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9 methods of stable investment in the cryptocurrency circle are shared, and newcomers must read it! ! ! ! You will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't read it 1. Hoarding method: suitable for bull and bear markets. The hoarding method is the simplest and most difficult way to play. The simplest reason is that after buying a certain coin or several coins, you hold them for half a year or more without operating them. Basically, the lowest return is ten times. However, it is easy for novices to see high returns, or when the price of the coin is cut in half, they plan to change or get off the car. It is difficult for many people to persist in not operating for a month, let alone a year. So this is actually the most difficult. 2. Bull market chasing method: only suitable for bull markets. Use part of the spare money, preferably not more than one-fifth of the funds. This method is suitable for playing coins with a market value of 20-100, because at least it will not be locked for too long. For example, if you buy the first altcoin, and wait for it to rise by 50% or more, you can change it to the next coin that plummets, and so on. If your first altcoin is locked, then continue to wait, and the bull market will definitely be able to get rid of it. Under the premise that the currency cannot be too bad, this gameplay is actually not easy to control, and newcomers need to be cautious. 3. Hourglass replacement method: suitable for bull market. In the bull market, basically any currency you buy will rise, and funds are like a giant hourglass that slowly seeps into each currency, starting with the big currency. There is an obvious rule for the rise in currency prices, that is, the leading currency will rise first, such as BTC, ETH, DASH, ETC, etc., and then the mainstream currency will start to rise, such as LTC, XMR, EOS, NEO, QTUM, etc. Then the currencies that have not risen will rise generally, such as RDN, XRP, ZEC, etc., and then various small currencies will rise in turn. But if Bitcoin rises, you will pick the next level, the currency that has not risen yet, and start to build a position. 4. Pyramid bottom-picking method: suitable for predicted big crashes. Bottom-picking method: 80% of the entrusted currency price is used to buy one-tenth of the position of the bullet, 70% of the entrusted currency price is used to buy two-tenths of the position of the bullet, 60% of the entrusted currency price is used to buy three-tenths of the position of the bullet, and 50% of the entrusted currency price is used to buy four-tenths of the position of the bullet. 5. Moving average method: You need to understand the basics of K-line. Set the indicator parameters as MA5, MA10, MA20, MA30, MA60, and select the one-day line for the level. If the current price is above the MA5 and MA10 lines, hold it firmly. If MA5 falls below MA10, sell the currency, and if MA5 rises above MA10, buy and open a position. 6. Violent coin hoarding method: do the coin you are familiar with, only suitable for long-term high-quality coins. There is a liquid fund, a certain coin is currently priced at 8 US dollars, then entrust 7 US dollars to buy, when the purchase is successfully executed, entrust 8.8 US dollars to sell. Profits are used to hoard coins. Liquid funds are taken out to continue waiting for the next opportunity. Dynamic adjustment is made according to the current price. If there are three such opportunities in a month, you can hoard a lot of coins. The formula is that the opening price is equal to the current price multiplied by 90%, and the selling price is equal to the current price multiplied by 110%! 7. Iso violent compound interest method: continue to participate in SM, when the new coin has increased by 3-5 times, take away the principal, and then invest in another SM, the profit will continue to be retained, and the cycle will continue. 8. Cyclic band method: Find a black car coin like ETC, add positions when the coin price continues to fall, and continue to add positions when it falls again, and then wait for profit to continue to sell, and the cycle will continue. 9. Violent play of small coins: If you have 10,000 RMB, divide it into ten parts and buy ten different types of small coins. The price is preferably within 3 RMB. After buying, don't worry about it. Don't ship it if it doesn't double 3-5 times. Don't ship it if it is stuck. Put it aside for long-term investment. If a certain coin triples, take away the principal of 1,000 RMB and invest in another small coin. Then the compound interest income is exaggerated! #etf #比特币减半 #WIF I am the God of Wealth! Hurry up and click on the top homepage, the exclusive bull market strategy deployment revealed, only shared free of charge with my fans! Seize this bull market, let your wealth soar like a rocket, and become a winner in life!

9 methods of stable investment in the cryptocurrency circle are shared, and newcomers must read it! ! ! ! You will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't read it

1. Hoarding method: suitable for bull and bear markets.

The hoarding method is the simplest and most difficult way to play. The simplest reason is that after buying a certain coin or several coins, you hold them for half a year or more without operating them. Basically, the lowest return is ten times. However, it is easy for novices to see high returns, or when the price of the coin is cut in half, they plan to change or get off the car. It is difficult for many people to persist in not operating for a month, let alone a year. So this is actually the most difficult.

2. Bull market chasing method: only suitable for bull markets.

Use part of the spare money, preferably not more than one-fifth of the funds. This method is suitable for playing coins with a market value of 20-100, because at least it will not be locked for too long. For example, if you buy the first altcoin, and wait for it to rise by 50% or more, you can change it to the next coin that plummets, and so on. If your first altcoin is locked, then continue to wait, and the bull market will definitely be able to get rid of it. Under the premise that the currency cannot be too bad, this gameplay is actually not easy to control, and newcomers need to be cautious.

