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Cryptocurrencies that will skyrocket 5-10 times in this bull run! Please follow, like and share with those you think need it. Pendle is one of the best performing cryptocurrencies in the past two quarters, with a price increase of more than 1,000%. Interestingly, the token's growth has not slowed down as it has accumulated more than 45% in the past 7 days, with an intraday price increase of 18%. Pendle has attracted increasing interest from investors recently. The trading volume has surged by more than 30% in the past 24 hours, fully reflecting the optimistic sentiment towards the token. Some other key factors for the rise in Pendle's price include its entry into the emerging liquid stacking field. Pendle is mainly designed for the tokenization and trading of future yields. With TradFi entering the cryptocurrency field, Pendle has the opportunity to see a growing demand for its services. According to a post on its official Twitter account, the crypto community is already leveraging its capabilities to create decentralized LSTs for other networks. Further increase in demand for services means an increase in the value of the token. Analysis of Pendle's charts suggests that the token is likely to continue its upward trend for most of the quarter due to its strong ADI rating. Its MACD value also indicates further bullish momentum with a value of 0.9652. On the other hand, PENDLE’s RSI reading suggests that a brief reversal could occur in the coming days. However, its short-term moving averages remain below the current price, showing its established support levels in the 6.3 – 7.0 range. Therefore, these areas could act as support areas for a pullback. Overall, investors should keep a close eye on PENDLE trends as it has the potential to become the next explosive cryptocurrency. #etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势 $BTC $PENDLE $BNB

Cryptocurrencies that will skyrocket 5-10 times in this bull run!

Please follow, like and share with those you think need it.

Pendle is one of the best performing cryptocurrencies in the past two quarters, with a price increase of more than 1,000%. Interestingly, the token's growth has not slowed down as it has accumulated more than 45% in the past 7 days, with an intraday price increase of 18%. Pendle has attracted increasing interest from investors recently. The trading volume has surged by more than 30% in the past 24 hours, fully reflecting the optimistic sentiment towards the token.

Some other key factors for the rise in Pendle's price include its entry into the emerging liquid stacking field. Pendle is mainly designed for the tokenization and trading of future yields. With TradFi entering the cryptocurrency field, Pendle has the opportunity to see a growing demand for its services.

According to a post on its official Twitter account, the crypto community is already leveraging its capabilities to create decentralized LSTs for other networks. Further increase in demand for services means an increase in the value of the token.

Analysis of Pendle's charts suggests that the token is likely to continue its upward trend for most of the quarter due to its strong ADI rating. Its MACD value also indicates further bullish momentum with a value of 0.9652. On the other hand, PENDLE’s RSI reading suggests that a brief reversal could occur in the coming days.

However, its short-term moving averages remain below the current price, showing its established support levels in the 6.3 – 7.0 range. Therefore, these areas could act as support areas for a pullback. Overall, investors should keep a close eye on PENDLE trends as it has the potential to become the next explosive cryptocurrency.

#etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势


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PUFFER FINANCE – 以太坊再质押的未来 Puffer(河豚)是第一个基于 EigenLayer 构建的原生液体回收协议 (nLRP)。它引入了原生的 Liquid Restaking 代币 (nLRT),可累积 PoS 和Retaking 奖励。协议中的节点利用 Puffer 的反斜线技术来降低风险和提高资本效率,同时通过原生重新质押敞口来增加他们的回报。 第一轮融资来自于2022年6月;一共65万美元,第二轮融资来自2023年8月8日;550万美元,第三轮融资来自今年1月30日;具体金额未披露,Binance Labs宣布对Puffer Finance进行战略融资第四轮融资来自今年4月16日:Puffer Finance 正式宣布已成功完成 A 轮融资。共融资 1800 万美元 Puffer作为EigenLayer生态中的新星,其最值得关注的一点是即将推出的以太坊主网质押功能。届时用户可以直接通过Puffer参与以太坊共识,这将大大降低个人参与验证的门槛。 在资本与社区双重支持下,Puffer有望吸引更多用户采用其创新机制来获得ETH质押收益。这不仅丰富了Puffer的应用场景,也将有助于推动以太坊网络去中心化。我们期待Puffer的产品创新能为用户带来实实在在的价值,促进整个生态的繁荣发展。 在决定是否继续布局时,大家更需要更加谨慎地考虑市场的整体走势以及河豚自身的表现,不知道怎么操作的,点点头像简洁找到汪汪,和我一起把握这波牛市 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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