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Ethereum cannot be established without breaking it, and Bitcoin can be established at the same time! --'s consensus is also a consensus, but the Babel Tower of Web3 can only be built by geniuses. In the long run, the current Ethereum-Bitcoin exchange rate may be the absolute bottom. The reasons are more worth pondering: 1. Bitcoin ETFs have exhausted their benefits, and Ethereum ETFs have just started 2. Bitcoin pseudo-innovation: The issuance of assets in the first layer of the Bitcoin ecosystem must rely on liquidity to enter the market, so there is a wave of Layer2 prosperity. Unfortunately, they are all pseudo-innovations based on MPC. Most of the truly reliable ones are still EVM-compatible. So a very funny situation has emerged. To save the Bitcoin ecosystem, Ethereum still has to rely on. 3. Ethereum's self-subversion: Ethereum gas fees are so low that they are outrageous. The important reason is that the second layer is gradually taking shape, and a large number of new projects appear in the second layer, or even the third layer. In the short term, this will inevitably affect the gas fee income of the first layer of Ethereum. But in the long run, the infrastructure of large-scale dapps has been built, and dapps that can bring in millions of users are emerging. 4. Chain and liquidity, web3 is indispensable. For the non-Turing-complete Bitcoin ecosystem, it is highly likely that it will not be achieved in one cycle to develop its own DeFi. If it can really be developed and is also EVM-compatible, then referring to the second point of this push, it is likely to be just a wedding dress for Ethereum. Without decentralized liquidity, there can be no decentralized applications; without decentralized applications, it is impossible to bring in large-scale users. So, BTC is still trying and clumsily doing what Ethereum has done in 2017. The Ethereum ecosystem has begun to really impact the top Internet applications. 5. The loss of geek culture has brought about the loss of developers. To build a ship, you need to arouse everyone's desire for the sea. While developers on the Ethereum ecosystem are constantly breaking the circle and challenging the Internet giants of web2, developers on Bitcoin are still arguing about how the inscription small picture can defeat Bayc. Yes, the consensus is also a consensus, but the Tower of Babel of web3 can only be built by geniuses. Most of us are mid curve, but it is better to be with them than to learn from geniuses. This is a personal value. I choose Ethereum Ecosystem! #ETH $ETH

Ethereum cannot be established without breaking it, and Bitcoin can be established at the same time!

--'s consensus is also a consensus, but the Babel Tower of Web3 can only be built by geniuses.

In the long run, the current Ethereum-Bitcoin exchange rate may be the absolute bottom. The reasons are more worth pondering:

1. Bitcoin ETFs have exhausted their benefits, and Ethereum ETFs have just started

2. Bitcoin pseudo-innovation:

The issuance of assets in the first layer of the Bitcoin ecosystem must rely on liquidity to enter the market, so there is a wave of Layer2 prosperity. Unfortunately, they are all pseudo-innovations based on MPC.

Most of the truly reliable ones are still EVM-compatible.

So a very funny situation has emerged. To save the Bitcoin ecosystem, Ethereum still has to rely on.

3. Ethereum's self-subversion: Ethereum gas fees are so low that they are outrageous. The important reason is that the second layer is gradually taking shape, and a large number of new projects appear in the second layer, or even the third layer.

In the short term, this will inevitably affect the gas fee income of the first layer of Ethereum.

But in the long run, the infrastructure of large-scale dapps has been built, and dapps that can bring in millions of users are emerging.

4. Chain and liquidity, web3 is indispensable. For the non-Turing-complete Bitcoin ecosystem, it is highly likely that it will not be achieved in one cycle to develop its own DeFi. If it can really be developed and is also EVM-compatible, then referring to the second point of this push, it is likely to be just a wedding dress for Ethereum.

Without decentralized liquidity, there can be no decentralized applications; without decentralized applications, it is impossible to bring in large-scale users.

So, BTC is still trying and clumsily doing what Ethereum has done in 2017. The Ethereum ecosystem has begun to really impact the top Internet applications.

5. The loss of geek culture has brought about the loss of developers.

To build a ship, you need to arouse everyone's desire for the sea.

While developers on the Ethereum ecosystem are constantly breaking the circle and challenging the Internet giants of web2, developers on Bitcoin are still arguing about how the inscription small picture can defeat Bayc.

Yes, the consensus is also a consensus, but the Tower of Babel of web3 can only be built by geniuses.

Most of us are mid curve, but it is better to be with them than to learn from geniuses. This is a personal value.

I choose Ethereum Ecosystem!


