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Dabai's analysis of $BTC and $ETH yesterday, although considering the impact of CPI data, the direction is correct, it has skyrocketed directly, but the point is not in place! The current market has been suppressed for too long, and many people in the market are in negative emotions. Many people are stuck in the spot, and they don't want to move! Such an idea is really dangerous. Dabai has to recharge everyone's faith and correct everyone's thinking. First of all, recharging faith is that the big bull market is really not here yet. The interest rate cut has not started, and the ETF has not been passed. In addition, the recent American election has a great impact on the financial market and our currency circle. After these events land, it will be the beginning of the big bull market, and we must reasonably allocate our positions for layout before it starts! The next is the layout. 1. Spot layout: Dabai has said many times that Dabai insists on his point of view, that is, the best way to layout spot is: buy the bottom spot in batches, replenish the spot already held in batches, and seize every opportunity of decline! When it rebounds, the big cake reaches more than 10w, and the cottage has doubled several times, you will come to thank Dabai for recharging your faith! There is another important point of view in spot layout, that is, the layout should be laid out in those popular sectors of popular currencies, or new currencies, speculation on new but not old, the rules in the circle! 2. Contract layout: To be honest, the current market fluctuates too much, the direction must be judged clearly, the stop loss position must be hung, and the profit stop is not greedy. You can stop profit in batches or leave in time. You must achieve unity of knowledge and action. In addition, setting a stop loss is the most correct decision for mature traders. Don't expect illusory luck! If you can't judge the appropriate position and direction, pay attention to Dabai's latest developments in time, don't miss the opportunity, and think about what to do if you want to keep up with the password as soon as possible? Rules and restrictions, don't say it clearly! The big bull market faith recharge base will always give you the faith you need to recharge! Looking forward to the arrival of the big bull market! #BTC走势分析 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #PEPE创历史新高 #GameStop带动Meme板块 #ETFvsBTC

Dabai's analysis of $BTC and $ETH yesterday, although considering the impact of CPI data, the direction is correct, it has skyrocketed directly, but the point is not in place!

The current market has been suppressed for too long, and many people in the market are in negative emotions. Many people are stuck in the spot, and they don't want to move!

Such an idea is really dangerous. Dabai has to recharge everyone's faith and correct everyone's thinking.

First of all, recharging faith is that the big bull market is really not here yet. The interest rate cut has not started, and the ETF has not been passed. In addition, the recent American election has a great impact on the financial market and our currency circle. After these events land, it will be the beginning of the big bull market, and we must reasonably allocate our positions for layout before it starts!

The next is the layout.

1. Spot layout: Dabai has said many times that Dabai insists on his point of view, that is, the best way to layout spot is: buy the bottom spot in batches, replenish the spot already held in batches, and seize every opportunity of decline! When it rebounds, the big cake reaches more than 10w, and the cottage has doubled several times, you will come to thank Dabai for recharging your faith!

There is another important point of view in spot layout, that is, the layout should be laid out in those popular sectors of popular currencies, or new currencies, speculation on new but not old, the rules in the circle!

2. Contract layout: To be honest, the current market fluctuates too much, the direction must be judged clearly, the stop loss position must be hung, and the profit stop is not greedy. You can stop profit in batches or leave in time. You must achieve unity of knowledge and action. In addition, setting a stop loss is the most correct decision for mature traders. Don't expect illusory luck!

If you can't judge the appropriate position and direction, pay attention to Dabai's latest developments in time, don't miss the opportunity, and think about what to do if you want to keep up with the password as soon as possible? Rules and restrictions, don't say it clearly! The big bull market faith recharge base will always give you the faith you need to recharge!

Looking forward to the arrival of the big bull market!