3. Hourglass replacement method: suitable for bull market.

In the bull market, basically any currency you buy will rise, and funds are like a giant hourglass that slowly seeps into each currency, starting with the big currency. There is an obvious rule for the rise in currency prices, that is, the leading currency will rise first, such as BTC, ETH, DASH, ETC, etc., and then the mainstream currency will start to rise, such as LTC, XMR, EOS, NEO, QTUM, etc. Then the currencies that have not risen will rise generally, such as RDN, XRP, ZEC, etc., and then various small currencies will rise in turn. But if Bitcoin rises, you will pick the next level, the currency that has not risen yet, and start to build a position.

4. Pyramid bottom-picking method: suitable for predicted big crashes.

Bottom-picking method: 80% of the entrusted currency price is used to buy one-tenth of the position of the bullet, 70% of the entrusted currency price is used to buy two-tenths of the position of the bullet, 60% of the entrusted currency price is used to buy three-tenths of the position of the bullet, and 50% of the entrusted currency price is used to buy four-tenths of the position of the bullet.

5. Moving average method: You need to understand the basics of K-line.

Set the indicator parameters as MA5, MA10, MA20, MA30, MA60, and select the one-day line for the level. If the current price is above the MA5 and MA10 lines, hold it firmly. If MA5 falls below MA10, sell the currency, and if MA5 rises above MA10, buy and open a position.

6. Violent coin hoarding method: do the coin you are familiar with, only suitable for long-term high-quality coins.

There is a liquid fund, a certain coin is currently priced at 8 US dollars, then entrust 7 US dollars to buy, when the purchase is successfully executed, entrust 8.8 US dollars to sell. Profits are used to hoard coins. Liquid funds are taken out to continue waiting for the next opportunity. Dynamic adjustment is made according to the current price. If there are three such opportunities in a month, you can hoard a lot of coins. The formula is that the opening price is equal to the current price multiplied by 90%, and the selling price is equal to the current price multiplied by 110%!

7. Iso violent compound interest method: continue to participate in SM, when the new coin has increased by 3-5 times, take away the principal, and then invest in another SM, the profit will continue to be retained, and the cycle will continue.

8. Cyclic band method: Find a black car coin like ETC, add positions when the coin price continues to fall, and continue to add positions when it falls again, and then wait for profit to continue to sell, and the cycle will continue.

9. Violent play of small coins: If you have 10,000 RMB, divide it into ten parts and buy ten different types of small coins. The price is preferably within 3 RMB. After buying, don't worry about it. Don't ship it if it doesn't double 3-5 times. Don't ship it if it is stuck. Put it aside for long-term investment. If a certain coin triples, take away the principal of 1,000 RMB and invest in another small coin. Then the compound interest income is exaggerated!

#etf #比特币减半 #WIF

I am the God of Wealth! Hurry up and click on the top homepage, the exclusive bull market strategy deployment revealed, only shared free of charge with my fans! Seize this bull market, let your wealth soar like a rocket, and become a winner in life!

