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Only those who have really made more than 100 million in the cryptocurrency circle understand the logic: Please take a closer look Step 1: Never think about making money, as long as you can fully implement your own trading system, trading plan, and trading principles, no matter what style. As long as you can do it, you are already the first, and you have defeated most people in the market. Step 2: Losing money in the cryptocurrency circle is due to multiple reasons. The bull market frequently switches between long and short positions, plays with high multiples, buys options randomly, and lives towards death. You must withdraw cash after making money, because you don’t know when the original 519 will come back. Step 3: Get rid of high leverage, get rid of frequent transactions, learn to withdraw part of the money you make, and never charge it back after running away. Cherish the big bull market that God has given you. Most people do not make money by their own ability, but just happen to get rich passively in this Kondratieff cycle. Step 4: The first principle of bottom-fishing when the bull turns back to eat grass is to buy more when the price drops sharply and buy less when the price drops slightly. However, you must control your position. No matter how deep the retracement is, you cannot let a single position be too heavy and leave yourself some room for error. Step 5: "Speculate on new assets, not old assets". New assets are the biggest outlet in the bull market. As long as you hit the outlet, it will be a natural process to gain wealth. So as long as the direction is right, even if you invest less money and sell it earlier, it will be very profitable. Step 6: "Leading" effect, you must get used to buying the "leading" project of the track, so as to develop the habit of buying the leading project. Many people turn to buy the so-called "dragon two, dragon three" because they missed the "leading", and there is also the risk of stepping on the pit. Generally, the real "leading" project has a very high ceiling, so you think you missed it. It is likely that you are only halfway up the mountain. Step 7: You must know how to plan ahead and have the thinking and vision to see the hundred-fold coin. Know how to use the position of the second cake to build a hundred-fold coin. At present, the bull market is surging, and we share passwords every day. If you don't know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me. Whether it is Xianhuo or Heyue, a little effort may be your limit. The opportunity is short, so you must seize it! Success does not depend on luck. Choice is greater than effort. The circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you are already halfway to success in the currency circle! #大盘走势 #WIF #Meme #SHIB $BTC $SOL

Only those who have really made more than 100 million in the cryptocurrency circle understand the logic:

Please take a closer look

Step 1:

Never think about making money, as long as you can fully implement your own trading system, trading plan, and trading principles, no matter what style.

As long as you can do it, you are already the first, and you have defeated most people in the market.

Step 2:

Losing money in the cryptocurrency circle is due to multiple reasons. The bull market frequently switches between long and short positions, plays with high multiples, buys options randomly, and lives towards death. You must withdraw cash after making money, because you don’t know when the original 519 will come back.

Step 3:

Get rid of high leverage, get rid of frequent transactions, learn to withdraw part of the money you make, and never charge it back after running away. Cherish the big bull market that God has given you. Most people do not make money by their own ability, but just happen to get rich passively in this Kondratieff cycle.

Step 4:

The first principle of bottom-fishing when the bull turns back to eat grass is to buy more when the price drops sharply and buy less when the price drops slightly. However, you must control your position. No matter how deep the retracement is, you cannot let a single position be too heavy and leave yourself some room for error.

Step 5:

"Speculate on new assets, not old assets". New assets are the biggest outlet in the bull market. As long as you hit the outlet, it will be a natural process to gain wealth. So as long as the direction is right, even if you invest less money and sell it earlier, it will be very profitable.

Step 6:

"Leading" effect, you must get used to buying the "leading" project of the track, so as to develop the habit of buying the leading project. Many people turn to buy the so-called "dragon two, dragon three" because they missed the "leading", and there is also the risk of stepping on the pit. Generally, the real "leading" project has a very high ceiling, so you think you missed it. It is likely that you are only halfway up the mountain.

Step 7:

You must know how to plan ahead and have the thinking and vision to see the hundred-fold coin. Know how to use the position of the second cake to build a hundred-fold coin.

At present, the bull market is surging, and we share passwords every day.

If you don't know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me. Whether it is Xianhuo or Heyue, a little effort may be your limit. The opportunity is short, so you must seize it! Success does not depend on luck. Choice is greater than effort. The circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you are already halfway to success in the currency circle!