#BTC走势分析 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #PEPE创历史新高 #GameStop带动Meme板块 #ETFvsBTC

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看到一个故事,看到最后猜猜是谁?挺有意思的,哈哈 女生在深圳一家公司作前台,有一次公司人手不够,女生被派到周边城市开会,认识了浙江一个三线城市的工厂小老板。 小老板只有中专文化,长相一言难尽,但只比女生大三岁。看到女生很能干,自己也很喜欢,想让女生将来做老板娘,于是就和女生在一起了。 女生和老板说,想要以后家业做得更大,就得投资大脑,你读书不行,不如让我去香港读书,回来以后可以振兴家族。 老板觉得有道理,于是花钱送女生去香港读了所硕士。 在香港读书期间,女生认识了一个比自己大16岁,在深圳有几个小目标的已婚老板。 女生本身是江苏人,好不容易从小县城出来,宁可在深圳嫁不出去,也不想嫁给浙江老板去三线城市当贵妇,于是就和浙江的小老板分手了。 即使那个浙江老板来深圳哭着求她,她还是没有回心转意。 后来,深圳的老板给她在南山买了一套150平的房子,还托人找了更好的工作。 不久后,女生怀孕了,生了个女儿,但是老板想要儿子,虽然不是很满意,但生活费还是照常给。 然而女生越来越作,生了孩子以后想登堂入室取代原配,动不动跑到老板公司闹。 老板不胜其烦提出分手,女生就一哭二闹三上吊, 老板本想在美国开拓一个新项目,然后把女生母女送出去,谁知女生的签证申请被拒了。 老板正在一筹莫展时,老板的好友提了一句,为什么不送她去读书? 老板当即为女生报了所谓的“总裁班”,把女生送到了美国。 不到三个月,女生就遇到了一个美籍华人追求者,学历不错,家境也非常好,于是就和深圳的老板分手了。 几个月后这女的又和美籍华人男友分手了,进入了加密O成了WEB3女神 你们猜她是谁? 后面是关于一个新币的利好消息面,大家可以看一下! 新币还是可以持续关注的,这次的新币 $BB 表现就很不错,BB宣布与 Ethena 建立合作伙伴关系,直接拉飞了行情,三天时间直接翻倍了!新币的叙事可以给自身的行情带来很大的促进效果! ETH系列的币种在未来有很大的潜力,ETH的ETF通过之后加上可以交易之后,再就是ETH的布拉格升级,都是促进ETH的走势的,ETH起飞必定会带动起关联的板块币种! 模块化L2和再质押成为这轮eth生态的主要叙事,而新币$MANTA 就是属模块化L2板块的币种! 最近manta也出来了新的叙事,Manta Network 近期推出了 CeDeFi 产品。用户可以通过以太坊、BNB 链和 Manta Pacific 三条链,将 wBTC/BTCB、wETH/STONE、USDT/USDC/wUSDM 等资产存入 CeDeFi 平台。 CeDeFi 平台不仅是 Manta RWA 产品的开端,还将成为未来更多 RWA 资产的发行平台和接口,为用户提供真实收益。 CeDeFi 平台通过托管服务商 Ceffu 将资产映射到交易所,由资管机构执行费率套利等策略,产生币本位收益。这些策略原本只服务于交易所 VIP 大客户,而 Manta Network 通过与这些机构合作,将这些高级策略带到链上。 在牛市中,通过 CeDeFi 生态,用户不仅能增加手中代币数量,还能在代币价格上涨时获取倍增的 U 本位收益。Manta CeDeFi 产品因此成为市场上少有的能够赚取真实币本位收益的产品,为用户提供了独特的投资机会。 而且Manta Network 致力于为零知识证明(ZK)应用提供模块化区块链支持,其 CeDeFi 生态在这一领域展现了卓越的创新。 Manta Pacific 是专为 EVM 生态打造的模块化 Layer2 解决方案,通过 Manta 通用 ZK 电路实现 ZK-as-a-Service,并利用 Celestia 数据可用层提供模块化支持,从而为用户提供最低 Gas 成本和最佳用户体验。 Manta Network 的模块化和 ZK 技术基础技术领域的创新与优势是非常不错的,ZK 技术的潜在应用和未来发展方向也都是很大的! Manta 的商务拓展(BD)和资源能力项目发展中的也有很大的重要性! 此外,请关注 Manta 即将推出的 MEME 季活动,不要错过任何精彩内容和机会! 新币的机会,加上新的叙事也是会对该币种的行情带来一定的促进效果的! #MantaRWA生态 #PEPE创历史新高 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
