Hello everyone, I am Crypto Mubai, everyone affectionately calls me Dabai. Dabai is also a senior analyst of the blockchain market spot and Heyue layout, with a winning rate of over 96%!


Everything is possible in the cryptocurrency world, and any strange thing can happen!!!

Strange things happen every year, but this year there are especially many!

Dabai saw a piece of news and felt that this circle was really amazing!

Meme coins are really crazy!

160 times in 8 hours, Kardashian’s transgender stepfather issued a coin?

Today, the meme community is experiencing another attention carnival.

Real and fake Jenner, twists and turns

At 4 a.m. Beijing time today, an extremely attractive token jenner appeared on the meme token generation platform Pump.fun on Solana. Its development team came from Caitlyn Jenner, a transgender woman with 33 million Twitter followers, a member of the American Internet celebrity family, Kardashian’s father, and a family member.

Caitlyn Jenner also posted a photo of her shaking hands with former US President Trump on Twitter with the caption "make america great again!!! and we love crypto!", and attached a link to purchase jenner tokens on pump.fun.

To the community’s surprise, Caitlyn Jenner not only used Pump.fun, but also mentioned Ansem, Paul and other crypto community meme OGs in the comment section to warm up the token.


The tweet quickly attracted great attention, but just a few hours ago, the account of well-known trader GCR X @GCRClassic was stolen, and the hacker posted the news of "bullish and heavy ORDI" through his account. Faced with the meme named by Caitlyn Jenner, the community was excited but also had some doubts.

Jenner’s stock price increased nearly 70 times in less than an hour after it went online. Just as the community was nervously speculating when the owner would release a statement to refute the rumor, the token developer sold 160 SOL tokens in the liquidity pool. This action caused Jenner’s stock price to drop by more than 60% in ten minutes. The comment section of Pump.fun was immediately filled with curses, and the community also turned to believe that Caitlyn Jenner’s tweet was stolen.


But when the community thought Jenner was going to go back to zero, things took a turn. Caitlyn Jenner's Instagram account updated a post with a screenshot of the original tweet and the caption "$7 million an hour, the team is Caitlyn Jenner and Sophia Hutchins (Jenner's agent)".

Caitlyn Jenner's Twitter account also added this update in the comments section of the original tweet.


With the authentication of Instagram account, community members bought a large amount of Jenner. From the K-line chart, we can see that Jenner stopped falling at 5:00 and rose by 610% in the next 30 minutes.

As of writing, Jenner has retreated from its highs but is still holding its own, currently trading at $0.024

Amazing story, amazing meme coin!

For more detailed stories, you can search in the market!

Next, let’s take a look at what aspects we need to pay attention to in the future market trends.

The news that an ETF was about to be approved directly pushed the price of Bitcoin to over 70,000. Although it later fell back due to the inability to trade after it was approved, the overall market is still bullish! You can pay attention to the news that the ETF can be traded and the news of interest rate cuts in the future!

In the short term, you can look at the following news, which will have a great promoting effect on the market!

1. Pay attention to Israel's attack on Hamas. After the breakdown of negotiations, public opinion in Israel supports continuing the war. If involved in the conflict between Egypt and Iran, BTC may plummet. The war will affect the financial circle and then the cryptocurrency circle!

2. There will be a PCE data this Friday, which is also worth paying attention to. The US PCE data for April released that evening will affect the trend of BTC. If it is lower than expected, BTC is expected to challenge the previous high.

3. The U.S. Treasury Department will launch a series of Treasury bond repurchases, which will indirectly benefit the cryptocurrency industry because it will reduce the supply of Treasury bonds in the market, thereby pushing up Treasury bond prices and lowering yields, which is beneficial to risky assets in the cryptocurrency industry.

I hope that these data can bring another wave of stimulation to the market, and bring about a big market trend so that everyone can make a profit!

It is still worth keeping an eye on new coins. The new coin $BB performed very well this time. BB announced a partnership with Ethena, which directly boosted the market, doubling in three days! The narrative of a new coin can greatly boost its own market!

The ETH series of currencies have great potential in the future. After the ETH ETF is passed and can be traded, and then the Prague upgrade of ETH, all of these will promote the trend of ETH. The takeoff of ETH will definitely drive the related sector currencies!

Modular L2 and re-staking have become the main narrative of this round of ETH ecology!

Pay more attention to the popular currencies in the popular sectors related to ETH, such as L2 sector currencies, OP, ARB, LDO, new currencies ETHFI, ENA, etc.!!!

The new currency$MANTA It is a currency belonging to the modular L2 sector!

Recently, Manta Network has also come up with a new narrative. It recently launched the CeDeFi product. Users can deposit assets such as wBTC/BTCB, wETH/STONE, USDT/USDC/wUSDM into the CeDeFi platform through the three chains of Ethereum, BNB chain and Manta Pacific.

The CeDeFi platform is not only the beginning of the Manta RWA product, but will also become the issuance platform and interface for more RWA assets in the future, providing real returns to users.

The CeDeFi platform maps assets to exchanges through the custodian service provider Ceffu, and asset management institutions execute strategies such as rate arbitrage to generate currency-based returns. These strategies originally only served VIP customers of exchanges, and Manta Network brought these advanced strategies to the chain by cooperating with these institutions.

In a bull market, through the CeDeFi ecosystem, users can not only increase the number of tokens in their hands, but also obtain multiplied U-based returns when the token price rises. Manta CeDeFi products have thus become one of the few products on the market that can earn real currency-based returns, providing users with unique investment opportunities.

