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Breaking news! Trump is convicted of all 34 felonies and may go to jail! Can the related MEME coins still be bought? Yesterday, all 34 charges against Trump in the "hush money" case were found guilty. The sentencing will be on July 11. Trump is likely to become the first former president in history to be convicted. As soon as the news came out, Trump's related MEME coins ushered in a sharp decline, TRUMP fell 35%, MAGA fell 25%, on the contrary, Biden's MEME coins soared 20% in the short term, and FREE TRUMP soared 50 times. Many people will ask, can Trump's related MEME coins still be bought? Will they return to zero after being imprisoned? First of all, Trump's incident will not be so pessimistic. According to reports, Trump's legal disputes will not prevent him from running for president, because the US Constitution does not prohibit felons from holding the highest office, so there is a high probability that we will hear news of the reversal of the incident later. Secondly, traders in the blockchain prediction market Polymarket still predict that Trump can defeat Biden in the November election, and predict that Trump's probability of winning the election is 56%, while Biden's probability is only 38%. Should Trump's MEME coin be sold? I think there will definitely be an impact in the short term, but the market immediately closed after the spike, which shows the market's attitude. Half of the position can be transferred to Biden's MEME coin for hedging, and Trump's MEME coin can be bought again when it plummets, waiting for a reversal. It should be reminded that MEME coins are extremely risky, so don't hold a large position in a certain series, just hold a light position to fight the odds. #meme板块关注热点 #5月市场关键事件 Follow me, interpret hot spots at the first time, and surpass others with cognition.

Breaking news! Trump is convicted of all 34 felonies and may go to jail! Can the related MEME coins still be bought?

Yesterday, all 34 charges against Trump in the "hush money" case were found guilty. The sentencing will be on July 11. Trump is likely to become the first former president in history to be convicted.

As soon as the news came out, Trump's related MEME coins ushered in a sharp decline, TRUMP fell 35%, MAGA fell 25%, on the contrary, Biden's MEME coins soared 20% in the short term, and FREE TRUMP soared 50 times.

Many people will ask, can Trump's related MEME coins still be bought? Will they return to zero after being imprisoned?

First of all, Trump's incident will not be so pessimistic. According to reports, Trump's legal disputes will not prevent him from running for president, because the US Constitution does not prohibit felons from holding the highest office, so there is a high probability that we will hear news of the reversal of the incident later.

Secondly, traders in the blockchain prediction market Polymarket still predict that Trump can defeat Biden in the November election, and predict that Trump's probability of winning the election is 56%, while Biden's probability is only 38%.

Should Trump's MEME coin be sold?

I think there will definitely be an impact in the short term, but the market immediately closed after the spike, which shows the market's attitude. Half of the position can be transferred to Biden's MEME coin for hedging, and Trump's MEME coin can be bought again when it plummets, waiting for a reversal.

It should be reminded that MEME coins are extremely risky, so don't hold a large position in a certain series, just hold a light position to fight the odds.

#meme板块关注热点 #5月市场关键事件

Follow me, interpret hot spots at the first time, and surpass others with cognition.

