Yesterday, I used ULTI as an example to analyze how to judge whether a new coin has potential. Later, someone asked me what the opening valuation is reasonable and at what price one can get on board. Today, I will calculate it for you. Without saying anything awesome or rubbish, we will just take the average of the middle numbers of the Chain Game Coins and see that the valuation should be in the range of 150-200 million. If it is higher than this range, it will not be cost-effective. You can wait for a correction. If it opens at around 150 million or below 150 million, you can make a bottom position first. 1. Avoid missing out, 2. Increase your position if it falls. If the opening valuation is lower than 100 million, you can go for it with confidence. If it is even lower, 50 million, then go for a heavy position. After all, it is invested by Binance and many top institutions, so it won’t be too bad. If you don’t know how to choose, just follow the institutions. Binance invested 10 million and you will lose a lot of money.