接下来的行情走势需要关注哪些方面呢? 前面一个ETF要通过的消息,直接把大饼拉到了7万以上,虽然后面又因为通过不能交易而又回调了一波,但是整体行情依然还是看涨的节奏!可以关注后续ETF能交易的消息面以及降息的消息面! 短期可以看以下几个消息面,对于行情也是有着很大的促进效果! 1.关注以色列对哈马斯的进攻,谈判破裂后以色列国内民意支持继续战争,如果卷入埃及和伊朗的冲突,BTC可能会大跌。战争打起来又是影响金融圈从而影响币圈! 2.本周五有一个PCE数据,也是需要关注一下,当天晚上出炉的美国4月PCE数据将影响BTC的走势,如果低于预期,BTC有望挑战前高。 3.美国财政部将启动一系列国债回购,这间接对币圈利好,因为减少市场上的国债供应,从而推高国债价格,压低收益率,利好币圈风险资产。 希望这些数据能给行情再次带来一波刺激,来一波大行情,让大家都吃一波肉! 山寨币方面: 新币还是可以持续关注的,这次的新币$BB 表现就很不错,BB宣布与 Ethena 建立合作伙伴关系,直接拉飞了行情,三天时间直接翻倍了!新币的叙事可以给自身的行情带来很大的促进效果! ETH系列的币种在未来有很大的潜力,ETH的ETF通过之后加上可以交易之后,再就是ETH的布拉格升级,都是促进ETH的走势的,ETH起飞必定会带动起关联的板块币种! 模块化L2和再质押成为这轮eth生态的主要叙事,而新币$MANTA 就是属模块化L2板块的币种! 最近manta也出来了新的叙事,Manta Network 近期推出了 CeDeFi 产品。用户可以通过以太坊、BNB 链和 Manta Pacific 三条链,将 wBTC/BTCB、wETH/STONE、USDT/USDC/wUSDM 等资产存入 CeDeFi 平台。 CeDeFi 平台不仅是 Manta RWA 产品的开端,还将成为未来更多 RWA 资产的发行平台和接口,为用户提供真实收益。 CeDeFi 平台通过托管服务商 Ceffu 将资产映射到交易所,由资管机构执行费率套利等策略,产生币本位收益。这些策略原本只服务于交易所 VIP 大客户,而 Manta Network 通过与这些机构合作,将这些高级策略带到链上。 在牛市中,通过 CeDeFi 生态,用户不仅能增加手中代币数量,还能在代币价格上涨时获取倍增的 U 本位收益。Manta CeDeFi 产品因此成为市场上少有的能够赚取真实币本位收益的产品,为用户提供了独特的投资机会。 而且Manta Network 致力于为零知识证明(ZK)应用提供模块化区块链支持,其 CeDeFi 生态在这一领域展现了卓越的创新。 Manta Pacific 是专为 EVM 生态打造的模块化 Layer2 解决方案,通过 Manta 通用 ZK 电路实现 ZK-as-a-Service,并利用 Celestia 数据可用层提供模块化支持,从而为用户提供最低 Gas 成本和最佳用户体验。 Manta Network 的模块化和 ZK 技术基础技术领域的创新与优势是非常不错的,ZK 技术的潜在应用和未来发展方向也都是很大的! Manta 的商务拓展(BD)和资源能力项目发展中的也有很大的重要性! 此外,请关注 Manta 即将推出的 MEME 季活动,不要错过任何精彩内容和机会! 新币的机会,加上新的叙事也是会对该币种的行情带来一定的促进效果的! #MantaRWA生态 #PEPE创历史新高 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #山寨币热点
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