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Pay attention to the international financial market: Yesterday, the US stock market rose due to the earnings of the banking industry and the optimistic expectation of the Fed's interest rate cut. At the closing stage and the fact that the earnings of some US companies today were lower than expected, the US stock futures market began to fall before the market opened. The current risk sentiment of the US stock market is still tense and depressed. Whether it is the positive news of the earnings season or the optimistic expectation of the Fed's interest rate cut, it cannot always help the US stock market to strengthen. The high valuation and high bubble of the US stock market we mentioned before have been slowly spreading among traders. Of course, if the speeches of the Fed officials this week continue to be dovish, they can still save the short-term decadence of the US stock market. Maintaining stability in the financial market is also a focus at present. The US stock market can fall, but pessimism cannot be spread too much. Except for Apple, the stock prices of the seven US technology giants all fell before the market opened, and Apple's stock price was the only one that stood out. Asian stock markets were collectively favored because of the sentiment of the US stock market. A shares, Hang Seng, and Nikkei all closed down. The US dollar index gradually strengthened after 23:00 last night and is currently maintained at around 105.6. The price of 10-year US Treasury bonds suffered a slight setback, and the yield rose, reaching a yield of around 4.5% again. International gold and crude oil are relatively stable. At 23:00 tonight, the Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve will speak. The US stock market is expected to move after the speech, and will basically fluctuate naturally in the early opening. The CME Bitcoin futures market quoted 62,685, continuing to maintain a positive premium of 480 points with the spot. According to the value of the positive premium, the futures market is still dominated by bulls. Bitcoin started a new round of decline after a false upward breakthrough in 4 hours last night. It has currently broken the 4-hour support. There is a small support below that has not yet touched the test support strength. Let's pay attention to the Bitcoin market later. #BTC走势分析

Pay attention to the international financial market:

Yesterday, the US stock market rose due to the earnings of the banking industry and the optimistic expectation of the Fed's interest rate cut. At the closing stage and the fact that the earnings of some US companies today were lower than expected, the US stock futures market began to fall before the market opened.

The current risk sentiment of the US stock market is still tense and depressed. Whether it is the positive news of the earnings season or the optimistic expectation of the Fed's interest rate cut, it cannot always help the US stock market to strengthen. The high valuation and high bubble of the US stock market we mentioned before have been slowly spreading among traders.

Of course, if the speeches of the Fed officials this week continue to be dovish, they can still save the short-term decadence of the US stock market. Maintaining stability in the financial market is also a focus at present. The US stock market can fall, but pessimism cannot be spread too much.

Except for Apple, the stock prices of the seven US technology giants all fell before the market opened, and Apple's stock price was the only one that stood out.

Asian stock markets were collectively favored because of the sentiment of the US stock market. A shares, Hang Seng, and Nikkei all closed down.

The US dollar index gradually strengthened after 23:00 last night and is currently maintained at around 105.6.

The price of 10-year US Treasury bonds suffered a slight setback, and the yield rose, reaching a yield of around 4.5% again.

International gold and crude oil are relatively stable.

At 23:00 tonight, the Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve will speak. The US stock market is expected to move after the speech, and will basically fluctuate naturally in the early opening.

The CME Bitcoin futures market quoted 62,685, continuing to maintain a positive premium of 480 points with the spot. According to the value of the positive premium, the futures market is still dominated by bulls.

Bitcoin started a new round of decline after a false upward breakthrough in 4 hours last night. It has currently broken the 4-hour support. There is a small support below that has not yet touched the test support strength. Let's pay attention to the Bitcoin market later. #BTC走势分析

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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用数据说话:比特币下跌中,山寨情绪转好! 随着比特币昨晚到现在的新一轮下跌,比特币,以太坊占比增加,而市值损失最大的莫过于山寨市场,目前市值跌幅的一半基本来自山寨。 不过观察交易量方面,反而山寨的交易是在下跌中减少,这种情况预示着随着山寨下跌损失了市值,但是山寨交易者的卖出情绪在减弱,更多人在选择观望不卖出,也就说山寨近期的跌幅已经让交易者麻木而选择继续持有,这种情绪变得稳定之后,山寨市场会慢慢变为流动性降低,而一旦大盘企稳,山寨就有机会开始轮动反弹上涨。也可以被视为超跌反弹。 比特币虽然在下跌中交易量增加,但是我们因为凌晨阶段临时观测数据了解到,50亿的交易量是来自昨晚比特币4小时向上的假突破的,也就是说昨晚4小时一开始的向上突破,短期直接带来50亿的交易量,这么小的振幅,交易数据增加,说明在该位置多空博弈较强,而目前结果就是多头博弈短期失败。而去除这短期激增的50以交易量来看,比特币随着下跌,交易量也是减少的,只不过减少幅度不大。 资金方面,场内留存资金增加2亿,主流稳定币单日净流入1.16亿, 亚洲资金净流入0.95亿,继续保持流入,但是亚洲资金波段依旧较大,并且单日资金流入幅度降低。 美国资金近期少见的净流入,并且关注美国资金波动图,今天的美国资金最高流入对比昨日增加2亿,不过在流入过后就是面临不断地流出。目前美股开盘前夕的21:00左右,依旧是流出状态。证明美国资金依旧是不稳定状态。 不过,美国资金能出现回流就代表美国交易者的情绪逐渐好转,希望这种净流入可以继续延续,继续流入的美国资金也代表美国交易者的信心不断增强,有助于比特币的价格反弹上涨。 #BTC走势分析
对于当前行情手中持仓现货的调整思路:(不做建议,纯个人分享) 刚才在推上跟朋友互相讨论了一下买币思路,这位朋友是一个典型屯币党,我看了一下标的屯的都还不错,而且还是以定投的模式去做的,不需要说太多废话,这个模式下,大牛市来了基本不会亏,缺点是自己都忘了成本多少,只能自己记录投入资金来计算回报率了。 对于当前的市场环境,很多人对大盘对市场未来几个月可能已经没有信心了,但是又不想直接丢掉手里的筹码,如何去做? 简单分享自己的做法: 对于目前的行情,基本手里的山寨大部分是在成本下方或者接近成本,如果仓位过重了,成本附近的可以适当减持,然后保留仓位对看好的代币下方挂单补仓。 如果是浮亏的代币,有仓位的情况下,下方找位置挂单接针,等待短期快速下跌的行情,如果下跌快速成功接针拿到筹码,那么基本成本被中和,而且往往在扎针行情很多强一点的山寨会循序调整护盘,反弹一波,这个时候,中和了成本的持仓,会让自己面对行情更加游刃有余。可以选择成本附近减持,这样不用直接丢掉筹码,还能让成本降低。 不过这种操作方式有点难度,要懂得如何选择挂单接针的位置,每个代币都不同,要看自己对代币的熟悉情况,有的代币强,很难跌动,有的代币弱,就要放大接单预期。我自己接扎针单也是有成功率的,也并非全部成功。 纯个人分享,大家不要盲目跟风,定价不准也容易让风险增加。最后在强调一点,拉好自己的风险线,如果一个交易你的预期亏损本身就超过了你的风险线,那就把原本想投入的资金分成一半去投入,这样到时候哪怕亏了,套了,你也不会那么难受,因为预期拉低了。 重点提醒,这种方法不适合新手,而且也不是所有时候都适用。#BTC走势分析

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