Moreover, Manta Network is committed to providing modular blockchain support for zero-knowledge proof (ZK) applications, and its CeDeFi ecosystem has demonstrated outstanding innovation in this field.

Manta Pacific is a modular Layer2 solution designed specifically for the EVM ecosystem. It implements ZK-as-a-Service through Manta's universal ZK circuit and uses the Celestia data availability layer to provide modular support, thereby providing users with the lowest gas cost and the best user experience.

Manta Network's innovations and advantages in the field of modularity and ZK technology-based technology are very good, and the potential applications and future development directions of ZK technology are also huge!

Manta's business development (BD) and resource capabilities are also of great importance in project development!

Also, stay tuned for Manta’s upcoming MEME Season event to not miss out on any exciting content and opportunities!

The opportunity of new coins and new narratives will also have a certain promoting effect on the market of this currency!


Let’s review the historical performance of VIP and Yue:

1. Review of Heyue’s achievements:

VIP caught the rising trend in time and laid out 7 consecutive contracts, becoming a god in one go and winning 7 consecutive games

Buffett VIP is really not a boast in the rising market! Convincing people with the rise and speaking with the victory!

1. On May 20, this Monday, the first contract order$PEPE At that time, the market was still unclear and the market fell sluggishly, but VIP rose to the challenge and arranged in advance. He opened a long PEPE near 0.0*92-0.0*89 and stopped loss at 0.0*85. Then there was a big market explosion. If PEPE is held until now, 30×, you can get more than 10 times.


2. On May 20, which is also Monday this week, the second contract list TNSR is still deployed when the market is unclear. The current price is around 0.81, and the stop loss is around 0.74. There is a big explosion in the market. 30× can make more than 3 times


3. On May 21, this Tuesday, the market has already started to explode, and I still judge that the market will rise again! I arranged a long order of FLOKI, entered the market near 0.21, and stopped loss near 0.0195, 20×, which can make more than 2 times!

4. On May 21, this Tuesday, I again arranged long orders for BOME. The current price is around 0.012-0.0118, and the stop loss is around 0.0011. A wave of market took off, with the highest price reaching 0.014229, a direct increase of 18%. This contract is really a huge gain!

5. On May 22, I placed another long order yesterday at noon, AIDOGE, and entered the market at around 0.0*46, with a stop loss around 0.0*42. The highest price reached around 0.0*505, which means a direct increase of 9%. What does a 9% increase in a contract mean? You should understand, right?


6. On May 22, there were so many meme coins, of course WIF was indispensable. Yesterday at noon, the current price was around 2.82, and the stop loss was around 2.6. The highest price reached around 3.2835, which was a direct increase of 16%! The contract increased by 16%!

7. On May 22, I placed a long order for FRONT at around 2 p.m., entering the market near 1.36-1.3, with a stop loss near 1.25. The market reached a high of around 1.45, which allowed me to directly reap a 6% increase!


This wave of market came really fiercely, with a direct big rise. Many people were caught off guard. Fortunately, the VIP had insight into the market in advance and ambushed long orders in advance. After the rise, he still judged that it would rise again, and arranged long orders again, and still made a lot of money!

Dabai has reminded us of such sudden market conditions many times. Since you cannot grasp the sudden market conditions, the correct approach is to buy at the bottom in batches. Of course, this is for spot goods. You have to seize the opportunity for the contract. If you cannot grasp the opportunity, you need to think of a way!

2. Review of spot performance:

Spot layout requires time to settle, and whether you can hold on. Many old friends can't stand it, dare not enter, or are scared away by a callback. Spot is really not played like this, old friends!

In May, VIPs also invested in a lot of spot products. Those who can hold on can make money. If you can’t hold on for a month, you’d better not play with spot products!

Let’s take a look at the spot performance review during the month of May:

On the afternoon of May 5th, we arranged PEPE in spot, entered the market near 0.0*8, and arranged for the medium and long term. If we get to the current position near 0.0*1701, we can get an increase of 111%, which is more than doubled!

The pepe coin not only has a VIP layout, but Dabai has also made the layout location clear to everyone. The first time was on May 8th, and if you hold it until now, you can get more than double the increase. The second time was on May 24th, and if you hold it until now, you can get a 21% increase!


On the afternoon of May 5th, I arranged FLOKI in spot, entered the market near 0.0*192, and got to the current position near 0.0*25208, which means I can get a 31% increase!


On the afternoon of May 10, I arranged BOME in spot trading and entered the market near 0.011. I reached the highest position near 0.0142, which means I could get a 28% increase!


On the evening of May 11, I arranged POLYX in spot trading, entered the market near 0.368, and reached the highest position near 0.4872, which means I can get a 32% increase!


On the afternoon of May 13, I arranged the ETC spot, entered the market near 26.6, and reached the highest position near 34.34, which means I can get a 28% increase!


On the afternoon of May 15th, I arranged BONK in spot, entered the market near 0.0*244, and got to the current position near 0.0*3677, which means I can get a 50% increase!


Whoever says that there is no profit in the current spot market, it is because they have not found the right currency layout!

Let’s take a look at the current market situation. The ETF event has ended, and there has been no major news in the near future to affect the market trend. The start of ETF trading and the beginning of interest rate cuts will be subsequent news that will promote a major surge in the market!

During this period, the market trend will remain the same as before, with large fluctuations up and down. The layout requires grasping the right timing and patience!

The big bull market is not far away, and the correct approach is to find the right time to plan ahead. Otherwise, will you wait for the market to rise and then chase the rise?

When you feel that the bull market is coming, that is the peak of the bull market. Everything that rises must fall! Therefore, timing is very important!

#PEPE创历史新高 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准