Recently, NOT has dominated the screen, dominating the growth list every day. The project itself is just a TG robot click game, and even the project white paper seems a bit perfunctory, with only 9 pages of standard "white paper". But this does not affect the opportunity for more people to start paying attention to the TON public chain ecosystem.

The surge in NOT will attract more users to the TON ecosystem

1. More project parties will join the TON public chain ecosystem to build it

Real money rewards: TON Foundation has allocated 150 million US dollars as an incentive plan to vigorously support high-quality start-up projects.

Perfect infrastructure: Based on the Telegram social product with 1.3 billion users, with built-in native wallets and DEX trading markets, a closed-loop crypto ecosystem can be completed directly in the TG community. Coupled with the public chain's efficient sharding technology, flexible smart contract platform, powerful cross-chain interoperability, and rich development tools and application ecosystem.

Natural user traffic pool: As Notcoin breaks through the circle, the project will pay more attention to Telegram's huge user base. Compared with other social platforms, Telegram users are more active, and many of them are loyal users of cryptocurrencies.

2. VC institutions are more willing to invest: Compared with traditional high-valuation projects, TON public chain ecological projects have actual active users and cash flow income, rather than the false prosperity of the chain. VC institutions not only focus on the potential of the project, but also on its market acceptance and user base.

3. Exchanges are more willing to list tokens: Why was NOT listed by the four major exchanges at the same time? Why was the price of NOT significantly inverted after the opening of Binance and EURUSD? It is obvious that they are just trying to grab users!!! From the perspective of listing tokens on exchanges, what projects do they like the most? High financing? Technology? Strong team background? NO! These factors are not so sexy in front of traffic. The most fundamental starting point for an exchange to list a project is traffic. In the face of high-quality projects in the TON ecosystem, there are not only Web3 encrypted users, but also a large amount of precious Web2 traffic. High-quality projects will be listed on any exchange no matter which exchange they are in front of.

Looking at the current industry situation

1. False prosperity of public chain data: Take STRK as an example. It was once a star second-layer public chain, which was born with the golden key of luxurious capital and awesome project team. After the coin issuance, the daily active users on the chain plummeted to only a few thousand. If it were not for the ecological project launching a series of staking activities after the STRK coin issuance, it is likely that the daily active data on the chain would be terrible.

2. Low circulation, high FDV leeks are prevalent: High FDV is not only easy to create market enthusiasm, but also likely to cover up actual risks. Especially in new projects with low circulation supply, retail investors often ignore the dilution risk brought by the unlocking plan. Similarly, the funds in the market are seriously sucked by the high-control projects, and the entire market is like a large group of friends PVP. The project party only cares about cutting, and it doesn’t matter whether it pulls up or not. Retail investors have already been cut by high FDV projects.

Where is the breakthrough?

Wherever there is traffic, there will be breakthrough. This is what I have told you many times. Wherever there is heat, there is capital, and there will be a pull-up in the market.

We should not let the high-sounding technical terms cover up the most basic logical truth. Whether it is Web3 or Web2, traffic is king is the eternal truth.

The data speaks for itself

1. Telegram's social killer feature: TG has 800 million monthly active users, more than 1.3 billion registered users, and more than one million new users register every day. This data is 1.4 times that of Twitter, 61% of WeChat, and 86% of Facebook. The TON public chain and Telegram have an inseparable strategic relationship.

2. Active on-chain data: TON public chain has more than 6 million daily transactions, 170,000 daily on-chain activated wallets, and more than 4 million monthly active wallets. This data is almost all real user data, which instantly kills the false prosperity of many other on-chain protocols.

3. Rapidly growing TVL data: TON’s total on-chain locked value (TVL) is more than 370 million US dollars. The monthly growth rate is 85%. The public chain ranking will soon be among the top 20.

Inventory of TON public chain ecological segments: In the TON public chain ecosystem, there are 13 staking projects, 43 wallets, 8 cross-chain bridges, 114 tools and bots, 98 NFTs, 21 social, 53 gambling, 16 DEX, 97 games, 10 developer tools, 12 e-commerce, and 10 Launchpads. Looking closely at these segments, we can see that the TON public chain already has a relatively rich ecological foundation.

When Binance EURUSD just launched TON mining, I emphasized to everyone that we should focus on the TON ecosystem in the future, and I also wrote articles about several projects. Now it seems that my vision at that time was correct. After all, keeping an eye on the direction of the big exchanges, it can't be too bad.

Whether it is a project, VC institution, exchange, or retail investor, the key is to seize traffic. Where traffic is, there are future opportunities. Whether it is Web2 or Web3, only by mastering traffic can we master the future. In the story of TON public chain, the surge of NOT may just be the beginning of its ecological rise.

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