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什么是洗钱,其实就隐藏在我们日常生活中的一些细节里 1、你突然中了500万的彩票,欣喜若狂!但随即,你发现要交100万的税,顿时感觉这喜悦打了八折。这时,一个神秘人物找到你,说:“把你的彩票给我,这500万马上归你,税都不用交。”这就是洗钱 2、开发商为了讨好某些“上面的人”,精心策划了一场房产交易。他们让对方付了定金,签了合同,然后突然违约,把房子卖给别人,但给予“上面的人”违约金。有合同有条款,走的还是法律程序,完美贿赂 3、一个小偷盗得了1000万,他并不想直接花掉这些钱,因为他知道这样很容易暴露自己。1000w输了200w时候,让赌场把800w打到他的银行储蓄账户 ,这样一来,警方就很难追查这笔钱的来源了。 4、老板请家人旅游花了3w,没有发票,老板写了个白条给会计,会计从不法商贩那里买了3w的发票,买发票花了2k,现在这3.2w都入公司账,洗出3.2w现金,3w给老板,2k给不法商贩 5、老板请家人吃饭,花了5k,有发票,老板拿着5k的发票给会计报销,会计计入公司的业务招待费a,给了老板5k现金 6、最后,我们来看看这位聪明的老板,老板买了套房子花了100w,没有发票,写了个白条给会计,会计哭了,我去哪买100w的票,没关系,以公司的名义花110w买老板个人的一个花瓶,入固定资产,按月计提折I旧°。给老100w,给代理拍卖公司10w。 #热门话题
为什么个人交易者基本上都是小赚大亏? 因为不具备专业的素养 所以小赚大亏 反过来做交易 就能大赚小亏 然后你就要思考如何可以小亏大赚 如何打造这个交易系统 粉丝投稿: 21年初入圈 21年到22年上半年其实都是比较迷茫的 这段时间疯狂学、各种交易技术都基本上学了一遍、付费进了不少群、书也看了不少、追随各种交易大佬的资料、语录、也付费买过不少神奇指标之类的 但脑子里面就像一锅东北大乱炖一样 盈盈亏亏 然后赚到留不住 或者上来直接亏光 然后反思一段时间后觉得自己又行了 又充钱 一段时间后又爆 就这样循环 这段时间基本上没让我挣到什么钱 后面突然就相通一件事 因为曾经有蛮多行情 我浮盈加仓也干过好几倍 但是后面莫名其妙的又亏回去 然后爆仓 后面在乡下外婆家,看到一群鸡,笑着问外婆怎么买了这么多 外婆回我,哪里有买很多,就买了几只,后面下蛋了,孵出来,长大了又下蛋,又孵小鸡,就这样慢慢就多起来了 我突然就悟了,交易这个领域,资金是指数增长的 1000倍=2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2=1024倍 100倍=3*5*4*2=120 也就是说 蹲3个大机会 1个小机会即100倍 中间一定要想办法别亏太多回去 小钱想做大,靠的是指数增长,一波几倍,然后苟住,下一波几倍 蹲几波行情资金就起来了 想通这点之后,我开始挣钱了 后面我再反复去看资料。 原来、我所谓的悟道,只不过是前人大佬们的一句话而已,只不过我交过无数学费之后,终于看懂了。 我想说,这才是底层逻辑,跟任何技术分析都无关。思路正确了,事半功倍 技术分析只是概率而已,天天研究技术分析这些细枝末节 一辈子都硬不起来。 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
周二的数据就更加的明晰了(图一),最近24小时全部都是在美国的主力交易时区,所以数据上更能体现出完整的一个交易日,在上周末我就说过目前的数据和熊市差不多,这个意思是 #BTC 在链上的波动就像是熊市一样的少,并不代表币价的走势。 而今天进入了完整的工作日后,还是可以看到BTC的流动性还是不高,甚至是比上周低于60,000美元的时候还低,这就说明了即便回到了美国的主控时间,即便是BTC的价格回到了64,000美元以上,但是更多的持币者还是对于BTC的价格无动于衷。 数据(图二)上可以看到,持仓价格在55,000美元上方的投资者占总当日流通总量的10%都不到,这就说明早期的获利投资者仍然对于现在的价格没有兴趣。而持仓成本在65,000美元以上的投资者占了流通总量的20%,也是一个较低的数据。 更多的投资者仍然是持仓价格在57,000美元到62,000美元,以及64,000美元到65,000美元这些持仓仅仅一周的投资者,这些短线交易者才是决定目前BTC价格走势的主力,更多的BTC仍然集中在63,000美元和66,000美元这两个区间,这两个价格的BTC存量就已经超过了80万枚BTC,还是较为坚固的支撑。 目前主力筹码中的63,500美元到68,500美元的存量 #BTC 已经将近200万枚,相比上周增加了近20万枚,更多的投资者仍然喜欢在这个区间持有,而且这个区间已经持仓的投资者并不急于离场。(图三) 从目前交易所持仓的BTC来看,最近现货ETF的购买力代表的可以是美国投资者的购买力,所以更多的BTC在继续从交易所中减持,目前距离近六年最低存量还有1.6万枚BTC的空间,相比昨天同期大概下降了1,000枚BTC,说明目前这个位置的购买力有回复的迹象。 但是需要确定的是,目前仍然是信息面控制的市场,博弈美联储最少降息两次是目前主要的情绪,如果在这个领域发生了变化,很有可能会带动BTC和整体币市价格的走势,所以仍然要多注意宏观数据,尤其是和美联储降息的信息。 #BTC走势分析 $BTC
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