"If you show your beauty, lustful people will follow you; if you show your wealth, greedy people will frame you; if you show your sincerity, evil people will trample on you."

Mr. Yang Jiang once said: "Don't show off your happiness, sweetness, prosperity, or success. Common sense in physics tells us that things will lose moisture if exposed to the sun, and hiding is the best way to keep them fresh. Happiness is about nourishing your own heart, not about satisfying other people's eyes."

Don't show off your advantages in life, or others will be jealous of you, because few people in this world really want you to live better than them.

1. Hide in Moments; 01. Hide in Moments, show off less wealth, less affection, less showing off your kids, what you share may not necessarily be what others want to see. Smart people hide, the more you show, the more your luck will be lost.

02. Keep family secrets to yourself and don’t air your dirty laundry in public.

03. Hide your financial situation.

04.Hide your plan and remember to do things in a concise way

05. Hide your network and don’t show off who you know.

06. Except for your parents, no one will want you to live better than him.

2. Keep your mouth shut: It takes two years to learn to speak, and a lifetime to learn to shut up. Keep your mouth shut. One day, your unintentional words may become someone else's handle. The more cultivated a person is, the more he will keep his mouth shut. Four kinds of words that should not be said: do not say arrogant words, do not say boastful words, do not expose others' scars, and do not say hurtful words.

3. Hiding your temper: Mr. Lu Xun said: "Silence is the highest contempt."

Use your anger to watch dramas, read books, and listen to music. Let him stay where he wants. We are beautiful alone. But if he gets too aggressive, don't blame us for going crazy. Hiding your temper is our cultivation, not unlimited tolerance.

4. Hide your expectations.

Hide your expectations and don't expect help from others. You have to understand that interactions between people are often centered on interests, and others will not help you for no reason.

When you have expectations of others, you become weak and try to please others without principles.

5. Hide your heart.

Hide your heart, don't be trapped by pessimism and negative energy. We must learn not to dwell on what has happened, not indulge in the past, cherish the present, and be content. 3 mindfulness tips for a better mentality: 01. Everything that happens is good for me.

02.My life will get better and better.

03. I can get through this.

Yan Shu, Prime Minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, said that in order to settle down and establish oneself, one must strictly follow these 16 words: hide one's edge, conceal one's wisdom, abstain from desires, self-reflection, seek truth from facts, be careful in words, restrain one's emotions, and be kind.

To hide one's edge means not to show one's sharpness; to conceal one's wisdom means to be wise but appear foolish; to abstain from desires means not to be greedy or have any thoughts; to reflect on oneself means to examine oneself.

Being careful with words means speaking cautiously; being moderate in emotions means controlling emotions; being realistic means being down-to-earth; being kind means not hurting others.

Because: If you hide your strength, you will be invincible; if you conceal your wisdom, you will protect yourself. If you examine yourself, you will know yourself; if you abstain from desire, you will not be bound. If you seek truth, you will not be false; if you are careful with your words, you will not suffer any disaster. If you control your emotions, you will be less sad; if you do good, you will be upright.

Therefore, adults must understand that when people start to show off, it is often the beginning of a disaster!

There is a sentence in the Tao Te Ching: "Shining without dazzling, still water runs deep!" The ancients also warned us: when people are in good times, they don't have to show off too much, they should be quiet and quiet like running water.

No matter where we are or what environment we are in, let us not be arrogant, show off, or be conceited, and keep our own happiness.

The above comes from the Internet!!!

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