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May 16 Crypto Options Market Research Report Spot rebounded, BTC implied volatility rose to 75 percentile, what should we do? Coincall Exchange: U-based KYC simple (select HK) third-party fund custody options trading platform, (start trading mining, you can get platform token call) I. Core Views 1- Spot does not chase the rise, option strategy continues to be steady, continue to recover U, control overall account risk 2- ETH performance continues to fall, such as spot positions, players can consider changing some of the Top 10 recognized targets, such as small positions, continue to wait for the rise 3- Sol and other strong targets rose yesterday did not significantly drive the implied volatility to rise, at the end of May and June ATM is still 90 Vol II. Option bulk trading BTC bulk buy 800 near-end call option positions, in addition to the layout of the end of the year 10-12 W US dollars bull spread strategy (position 500). buy BTC-24MAY24-65000-C buy BTC-27DEC24-100000-C + sell BTC-27DEC24-120000-C ETH has a position of 18575, and has made a recent calendar spread strategy. This round of Gamma returns is very strong buy ETH-17MAY24-3000-C + sell ETH-24MAY24-3000-C Sol As mentioned in yesterday's research report, there are no new positions with obvious indicator significance recently III. Macro capital market Last night, driven by CPI data, the US stock market performed strongly, and the 20-year US Treasury series products performed strongly. Our trading strategy will continue to take advantage of the implied volatility to grind the spot cost, especially using the leverage attribute of TMF; Bank stocks performed mediocre overall, and the implied volatility of DPST did not change much. We continue to short volatility TSLA Continue to use long-term and short-term combined positions to reduce spot holding costs and enhance the fault tolerance of the overall portfolio. For high-volatility stocks such as TSLA, if you hold a large amount of players, it is recommended to buy QQQ forward puts to hedge against black swan risks Social financing, new loans, M2, and M1 of A-shares in April were all seriously lower than expected. But the market performed steadily. The data reflects the reality that the internal circulation is still not smooth, and economic confidence still needs policies to continue to work hard to activate it. Combined with the unexpected and pragmatic tone of the zzj meeting at the end of April to promote fiscal and monetary policy efforts to activate domestic demand, many institutions expect interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts to come soon, and the realization of the previously set trillion special government bonds will be forced to accelerate. Later, we need to pay attention to whether there are signs of a bull market and use option positions to avoid missing out.

May 16 Crypto Options Market Research Report

Spot rebounded, BTC implied volatility rose to 75 percentile, what should we do?

Coincall Exchange: U-based KYC simple (select HK) third-party fund custody options trading platform, (start trading mining, you can get platform token call)

I. Core Views

1- Spot does not chase the rise, option strategy continues to be steady, continue to recover U, control overall account risk

2- ETH performance continues to fall, such as spot positions, players can consider changing some of the Top 10 recognized targets, such as small positions, continue to wait for the rise

3- Sol and other strong targets rose yesterday did not significantly drive the implied volatility to rise, at the end of May and June ATM is still 90 Vol

II. Option bulk trading

BTC bulk buy 800 near-end call option positions, in addition to the layout of the end of the year 10-12 W US dollars bull spread strategy (position 500).

buy BTC-24MAY24-65000-C

buy BTC-27DEC24-100000-C + sell BTC-27DEC24-120000-C

ETH has a position of 18575, and has made a recent calendar spread strategy. This round of Gamma returns is very strong

buy ETH-17MAY24-3000-C + sell ETH-24MAY24-3000-C

Sol As mentioned in yesterday's research report, there are no new positions with obvious indicator significance recently

III. Macro capital market

Last night, driven by CPI data, the US stock market performed strongly, and the 20-year US Treasury series products performed strongly. Our trading strategy will continue to take advantage of the implied volatility to grind the spot cost, especially using the leverage attribute of TMF;

Bank stocks performed mediocre overall, and the implied volatility of DPST did not change much. We continue to short volatility

TSLA Continue to use long-term and short-term combined positions to reduce spot holding costs and enhance the fault tolerance of the overall portfolio.

For high-volatility stocks such as TSLA, if you hold a large amount of players, it is recommended to buy QQQ forward puts to hedge against black swan risks

Social financing, new loans, M2, and M1 of A-shares in April were all seriously lower than expected. But the market performed steadily. The data reflects the reality that the internal circulation is still not smooth, and economic confidence still needs policies to continue to work hard to activate it.

Combined with the unexpected and pragmatic tone of the zzj meeting at the end of April to promote fiscal and monetary policy efforts to activate domestic demand, many institutions expect interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts to come soon, and the realization of the previously set trillion special government bonds will be forced to accelerate.

