Tonight's CPI determines the direction of the bull market! ​This is the most worthwhile 10-100x token!

Puffer Finance

Puffer is a native liquidity re-staking platform built on Eigenlayer. It introduces native liquidity re-staking tokens (nLRT), which can accumulate PoS and re-staking rewards. Nodes in the protocol use Puffer's anti-slashing technology to reduce risks and improve capital efficiency, while increasing their returns through native re-staking. Puffer's core mission is to maintain Ethereum's "trusted neutrality" and enhance and maintain Ethereum's decentralization.

Re-staking is a hot topic in this cycle because projects in this field attract a lot of funds on Yitai.

As a rising star in the EigenLayer ecosystem, Puffer's most noteworthy point is the upcoming Ethereum mainnet staking function. At that time, users can directly participate in the Ethereum consensus through Puffer, which will greatly reduce the threshold for individuals to participate in verification.

With the dual support of capital and community, Puffer is expected to attract more users to adopt its innovative mechanism to obtain ETH staking income. This will not only enrich Puffer's application scenarios, but will also help promote the decentralization of the Ethereum network. We look forward to Puffer's product innovations bringing real value to users!