If you want to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, you must do the following points 👇👇👇

1⃣ Don't rush to get on the train

You may feel itchy when you hear that others have made money, but don't rush to rush in. You must first understand some basic knowledge and know what cryptocurrency trading is, and then consider investing money.

2⃣ Be careful to chase the rise and fall

Don't follow the trend, don't blindly follow others to buy. You may not know until others buy in, and it may be too late at that time. It is better to wait for a good time before taking action.

3⃣ Don't bet all your money on one target

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. You should diversify your investment and buy several different targets, so that the risk is dispersed.

4⃣ Have a bottom line

Set your own loss tolerance, and don't throw all your money in for a gamble. Set a stop loss point, stop loss in time when the loss reaches a certain level, and protect your principal.

5⃣ Learn more and be less blind

Learn more about the cryptocurrency circle, such as looking at the basic situation of the target and listening to the advice of experts. Don't just listen to rumors, don't just listen to the wind.

6⃣ Don't be greedy

When you see that you have made some money, you think about making more money. As a result, you may sell everything you have, and in the end, you will have nothing left. Take out part of the profit in time, don't always think about making more.

7⃣ Don't be swayed by emotions

The market fluctuates greatly, don't be swayed by emotions. Don't rush to sell just because others are anxious like ants on a hot pot, and don't blindly chase the rise just because others are buying.

8⃣ Time is a friend

Don't be anxious, time is a friend. Don't think about getting rich overnight, be patient, take your time, take steady steps, and make money slowly.

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