
So how do you make 10 million in the cryptocurrency world?

Let's start with a basic theorem:

In one's lifetime, one only needs to bet three ten-fold coins in a row.

Prepare 10,000 US dollars, which is not necessary for you

Then 10,000-100,000 100,000-1 million 1 million-10 million

10 million US dollars can basically be considered a small goal

If you don’t even have $10,000 in startup capital or if you think this $10,000 is not necessary for you,

Then just work and study like crazy. Investing may not be for you yet.

Because your risk tolerance is too low at this time.

Once the all-in fails, it can be said that there is a high probability of failure, which will seriously affect your real life and the loss will outweigh the gain!

Don’t know what to study? English! Can’t find a job? Takeout!

If you only want 10 million RMB, then just change the unit or scale it up or down. The principle is the same.

First of all, your current task is to find 3 "10x coins" in a row.

Why the quotation marks?

Because you don’t necessarily need coins here, you can have a lossless arbitrage opportunity, it can be DEFI mining, it can be local dog, it can be NFT, it can be any target...

Let's talk about it in detail:

The first 10 times is 10,000-100,000. The range can be very wide.

Liquidity is sufficient for most investments

The first thing you need to do is close your eyes and think carefully about which project was the most profitable or the one that you were most confident would make money from.

If this "money-making project" can be copied, repeat the money-making operation 100 times!

If you can't think of it, or haven't made your first pot of gold yet, then I personally think there are two best options at this stage.

1. Airdrop

As for how to take advantage of airdrops, since each project is different, everyone knows that this part of the cost is actually very low.

2. Try every possible means to get a popular NFT whitelist

The basic idea is to find popular projects to whitelist. You need to use some ingenuity. Small tricks are not excluded.

Don’t think it’s impossible and I really can’t do it. In fact, the better the project, the lower the threshold for ordinary people, but it requires energy to study and use your brain to innovate.

Most NFT projects support creation for free. The first person who came up with the idea of ​​making a snowman was, if you are the bear project leader, I will make a bear, if you are a monkey, I will make a monkey, and the money is only a few dozen dollars.

The project will have various lucky draws, such as Twitter retweet lucky draws and discord lucky draws. Open a large number of small accounts to participate to increase your chances of winning.

Even the most primitive method is chatting. For a project like hape that is so difficult to get for free, several of my friends went there every day to check in and set the pace just like going to work. After mastering the "method", they all got free.

As long as you are willing to use your brain, there are always more solutions than problems.

But if you have no ideas and just want to follow the crowd, you really won’t be able to achieve anything.

The cost of this part depends on the project, and the key is to choose the right project. And if you do it with multiple numbers, it will still cost some money. The cost of 10,000 US dollars should be enough for the current market.

All content does not constitute any investment advice! Everyone needs to make their own decisions based on their own research and judgment.

3. Local dogs and contracts

This is not the best solution and is strongly discouraged. The reasons are well known and I won't go into details.

But if you are gifted, you can indeed earn a very high multiple in a very short period of time.

I won’t go into details for now, we can talk about it privately when we have the chance.

4. Participate in IDO, IEO, private placement, Coinlist public offering, etc.

The threshold for this part is actually quite high.

The current IDOs and IEOs in the public market all require the investment of principal, and there is a possibility that the principal loss will be higher than the profit.

It mainly depends on the project and luck. I will analyze this part based on specific projects later.

For the private placement part, we need help from a noble person.

If your friends work for big organizations, you can keep in touch with them frequently. If you come across a good project, they might bring you along.

The investment quota for institutional projects is very tight now, and they can invest a few thousand dollars or even tens of thousands of dollars.

Again, don’t invest blindly, you need to understand the project. It is recommended to go all in on reliable projects.

The simplest way of thinking is that investing in a project is investing in a person. If you don’t understand the project, you can look at whether the person is reliable. The projects of reliable people are generally reliable.

5. DEFI Mining

At present, there is basically no big profit margin for old mines.

New projects require constant attention.

The earlier you enter, the more opportunities you will have to make 10 times the profit.