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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山寨币还有爆发机会嘛?解析的数据让人你细思极恐! 先来看看数据: 1、比特币现在价格是6.4万,整个市值达到了1.2万亿,市场份额占到了53%,而山寨币呢,全部加起来也就1万多亿的规模。 2、回想2020年的时候,比特币才1.1万,市值2580亿,占市场的58%,那时候山寨币市值才1832亿。然后,当比特币冲到6万的时候,一下子涨了6倍;山寨币也跟着风光,总市值也翻了6倍,涨到了万亿多一点。 3、但你看现在这些山寨币啊,特别是那些L2啊,新叙事之类的,他们的总规模居然已经跟上一轮牛市的高点差不多了!真是吓人啊! 那我们来想三个问题。 1️⃣这1万亿要是想再涨10倍,变成10万亿,这得需要多少资金来推动啊? 2️⃣那些在熊市和牛市初期发行的新币,很多都是低流通、高解锁的。你想想看,到了明年,特别是2025年下半年,那些大量的解锁和抛售,又得需要多少资金来接盘? 3️⃣我们假设一下,如果山寨币的总市值能达到一个高峰,比如说3万亿美金,那平均下来,也就只有3倍左右的涨幅空间。所以啊,大多数山寨币想要有10倍的赚头,真的很难很难。 想要了解更多犀利操作策略?提前埋伏哪些潜力币?赶紧通过主页联系财神,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家! #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC #ETH
币圈想赚钱💹以下几点一定要做到👇👇👇 1⃣ 别急着上车 听说别人赚了钱可能会心痒痒,但别急于冲进去。要先了解一些基本知识,知道炒币是个什么,然后再考虑投入资金。 2⃣小心追涨杀跌 别跟风,别盲目跟着别人买。可能别人买进去时你才知道,那时候可能已经晚了。不如等个好时机再下手。 3⃣钱别全押在一个标的上 别把所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。要分散投资,买几只不同的标的,这样风险就分散了。 4⃣要有底线 设定好自己的损失承受能力,不要为了赌一把就把所有钱都丢进去。设定好止损点,亏损到一定程度就及时止损,保护好自己的本金。 5⃣多学习少盲目 多学习一些币圈的知识,比如看看标的基本情况,听听专家的建议。别光听谣言,别光听风声。 6⃣不要贪心 看到赚了点钱就想着多赚,结果可能会砸锅卖铁,最后一分不剩。及时拿出一部分利润,不要总是想着赚更多。 7⃣别被情绪左右 市场波动大,别被情绪左右。不要因为别人急得像热锅上的蚂蚁就急着跟着抛售,也别因为别人都在买就盲目追涨。 8⃣时间是朋友 不要着急,时间是朋友。不要想着一夜暴富,耐心点,慢慢来,稳扎稳打,慢慢赚。 想要了解更多犀利操作策略?提前埋伏哪些潜力币?赶紧通过主页联系财神,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家! #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC
在币圈赚了比较多的钱,如果提现,银行那会追问钱的来源吗? 金额太大肯定会问的。我被问3次了。 我最开始是在比特中国交易,现在这个平台没了。当时比特币才2500。当时我做电商正好手头不少现金。 后来涨到没想到直接涨到7000多,出金。当时管的不严,银行还问呢。我接了电话,问东问西聊了半天,田里几亩地地里几头牛,姓什么叫什么从哪来到哪去扯了半天犊子。 结果最后冒出一句:先生,我们有一款理财产品特别好,您可以考虑一下。。。我TM晕倒。 再后来就没这么客气了。听说冻卡的事比较多,做了很多防范。最近几年就被冻卡一次。去柜面解冻就可以了。 其实总结一下只要别碰usdt基本没啥事。这里面黑钱特别多。资金一定要冷却。另外一个就是最好是换成美元,然后美元直接汇款到外币账户。这个是最好的。因为已经脱离了中国的金融体系之外,而国内外金融系统是隔离的,美元升值周期还有额外收益。我已经出了十几次大额了。一点事都没有。还可以直接海外消费。 还有一个秘密告诉各位:外贸公司账户是可以卡外汇管制bug的。所以去收购一个成熟的外贸公司,炒币方便很多。还能跨国搬砖。 统一回答一些粉丝问的问题: 1、为啥收购外贸,而不是自己办? 主要是麻烦,而且最好外贸账户有成熟的流水 2、外贸公司没业绩行吗?专门炒币? 最好还是要有点流水 3、跨国搬砖的话盈利多少? 这个主要是取决于各个交易所之间的差价 4、会赔钱吗? 取决于行情波动,一般不会亏,几分钟就能完成一次搬砖。当然有时候交易所处理慢了,行情波动太大,那可能是有问题,不过这种情况非常少。 想要了解更多犀利操作策略?提前埋伏哪些潜力币?赶紧通过主页联系财神,独家揭秘的牛市策略部署,只向我的粉丝无偿分享!抓住这波牛市,让你的财富如火箭般飙升,成为人生赢家! #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #BTC #反诈小贴士
有很多粉丝问我,牛走了吗,才几个月牛就走了吗?那都别玩了,哪有这么玩人的。哈哈,我大家总结了以下几点,大家看完后,回答我,牛还在不? 越是这种时候各位越是要记住一点就是:持有再持有! 选好币,持有他 耐心、耐心再耐心。别折腾。 1、一轮行情基本上以四年为一个牛熊周期。 2、长期持有是赚到大钱最有效的方法。你持有的时间点,最好是牛市初期,或者第一个阶段和第二阶段过渡回调的阶段的低点买进去。 3、目前被低估的大牛币,都会有大涨的一天,只是时间早晚的问题。 4、大部分人对于牛市中自己手里的币种最大遗憾,基本都是没拿住,而不是没买到! 5.不要天天想着现货赚钱,现货赚钱往往在一瞬间,很多币可能前期震荡很长时间不起来,一旦起来就是好几倍的拉升。 所以牛市重结果,不要太重过程,过程的跌宕起伏大家心里肯定比较焦虑,不过只要最终我们收获到一个自己想要的结果,就是好的操作!就是对的操作 ! 如果你不会筛选强势币,想要了解更多犀利操作策略?提前埋伏哪些潜力币?那么建议你关注我。并通过主页联系财神。一对一给您们仓位做分析。成功不是靠运气,选择大于努力,圈子决定命运,在币圈除了有省时度势的火眼金睛,还得跟上一个好的团队,好的领路人,关注我,你在币圈就已经成功了一半! #BTC #大盘走势 #比特币减半

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