first focus on the support levels near the three prices of 7.8329, 7.7532 and 7.5675. These positions are important support points that may be encountered during the market's decline, and are also important references for us to judge whether the market will rebound.

Resistance level above: If the market rebounds, we will first focus on the resistance levels near the three prices of 8.1831, 8.3954 and 8.5069. These positions are important resistance points that may be encountered during the market's rise, and are also important references for us to judge the strength and sustainability of the market rebound.

3. Trading strategy recommendations

In view of the current market's long-short interweaving pattern, we recommend that investors adopt a short-term trading strategy of watching the market. By capturing the changes in long and short forces in real time, we can more accurately grasp every wave of the market. In trading, it is important to pay close attention to the position changes of the long-short watershed, and flexibly adjust the trading strategy in combination with market trends and your own investment strategy. At the same time, please pay attention to risk control, avoid blindly chasing ups and downs, and ensure the stability of investment.

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