What is money laundering? It is actually hidden in some details of our daily life.

1. You suddenly won a lottery of 5 million, and you were ecstatic! But then, you found out that you had to pay 1 million in taxes, and you suddenly felt that this joy was reduced by 20%. At this time, a mysterious person found you and said, "Give me your lottery ticket, and the 5 million will be yours immediately, and you don't have to pay any taxes." This is money laundering.

2. In order to please some "people above", the developer carefully planned a real estate transaction. They asked the other party to pay a deposit and sign a contract, and then suddenly breached the contract and sold the house to someone else, but gave the "people above" liquidated damages. There are contracts and clauses, and the legal procedures are still followed. It is a perfect bribe.

3. A thief stole 10 million, and he didn't want to spend the money directly because he knew it would be easy to expose himself. When he lost 2 million out of 10 million, he asked the casino to transfer 8 million to his bank savings account. In this way, it would be difficult for the police to trace the source of the money.

4. The boss spent 30,000 yuan on a family trip, but there was no invoice. The boss wrote a note to the accountant. The accountant bought a 30,000 yuan invoice from an illegal vendor and spent 2,000 yuan on the invoice. Now the 32,000 yuan is all in the company's account, and 32,000 yuan in cash is washed out, 30,000 yuan for the boss and 2,000 yuan for the illegal vendor.

5. The boss spent 5,000 yuan on a family dinner, but there was an invoice. The boss took the 5,000 yuan invoice to the accountant for reimbursement. The accountant included it in the company's business entertainment expenses and gave the boss 5,000 yuan in cash.

6. Finally, let's take a look at this smart boss. The boss spent 1 million yuan on a house, but there was no invoice. He wrote a note to the accountant, and the accountant cried, "Where can I buy a 1 million yuan ticket? It doesn't matter. I spent 1.1 million yuan on a vase for the boss in the name of the company, and included it in fixed assets, and depreciated it monthly. Give 1 million yuan to the boss and 100,000 yuan to the auction agency.