Later, we need to pay attention to whether there are signs of a bull market and use option positions to avoid missing out.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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变与不变,哪个更重要?有感 ETH 的 ETF 事件 最近在加密市场 ETH 的 ETF 是最火的事件,一根 20% 的大阳线很多人开始看好 ETH 的未来。 包括最近2年一直交易3大市场一些标的的期权。我翻来覆去思考,我每个市场好像交易的标的非常有限。 举例子来说:我A股这两年之交易过沪深300;美股我之交易过TLT(包括TMF),DPST、SPY和TSLA; 加密我花的时间多一些也只主要交易BTC、ETH、Sol、Ton(少量交易过Doge和Kas) 这些固收所谓的“能力圈”好不好呢?是否应该去寻找一些新的叙事,去找寻投资或者交易的α呢?我最近在读《贝索斯传》,里面有一句户我的觉得特别好: “人们经常问我:未来10年什么会被改变?我觉得这个问题很有意思,也很普通。 从来没有人问我:’未来10年,什么不会变?’我告诉你,第二个问题才是更重要的——因为你的商业策略要建构在一定时期内能稳定的基础之上…… 在零售业,我们知道客户想要低价,这一点未来10年不会变。 他们想要更快捷的配送,他们想要更多的选择。就算再过10年,也不可能有一个客户跳出来对我说:贝索斯,我真的爱亚马逊,我就是希望你们的价格能再高一点,或者我爱亚马逊,我只是希望你们配送能再慢一点。” ” 可以作为自己投资的标的何尝不是如此?市场上每天都有各种新概念、新风口,似乎每一个都可能会改变世界,但是真正把握住这些机会的人,又有几个呢? 每一轮加密的牛市都有一个特别性感的叙事在等着你,远的不说,上一轮的NFT,有多少OG玩家损失超过 7 位数? 在投资里,无论是看准变化,还是看准不变,都可以赚到大钱。但对于我等普通人来说,看准不变更容易一些,毕竟未来难以预测,但历史却有所参考。 前一段时间巴老股东大会的时候有人向他提问“AI相关问题”,他的原画是:“我确实认为我是一个对人工智能一无所知的人。它有巨大的好处,也有潜在危害,我不知道结果如何。” 巴菲特积累起这么多的财富,利润也都是来自传统行业,比如说已经存在了几十年的消费股、银行股、保险股等,像喜诗糖果、可口可乐、富国银行等等。即使他近年尝试买入的苹果,产品也早已在市场上,垄断行业利润十余年。 那么,有哪些事情是很难改变的呢? 美国有一位经济学家,名叫奥利弗·威廉姆森,2009年获得诺贝尔经济学奖,他曾经将人类社会中的制度(包含正式与非正式),大致分为四个层次,并说明了他们每次发生改变所需要的时间,具体如下图。 我以前在机构工作的时候,有一次去路演,我谈到:“垄断的最高层次,就是心智的垄断,所谓心智垄断,就是形成了一种社会风俗文化,欲罢不能。” 如果一个标的的护城河,是基于一个社会长期的文化传统,这种护城河也是最稳固的。这种公司通常也是轻资产的生意,只要管理层没有什么大问题,利润率会很高,要是能以合理或低估的价格买入的话,长期回报必然非常可观。 未来十年,人们的哪些需求不会变呢?又对应着哪些公司的产品和服务呢?这些公司是真的“大猩猩资产”么?投资他们的盈亏比的拐点发生在什么时候呢? 如果感觉本文对你有帮助,欢迎点赞+书签+转发,感恩相遇。
5月21日 加密期权市场波动率研报 从大部分推特博主都不看好 ETH ,到很多老师都说分析对了;你品,你细品 Coincall 交易所:U本位KYC简单(选HK)的第三方资金托管的期权交易平台,(开启交易挖矿,可以获得平台代币call) 一、核心观点: ① 昨日说了宏观面2大资本市场配合,资金面ETF正流入,上涨概率大,如期而至 ② ETH 近端 ATM 隐波已经 100 以上了,此刻不易用买入跨式、宽跨这类策略做多波动率 ③ 山寨币 Sol 除了一部分 long gamma 仓位,部分头寸的 smart covered call 策略目前来看效果不错,择机大概率会继续 roll ,不过当前没有合适点位 ④ Kas 沉积许久,准备择机布局看涨策略 二、期权大宗交易 昨日BTC大宗一如既往的精准,裸买短期看涨 & call spread 策略(分别 300 和 500颗头寸): buy BTC-31MAY24-69000-C buy BTC-28JUN24-70000-C + sell BTC-28JUN24-85000-C ETH 大宗昨日精准布局 8000 颗牛市价差看涨策略,拿捏了 buy ETH-28JUN24-4000-C + sell ETH-28JUN24-5000-C buy ETH-31MAY24-3600-C + sell ETH-31MAY24-4000-C Sol 策略放星球了 三、 宏观资本市场 昨天大 A 指数高开回落,整体市场分化,大多数玩家还是恐高,不过昨天伊朗坠机并没有让大 A 继续买单,包括赖的讲话也为让 A 股玩家惊慌。 如果事件出现在今年春节之前会是怎样?大家可以思考一下。整体资金面虽然观望居多,但是敢于承接的量能大大超过之前,就是因为很多觉得该跌不跌很久了。 从2月初极端恐慌涨到现在,持有long call类策略期权头寸玩家换挡是推荐的,如我周日讲课中说的几种方法 《趋势行情下的买方策略》 ,多头有恐高心里选择换挡继续持有是值得推荐的。 最近,几大市场期权交易趋势性机会都很多,祝各位推友都赚麻