#大盘走势 #WIF #Meme #SHIB $BTC $SOL

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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5个要点,让你在币圈稳扎稳打 币圈摸爬滚打差不多10年,期间赚过,赔过。ico,土狗币,挖矿啥的都干过,历经三轮牛熊。总结了自己的无数操作,最终,能稳稳赚钱的方法只有一种。那就是简单粗暴的,是个人都懂的: 熊市买入,牛市卖出,稳赚不赔。 牛市一般持续6个月~1年,熊市一般维持1~2年。一轮牛熊3~4年。把握住机会,在每一轮牛市赚取至少50%+的收益,足以跑赢各类理财,股票,基金的收益。因为这50%+的收益是肯定能赚到的,没有任何悬念。 1、买新不买旧,尽量底部布局 一定要有耐心,等待新的有价值的币,然后尽可能在底部布局(虽然不可能买在真正的底部),坐等行情起来。 2、只买主流币 BTC、ETH永远是币圈王者,熊市买入绝对没错。虽然不能成倍涨,但是熊市买入,持有到牛市卖出,50%以上涨幅是肯定会有的。大资金首选。 交易所平台币:如BNB 比较强势的基础链:如SOL,AVAX 好的基础设施币:如MATIC 强共识币:狗狗币,SHIB  重仓的永远只能是主流币,千万不要重仓山寨币。山寨币的逻辑就是割韭菜,每一轮牛市都会诞生很多种山寨币。这一轮牛市高歌猛进的山寨币,在下一轮牛市中可能就彻底沉寂。被新的山寨币的高光掩盖。没有内部渠道和消息,几乎不可能押中一个山寨币,在它爆发前买入。一般都是看到某个山寨币暴涨后,才知道有这么一个币,此时跟进早已经晚了。也许跟进运气好此币还会持续上涨一波,但大概率是震荡下跌。山寨币波动太大,一般人不论涨跌都是拿不住的。经常是小赚一点,大亏一笔。最后算起来都是亏。 3、牛市中期卖出,后面不再操作 牛市初期BTC会慢慢上涨,一枝独秀,带动ETH上涨。此时一些好的主流币跟涨,其他币缓缓上涨,极个别山寨币狂飙,大部分山寨币没啥动静。 牛市中期BTC、ETH震荡上涨,主流币发力上涨,山寨币开始启动。 牛市后期BTC震荡下跌,ETH可能持续冲高,主流币相继冲高,次轮牛市的高光山寨币暴涨数倍,甚至数十倍数百倍。 牛市尾声BTC几千点甚至上万点的跌幅,然后稍微恢复,第一次的暴跌恢复很快,给人只是调整的错觉。经过两三次这样的跌幅,牛市宣告结束。此时如果被套住,请不要再抱有幻想,及时止损。不然本金会被拖入无底深渊。 3、牛市中不要赌运气 牛市中有很多机会,特别是牛市中后期,山寨币乱飞,很多山寨币暴涨很多倍,看着让人眼红。让人急不可耐的跟进或头脑一热选择某些看好的但还未爆发的山寨币重仓下手,自己还很有信心的等待其暴涨。这样的心态最好不要有,这完全就是在赌运气,和赌博无异,跟投资完全不沾边。 每一轮牛市都会诞生很多割韭菜的山寨币,这些山寨币的噱头都很足,背景看起来都很强大,涨势非常猛。请忍住诱惑,退潮后才知道谁在裸泳。当BTC暴跌,熊市来了这些山寨币都是腰斩,脚斩,甚至逼近归零。 实在忍不住诱惑也只能用极小的资金跟进玩玩,就算小赚了也千万不要头脑一热就重仓梭哈。千万不要,千万不要,千万不要。这属于赌博,赌博不可能一直运气好。不怕你赚一百次,就怕你只输一次,就输掉所有重来的资本。不要幻想重仓一个山寨币然后暴富,这和买彩票幻想中大奖一样,属于超级超级小概率事件。小资金玩玩当成娱乐可以,当成投资千错万错。 4、多点耐心,少点冲动 在熊市买入后,需要耐心等待到牛市卖出,期间的涨跌不要操作,期间的等待需要耐心。 在牛市卖出后,耐心等待牛市崩溃进入熊市。期间可能会需要一两年时间。不要冲动的在山腰山脚就抄底,耐心等待跌入谷底的时刻。 在牛市卖出赚钱后,不要忍不住诱惑冲动的去玩山寨币。实在想赌一把,也只能动用最多10%的资金。 5、本金永远是最重要的 如果不慎乱操作被套住,尽可能的保住本金是最重要的。在币圈崩盘之时舍得割肉及时止损,保住大部分本金,保住基本盘。就还有东山再起的希望。耐心等币圈跌入深渊,在用所剩的本金抄底。不要被套住了就陪着币圈一起崩盘陪葬,很多时候买了被套住的币,在币圈崩盘前卖掉最多损失50%的本金,如果不管不顾,任由其跌,死守到底。等这个币随币圈跌入谷底,那所剩的本金几乎没有在重来的可能了。 #反诈小贴士 #ETH #BTC $$$

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