Because the gameplay of each project is very different, I will not elaborate on it. There are different gameplay methods depending on the specific project.

Overall, the most important thing at this stage is to be able to endure loneliness.

Why? Because this part varies from person to person, and some people may take a long time to make a breakthrough.

Sometimes you may have to lose many times before you realize how to make money.

It is also possible that after some operation you will find that you are really not cut out for this.

If you are really lonely, you can find some like-minded people to accompany you.

It is important to exchange information and encourage each other.

Chat and communicate to find the person who is most compatible with you and has similar asset level to you, and achieve prosperity together.

After successfully getting your first 10x bonus, congratulations, you are very close to success.

The second step, 100,000-1 million, can be done with the dumbest but very practical method, which is to repeat the first step 10 times.

Simple and crude but practical.

Take $100,000 and repeat the first step. For the remaining $90,000, you need to wait patiently for an opportunity.

Every year there are miracles happening in the market and magical coins appearing.

These coins all have a base price of 10 coins. Some even have a 100-fold increase. LINK, AAVE, YFI, AXS, LUNA, MATIC, BNB...

Your goal is to lock it in early, go all in, and sell at a high point.

It sounds hard, and it is damn hard to do. Almost impossible.

Let's put it simply. If a coin increases 10 times, after cutting off the beginning and the end, we want to get the 3-5 times increase in the middle. This is entirely possible.

This kind of coin will have a strong consensus, and as long as you are a little sensitive, you will definitely feel its popularity.

If it is a bull market, the market may rise by more than 2 times, and it will be easier for you to choose coins. You may just buy a coin that will increase tenfold.

If it is a bear market and everyone is falling, but there is a coin that keeps rising against the trend, I believe you will not be unaware of it.

After finding this coin, you need to develop a detailed strategy.

How to enter the market? Should I go all-in after the correction, make fixed investments, go all-in at the current price, or buy in batches?

Then if it is a mistake in judgment, when should I stop loss?

If it is a fake fall, should I still get on board? If the stock keeps rising without a correction, should I just rush in?

For problems like these, you need to think of a strategy in advance, and then get on the bus with confidence.

No matter how market conditions change, you will be prepared.

This way you will be able to hold on to it for a long time and won’t be washed out by a small fluctuation.

Of course, some luck is also needed here. Good luck is also part of strength.

After completing the second step, the most urgent thing you need to do is to meditate.

Many people become arrogant after they make money.

Then I will play around and end up losing everything for myself.

Go back to step one and start over.

Therefore, at this stage, the most important thing is to overcome your inner desires and calm down, and then you can complete the final great task.

The third phase target is 1 million to 10 million. Although it is still a 10-fold increase, the difficulty is not a little bit greater.

I personally think that the luck factor at this stage is already very low.

The fact that you can achieve your goal demonstrates to a large extent that your cognition and abilities have reached a higher level.

To understand it the other way around, you have to madly improve your cognition and knowledge level to achieve your goal.

You need to have a full understanding of the entire market, you need to have a strong learning ability, and have strong psychological qualities.

In order to achieve these goals, you need to keep learning and enriching yourself to make yourself stronger.

When your knowledge reserves and cognitive abilities break through that critical point, you will find that this stage is actually not very difficult.

The main goal at this stage should be on public chains, platform coins and emerging markets (such as NFT, WEB3, SocialFi, etc.).

The project you invest in needs to have a high ceiling, a lot of room for development, and it must also be integrated with the current environment.

Specifically, you may need to wait for an opportunity. Black swan events such as 312 and 519 will be the biggest opportunities.

You can take a small amount of money and repeat the first and second steps indefinitely, making money while learning and looking for your Stud goal.

Large funds can go to DeFi to find safe and stable mines for free, and the interest income is also very attractive.

After finding your target, wait patiently for the opportunity to come.

You can make a fixed investment or buy in batches.

After buying, verify your logic. Because you are already very strong at this time, I think the winning rate will be very high.

The last step will be a long cycle, not something that can make you rich overnight.

So be prepared to make friends with time.

Of course, there are shortcuts for this part too.

The fastest way I know is to publish the project yourself... Those who understand should understand

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