$NOT From waiting to explosion

I first knew about not at the end of March. Several of my friends bought a considerable amount of not, and there seemed to be a small amount of free shares, but the number was not large.

From the end of March until it was launched on bn, it was a painful torture for early buyers in the nearly two months.

Even in the early days of bn, there was no profit to speak of. For a while, it was in a loss state. It was not until the recent few days that it ushered in an explosion, with a maximum increase of nearly 6 times from the bottom!

It can be seen that after buying any kind of coin, most of the time is spent in waiting, which is a torture.

And the surge and pull-up often only occur in a short period of time. We must have enough patience to endure this torture before we can enjoy the pleasure brought by the pull-up!

Let’s take a look at Musk’s new dog "pup, pi, es" on the Ethereum chain. It had a nearly 1,000-fold increase on the day of its listing. Of course, a large part of it was invalid.

After that, it was adjusted for more than a month. At the end of March, it rose nearly 100 times, and then it adjusted for nearly two months.

At present, there has been some improvement from the bottom. Whether it is judged from the time node or the market heat, it is close to the critical point of outbreak!

We just need to be more patient! After all, the meme sector it belongs to, the Ethereum chain it is located in, and there are more than 10,000 real holding addresses, the Musk IP it owns, and its ultra-low market value and super strong community, all of which are worth our persistence and waiting! Because the surge may come at any time!

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