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深夜突发!巴菲特公司的“伯克希尔”,暴跌99%,发生了什么? 就在刚刚,多家美股公司发生交易异常,伯克希尔、蒙特利尔银行、巴里克黄金等股票跌幅在98%以上,且行情静止不动。 根据报道,原因是纽交所出现了技术性问题,才导致的多只股票巨幅波动异常。这其实已经不是美股第一次故障了,就在上周四,标普500指数和道琼斯工业平均指数突然停止了实时报价,持续了近80分钟,不过个股交易并未受到影响,最大限度地减少了对交易员的干扰。 今天,“轧空大神”Roaring Kitty时隔三年再次在Reddit平台发贴,帖子展示的图片显示其拥有价值6500万美元的Gamestop股票看涨期权,执行价格为21美元,到期日为6月21日。 受此消息影响,GME短时触及0.013美元,24小时涨幅达213.77%。Meme板块这边,不仅带动了sol上的同名迷信币Roaring Kitty暴涨了780%,也把近期火热的川普概念Meme币拉起来了。 Meme币近期在币圈主宰了行情,让很多人认为市场Meme币有机会,但作为理性的投资者,我们需要清醒地理解,MeMe 新币>VC 新币只是一个至今才两个月的周期性现象,不要轻言未来只有 MeMe 币,更不要将自己的投资组合塞满 MeMe 币。 好了,原创不易,点个关注,每日分享热点消息,第一时间解读。 #meme板块关注热点 #6月是不是山寨币的开始 $FLOKI $BOME $WIF
这个周末,不简单!发生了3件大事,下周非农数据,比特币会大跌吗? 今天比特币突破了6.8万美金,日内涨幅达0.49%,行情波动还是比较大的。周末加密圈也不平静,发生了3件大事,或将影响下周比特币的走势: 第一件事:CZ已经在加利福尼亚州联邦监狱开始服刑。因去年11月,CZ未能维持有效的反洗钱程序,之后在今年的4月,CZ被判了4个月监禁。 今天在X平台上,看到很多KOL都对CZ给予了祝福,转发了CZ的那个"may the force be with you"的照片,相信4个月后,CZ和币安都能迎来新的机会。 第二件事:马斯克在X平台上发文澄清,从未与川普讨论过加密货币。之前有传闻说川普与马斯克讨论加密货币,甚至说当选后,会让马斯克担任要职。 其实在新闻刚传出来的时候,我就猜到会是假消息,马斯克深知自己的影响力,不会在大选前这么敏感的时期,去刻意表达对某位候选人的偏爱,更不会借此去带热某个概念的币。 第三件事:支持比特币的萨尔瓦多总统纳伊布今日开启第二任期。 五年前的今天,纳伊布宣誓就职成为萨尔瓦多总统,成为第一位比特币总统,并且宣布比特币正式成为萨尔瓦多法定货币。 另外,下周重要消息比较多,重头戏是周五晚上20:30公布的美国一月一次的非农数据和失业率数据,这对下半年的降息预期起到关键性作用。周三晚上还会公布5月ADP数据,俗称“小非农”和周四的申请失业金数据。 预计下周的非农数据将会影响到比特币的走势,前值是3.9%,预期是3.9%,如果超预期则是利好,低于预期则是利空。 好了,原创不易,点个关注,希望我的分享对你有所帮助,也许我讲的不是最准的,但一定是最真诚的。 #5月市场关键事件 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
“黑天鹅”重磅降临!比特币危机继续,接下去该怎么做? 今天是六一儿童节,首先祝福大家儿童节快乐,愿你投资生涯中依然能像儿时一样简单、纯粹、快乐。 好了,说回行情,昨晚万众瞩目的核心PCE数据公布,符合预期,美联储9月降息预期提高,但比特币的走势仅仅冲高了一下就立马跳水了,这是为啥呢?我认为主要有两个“黑天鹅”压制着: 1)局部冲突不确定性提高 在川普被定罪后,老拜政府秘密授权了乌军使用美国提供的武器,并且俄方也证实了乌方已经使用了美国武器攻击本土,这让北约的形势变得越发不确定性。对于风险资产的比特币也受此影响。 2)门头沟事件 门头沟的赔付时间是在10月,上周从门头沟的钱包连续发生了多笔比特币转账,价值接近百亿,一旦释放,抛压可想而知。 要知道目前灰度每天才卖1个亿,有时候就已经对市场有一定的影响了。要想抵消门头沟事件的影响,恐怕得更多资金流入比特币现货ETF才行。 面对这两个“黑天鹅”,我们该怎么应对呢? 首先,务必控制仓位,切忌盲目抄底,合约倍数降低,尽量以现货为主。仓位上建议不超过70%,留30%稳定币等待突发的大回调! 好了,原创不易,记得点个关注,每天我都会分享突发事件,我的解读不一定是正确的,但一定是最真诚的,再次感谢支持! #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #MtGox钱包动态 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
“美联储最爱通胀数据”公布!比特币为何冲高回落?今天币圈发生了两件大事! 今天晚上最受美联储青睐的通胀数据【核心PCE物价指数】公布了,迎来三年新低,同比增速为2.8%,持平预期2.8%,整体来看是符合预期的。数据公布之后,交易员也上调了9月份降息的概率。 数据一出,比特币突破6.9万美金,达到69044,但很快就冲高回落,截止发文前的价格为67427,为什么通胀数据利好,比特币却回落了呢? 首先,公布的PCE是月度的指数,整体影响并没有年率高,总体只能算是小利好,不是超级大利好。 其次,根据芝加所美联储观察工具显示,美联储6月按兵不动的概率接近100%,9月开启降息大门的可能性也不到50%。 总的来说,虽然没有大利好,但好歹没有坏消息,比特币还是在6.7万附近震荡。 另外,今晚币圈还发生了两件大事,值得关注: ①币安市值超过了美团!达到876.5亿美元,在全球资产排名中位列第206位;而美团当前市值为833亿美元,在全球资产排名中位列第221位,BNB 市值比美团高出约43.5亿美元。 ②川普被判34项重罪,或在监狱中竞选。不过,加密社区对这个消息反应不一,一些人认为没有证据表明川普的定罪威胁到了美国宪法,认为川普不太可能入狱。另一些人认为这次定罪可能会削弱他在选民中的支持率。 好了,原创不易,坚持更难,只希望点个关注支持我,热点新闻或者行业消息,我都会第一时间分享。我可能不是最专业的,但我一定是最真诚的。 #5月市场关键事件 #美联储降息周期 $BTC

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