“二元期权”一个披着期权外衣的杀猪盘,要小心了   二元期权一度被包装成新一代衍生金融产品。事实上,这类“产品”早已在发达国家走下神坛,成为监管的众矢之的。   虽然二元期权和美式期权、欧式期权翻译名称上都含有“期权”二字,他们却没有任何相似点,确切的说,二元期权不是期权。   本文详细介绍了发达国家对于二元期权的坚决打击决心,揭露了二元期权的真正面目——披着金融外衣的赌博骗局。 “二元期权”披着期权的外衣,但做这个业务都被认定为开设赌场罪,为什么?   二元期权也称“数字期权”(DigitalOptions)或“全有全无期权”(All-or-NothingOptions),是期权的一种,只有“看跌”或“看涨”期权。   二元期权具有高获利、高风险的特性,标的资产可以是外汇汇率、股票、商品价格及指数等。   几个发达国家明确禁止二元期权,且把它画作赌博行为,FCA机构曾在2019年发文,明确所有兜售二元期权的机构都将在英国被禁止。不仅包含英国公司也包括外国公司在英国本土兜售二元期权产品。   甚至原文件明确说明包装后的二元期权产品也不被许可,且是披着金融外衣的赌博产品。       但在大陆地区二元期权并不是法定的金融产品。从专业角度“二元期权”有以下几个和传统定义的期权不符合的地方:   第一,二元期权并不是法定的期权产品。 期权是一种以股票、期货等品种的价格为标的,在法定期货交易场所进行交易的金融产品,在交易过程中需完成买卖双方权利的转移。 大陆的《期货交易管理条例》都对期权合约有明确的规定,规定买方有权在将来某一时间以特定价格买入或者卖出约定标的物的标准化合约;而二元期权却没有任何相关法规文件。     第二,二元期权不具有期权行使、转移权利的环节,本质上是以价格走势为投机对象,具有偶然性、投机性和射幸性的赌博行为。   “二元期权”以标的价格走势的涨跌决定交易者的财产损益,交易价格与盈亏幅度事前确定,盈亏结果与价格实际涨跌幅度不挂钩,交易者没有权利行使和转移环节,交易结果具有偶然性、投机性和射幸性,本质上是“押大小、赌输赢”的赌博行为。 我早年就听说一些加密Cex想要开设或者已经做了一些打包好的二元期权结构化产品,本质上在金融发达国家这类产品已经被认定为赌博。 而大陆地区相对来说期权学习和教育比较落后,今年也有不少非法网络平台在做类似二元期权的业务。 这类业务本质就是“赌大小”的赌博模式。 所以,哪怕是我普通玩家不做专业的期权交易,了解一些基础期权知识;看透那些期权结构化产品的底层逻辑,对于我们避坑也是非常重要的。
5月20日 加密市场波动率研报 BTC 的隐含波动率进入“贤者模式”,看涨 or 看跌? Deribit(鸭站Top 1期权交易所):目前有 Matic 期权交易比赛,仅需 3 seconds 活动空投期权仓位,还不快来? 今天是 520 + 小满 祝福广场的铁子:小满季节丰收望,麦穗沉甸黄金浪。 一、核心观点: ① 现货 ETF 净流入,美股、A股等宏观面不错,上涨概率较大 ② ETH 在鸭站做了 2 比本周五和月底的 Call spread 策略,同时远端short vega 0 成本做 ③ BTC 继续对角价差策略,月底的 buy call gamma收益不错,已经落袋50%,远端short call 略有浮亏 ④ 几个优质山寨期权标的开始用 smart covered call策略,整体策略趋势因子启动 二、期权大宗交易 BTC 周末末日轮做多波动率策略,平仓概率也不低(均 200 个以上头寸) buy BTC-20MAY24-65000-P buy BTC-20MAY24-68000-C 277 ETH 有大宗买入 3500 颗看涨期权头寸(疑似布局 ETF 事件策略) buy ETH-7JUN24-3600-C Sol 有大宗做了月底 1360 颗头寸(详见星球) 三、宏观资本市场 最近全球资本市场来说,本周关注度最高的则是美国4月份的通胀数据,在连续3个月超预期之后,4月份美国通胀终于有所降温。 美国4月CPI同比增长3.4 %,持平预期,较前值3.5%小幅下降,环比增长0.3%,低于预期和前值0.4%;美国3月核心CPI同比增3.6%,持平预期3.6%,低于前值3.8%,环比增长0.3%,持平预期0.3%,低于前值0.4%。 在数据公布之前,各大投行就在预告美国4月份的通胀数据会低于预期,其实不需要他们预告,直接看4月份美国汽油价格也可以估算到。 A 股主要是房地产ZC超预期,我们星球内也分享了暴涨下的衍生品止盈 4 大核心数据指标。

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